[Nsa] Call for staff to chat with students June 4 - 7

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Tue May 29 11:19:06 MDT 2018

 Good afternoon,

We will be hosting the NCAR Undergraduate Leadership Workshop (ULW) at NCAR
soon, and we are looking for staff to join our students for lunchtime
We are seeking scientists, software engineers, instrument engineers,
communication specialists, web designers, educators, and others.  We expect
that there would be a few students talking with each table-mentor, and hope
that you can talk with them about careers and career advice. And because it
is a leadership workshop, we'd love for you to talk about traits you look
for in a good leader.

This year we have a large cohort of 25 students, half of whom are coming
from Minority Serving Institutions. We are really excited about meeting
such a diverse group of passionate and curious students. If you aren't
familiar with the ULW, see David Hosansky's beautiful piece in  AtmosNews
highlights a small BAMS article that we wrote about the long-term ​benefits
of the ULW on participants.

The ULW students will be at the following campuses cafeterias from 12:00 pm
to 1:00 pm on these days:

Mon, June 4: Mesa Lab
Tues, June 5: Mesa Lab
Wed, June 6: Foothills Lab
Thur, June 7: Foothills Lab

If you can join us for *one or more of these lunches*, the students will be
excited to meet you and bounce ideas around with you about life, careers,
and leadership.

Please let us know in this online form
 if you can join us at any of those times.  I will be in touch with you
with more details after that.

Thank you so much for this very important piece of the ULW program. Last
year we had 55 (!!) staff members participate in lunchtime conversations,
panels, and as speakers in the ULW, which gives the students amazing access
to people in different careers and perspectives.

​Please let colleagues know that they are also welcome to participate and
send them this email and this this online form

Kind regards,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Valerie Sloan, Ph.D.
Director of the GEO REU Network &
Senior Higher Education Specialist
NCAR Education & Outreach
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Email: vsloan at ucar.edu

Scott Briggs
ASP Postdoctoral Program Specialist
NCAR Education and Outreach
Advanced Study Program
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