[Nsa] Fwd: Heldfest

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Thu Jul 19 09:10:56 MDT 2018


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Rossi <lrossi at princeton.edu>
Date: Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 2:49 PM
Subject: Heldfest

Attached please find a poster announcing a symposium to be held
October 29-31, 2018 in Princeton. The symposium is to honor Isaac Held
and his contributions in advancing our understanding of the Earth's
Climate.   The program has been designed by some of Isaac's graduate
students, post-docs and research colleagues. For registration and
information, please visit the link given on the attached poster

Our venue will only accommodate 200, so registration is required.
[https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/?eventid=2521760]  Please do
feel free to publicly display the poster and forward this notice to
others, especially students and early career researchers with an
affinity for the approaches that Isaac has championed and with an eye
to fostering diversity in this area. A limited number of competitive
scholarships to help cover travel costs are available to students and
will be based on poster abstracts judged by the organizing committee.

Please do sign up soon and join us for what should be an enjoyable gathering!

Best regards,

Laura and the Organizing Committee

*Laura Rossi*
Manager, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program
Administrator, Cooperative Institute for Climate Science
*Princeton University*
208 Sayre Hall, Forrestal Campus
300 Forrestal Road
Princeton, New Jersey 08540-6654
Phone: 609-258-6376
Fax: 609-258-2850
Email: Lrossi at Princeton.EDU

Scott Briggs
ASP Postdoctoral Program Specialist
NCAR Education and Outreach
Advanced Study Program
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