[Nsa] Fall Teaching Opportunities at CU

Andrew Gettelman andrew at ucar.edu
Tue May 24 13:14:04 MDT 2016

Dear NSA,

The following message comes from John Cassano at CU to see if any NCAR
staff are interesting in lecturing in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
(ATOC) for the fall.



The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC) at the University
of Colorado
is looking to hire two lecturers for the fall 2016 semester to teach one
section of ATOC 1050
(Weather and the Atmosphere) and one section of ATOC 1060 (Our Changing
A brief description of these classes is available at
These are both large enrollment (150 to 300 student), freshman level
classes. The lecturers will be
responsible for leading twice weekly class lecturers, preparing homework
assignments and exams,
and working with the class teaching and learning assistants. The teaching
assistants assigned to
these classes typically handle most of the grading although the lecturers
may also need to do some
grading. Class materials from previously taught versions of these classes
will be made available.

The salary for each of these positions is $6,350 to $7000.

Please contact John Cassano (john.cassano at colorado.edu) if you are
interested in
learning more about these positions. We plan to fill these openings by early

Dr. Andrew Gettelman   andrew at ucar.edu
National Center For Atmospheric Research
3090 Center Green Drive,
Boulder, Colorado 80301, USA
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