[Tgcmgroup] new tgcmproc

Ben Foster Ben Foster <foster@hao.ucar.edu>
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 11:39:21 -0700 (MST)

Dear tgcmgroup:

I am releasing an updated version of tgcmproc (tgcmproc1), our fortran
post-processor for the tiegcm and time-gcm models. This code has been 
ported to the IBM platform. For the next couple of weeks tgcmproc1 will 
be available for testing on the IBM's and the SGI (the old version will 
still be available on the SGI dataproc).  After this test period, I will 
make tgcmproc1 the default on all machines.

Executables are stored on the ncar mss as follows:
  /TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc_aix    # executable for IBM
  /TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc1_irix  # executable for SGI
  /TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc_o2k    # old tgcmproc for SGI

The new source code is at hao /home/tgcm/tgcmproc/tgcmproc1, and also on
  the mss as /TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc1.tar.Z

Job scripts to make batch runs of tgcmproc1 are at hao:


To get started with tgcmproc1 on dave (a special post-processing and
visualization node on blackforest) or bluesky, take the following steps:

1. Copy the job script /home/tgcm/tgcmproc/tgcmproc_ibm.job to your own 
   directory, make it writeable by owner (chmod 644), and make the following 

   a. Change REMOTE to your own machine:path to receive output listings.

   b. Change "tgcmproc.inp" to your own namelist input file (input files
      used with the old tgcmproc should work with tgcmproc1). Input files 
      given in the INCLUDE statement can be a local file, or full or relative 
      paths (e.g., ~/tgcmproc/tgcmproc.inp).

   c. Set the class (IBM's name for queue) to "dv_reg" (or "share") for 
      dave, or "share" for bluesky.
      # @ class = dv_reg
      # @ class = share

   d. Set the wall_clock limit. Setting this as low as possible will reduce
      time spent waiting in the queues. You will learn from experience
      how low you can set it for different runs. The wall_clock limit
      on both machines is 6 hours.

2. Make the appropriate entries in your .rhosts files on bluesky, dave,
   and your hao workstation (note that dave and blackforest share the
   same home). Make sure that rcp works in both directions between
   all 3 machines (contact me at x1595 or the consultants at x1278 if 
   you need help with this).

3. Put the following lines in your .cshrc files on dave and bluesky:
      setenv NCARG_LIB /usr/local/lib32/r4i4
      setenv NCARG_ROOT /contrib   # on dave (/usr/local is also ok on dave)
      setenv NCARG_ROOT /usr/local # on bluesky

4. Submit to dave or bluesky using the "submit" command (/home/tgcm/bin/submit):
   submit tgcmproc_ibm.job.

5. Note that if you already have model history files on the IBM disk
   (e.g., from a recent model run) you can set the namelist input "tmpdir" 
   to this directory so tgcmproc will not have to go to the mss. (You can
   run tgcmproc concurrently with the model using this method).


To run interactively on dave or bluesky, take the following steps:
(after fixing .rhosts and .cshrc files as in steps 2 and 3 above)

1. Login to either dave or bluesky, go to a directory under /ptmp, and 
   get the tgcmproc1 executable from the mss with the following command:
   msrcp mss:/TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc_aix .

2. Give executable permissions:
   chmod u+x tgcmproc_aix

3. Copy your namelist input file from your hao workstation using rcp.

4. Execute with your input file:
   tgcmproc_aix < tgcmproc.inp


Running tgcmproc1 with 2.5 degree resolution histories requires recompilation
with modification to a single source file. To do this:

1. Copy the job script /home/tgcm/tgcmproc/tgcmproc_ibm_2.5h.job
2. Change REMOTE and tgcmproc_2.5h.inp
3. Submit with "submit tgcmproc_ibm_2.5h.job"

Note if you exceed your home disk space with this command, copy the
job script to a /e or /d directory and resubmit (you can INCLUDE the
full path to your input file).


To run tgcmproc1 on SGI dataproc, use the following job scripts:


Highlights of the new version:

  o Tgcmproc1 runs on both SGI and IBM platforms (can be run on NCAR's SGI 
    dataproc, IBM dave (a special purpose node on blackforest), and on 
    IBM bluesky (interactive or share queues).

  o Interpolation of tgcm model results to satellite observational tracks
    e.g., TIMED mission SABER and TIDI orbit tracks (Craig Hartsough code
    additions to tgcmproc).

  o New netcdf output file, including 2 new namelist options to customize
    the vertical dimension (zp or ht) of fields written to the output file. 

  o Processing of 2.5 degree resolution model histories by recompilation
    with modifications to a single parameter file (proc.f).

  o Processing of Jupiter (jtgcm) histories.

  o Several bug fixes, new derived fields, repaired xdr output.

  o Anti-highlight: tgcmproc1 still does NOT process fields on the geomagnetic 
    grid (maybe next time).

Please see /home/tgcm/tgcmproc/tgcmproc1/README for all the gory details.
(see especially the notes on netcdf output files)


Please let me know if you have any problems with tgcmproc1 during the
test period. I discourage everybody from becoming dependent on modifications
to the source code (with the exception of 2.5h runs). If you are tempted to 
modify the source, let me know and we can discuss the problem. This will 
minimize the impact to users of updating the code in the future. Good Luck!


Ben Foster		      	High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
foster@ucar.edu			phone: 303-497-1595  fax: 303-497-1589  
Nat. Center for Atmos. Res.     P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA