[Nsa] Fwd: message to NSA

Kathleen Barney leeney at ucar.edu
Thu Nov 3 11:58:46 MST 2005

>Dear Colleague:
>The executive committee of the NCAR Scientists' Assembly (NSA) has
>scheduled an
>                                 NSA GENERAL MEETING
>                                 NOVEMBER 11, FRIDAY, 2-4 PM
>                                 MESA LAB, MAIN SEMINAR ROOM
>to discuss various issues of current and future interest for NCAR as an
>and for NCAR science and facilities.
>The agenda is as follows:
>2:00-2:30:  NCAR director Dr. Tim Killeen will address the NSA on the
>topics of future
>             budgets, status of the strategic plan, classified research,
>and the
>             future of NCAR computing, with emphasis on the proposed
>"Data Center"
>             project.
>2:30-3:00:  questions and discussion
>3:00-3:30:  Dr. Rich Loft, SCD Deputy Director of R&D, will discuss
>NCAR's plans to
>             respond to the NSF's $30M solicitation for a
>high-performance computing system
>             (see
>http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp? pims_id=13649&org=OCI&from=home).
>3:30-4:00:  questions and discussion
>Rolando R Garcia
>PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
>rgarcia at ucar.edu
>(303) 497-1446
>(303) 497-1400 (fax)
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