[Wrf-users] help

Jamima Sunder calljamima at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 17 04:03:07 MST 2006

Good morning

i am trying to run the wrf model in redhat enterprize
linux. when i run perl install_wrfsi.pl im getting the
following error. i have installed pgi compiler in
/usr/pgi and has set the path in /etc/profile file. pl
help me on this error.

Thank you in advance


SRCROOT = /home/jamima/WRFV2/wrfsi
INSTALLROOT = /home/jamima/WRFV2/wrfsi
DATAROOT = /home/jamima/WRFV2/wrfsi/domains
EXT_DATAROOT = /home/jamima/WRFV2/wrfsi/extdata
GEOG_DATAROOT = /home/jamima/WRFV2/wrfsi/extdata/GEOG
TEMPLATES = /home/jamima/WRFV2/wrfsi/templates
NETCDF = /home/jamima/WRFV2/netcdf-3.6.0-p1
Make and install wrfsi binaries in
ar: creating liblaps.a
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [machine_dependent.o] Error 127
ar: creating libw3.a
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [datimx.o] Error 127
/bin/sh: pgf90: command not found
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [wrf_io.o] Error 127
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [module_date_pack.o] Error 127
make: *** [lib] Error 1
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [adjust_geog.o] Error 127
make: *** [ggminstall] Error 2
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `grib_prep.exe',
needed by `install'.  Stop.make: *** [gprepinstall]
Error 2
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [module_hinterp_setup.o] Error 127
make: *** [hinterpinstall] Error 2
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [module_vinterp_domain.o] Error 127
make: *** [vinterpinstall] Error 2
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [siscan.o] Error 127
make: *** [utilinstall] Error 2
make[1]: pgf90: Command not found
make[1]: *** [module_staticpost_setup.o] Error 127
make: *** [spostinstall] Error 2

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