[Nsa] NCAR Summer Colloquia, 2006

Kathleen Barney leeney at ucar.edu
Wed Oct 19 11:48:42 MDT 2005

Dear Colleague,

Every year NCAR holds one or two summer colloquia that cover topics of
current interest; these colloquia are run and funded by ASP.  This year
ASP has received 6 proposals for colloquia, which is many more than can
be funded or, indeed, held at NCAR in one summer.  For this reason, ASP
has asked the NSA for advice on which of the colloquium topics are "most

We would like to solicit NSA volunteers to form a small committee (4-6
persons) to evaluate the colloquium proposals and submit recommendations
to ASP director, Dr. Maura Hagan.

Here is the timetable and work to be done:

1. Selection of committee by COB Friday, October 28.  This will be done by the
NSA exec committee from the responses to this request.  Potential
committee members should not have conflicts of interest, i.e., they should
not be leads or collaborators on any of the colloquium proposals.

2. Committee members review the proposals privately (not an onerous task;
the proposals are only 2-3 pages each).

3. Committee meets once to discuss the proposals and draft a
recommendation. This needs to be completed by Friday, November 18.

4. Recommendation sent to Dr. Hagan by COB monday, November 21. The
recommendation should rank the proposals in order of perceived relevance; 
the final
decision on which one or two proposals to fund will be made by ASP.

If you are willing to serve on this committee, or if you have any questions,
please contact one of us by Friday, October 28.  Thanks in advance.

Rolando Garcia (rgarcia at ucar.edu)
Rick Katz (rwk at ucar.edu)

Co-chairs, NSA exec committee

Rolando R. Garcia
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 8030-3000
rgarcia at ucar.edu
(303) 497-1446
(303) 497-1400 (FAX)

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