[Nsa] Learning about teaching methods

Matthias Steiner msteiner at ucar.edu
Wed Feb 27 14:10:10 MST 2013

Dear Members of the NSA,

Please take note of the forwarded email below regarding an opportunity to
learn about teaching methods.  For more details contact Cindy Schmidt.

With best wishes,

Matthias Steiner and Simone Tilmes
Co-Chairs of the NSA EC

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From:    "Cindy Schmidt" <cschmidt at ucar.edu>

*Calling all those with an interest in teaching*

If you are interested in learning more about teaching at the
postsecondary or graduate level, and/or if you think your career may
include teaching at some point, you may want to take advantage of this

The UCAR President's Office is supporting a limited number of our
scientists and engineers to learn about teaching methods, STEM-specific
pedagogy, framing for diverse populations, and assessment and evaluation
of student learning.  The director and the STEM lead coordinator of the
Graduate Teacher Program at the University of Colorado-Boulder are
willing to speak with interested people at NCAR about tailoring a short
workshop series on  pedagogy to suit your needs.  This includes
addressing content as well as the number of sessions and timing of the
workshops.  If you are interested in being part of that discussion,
there is no need to commit up front to participating in the workshops.
You can join the discussion, see how the workshop series is going to
evolve, and then commit or not.  The discussion will likely take
approximately an hour of time for everyone who declares interest.

Space is limited.  Please contact Cindy Schmidt in the UCAR President's
Office at cschmidt at ucar.edu <mailto:cschmidt at ucar.edu>, or 303-497-2107,
if you are interested in participating in the discussion to shape a
class.  The deadline to express interest is Monday, March 4.  Thanks!--
Cindy Schmidt

Cynthia Schmidt
Advisor to the President for University Relations
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Delivery Address:  3090 Center Green Drive, Boulder, CO 80301
Mailing Address:   PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Office: 303 497-2107
Cell:   303 818-0782
FAX:    303 497-2100

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