; ; This Script makes spatial plot of nearSurface Rain observed from radar ;;;; The Dimesions of the above files is 9246X 49 ; ; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" begin ; 1. Read file and Print Meta Info flnm = "test.dat" strs = asciiread(flnm,-1,"string") delim = " " nfields = str_fields_count(strs, delim) ; Count the fields separated ; by one or more spaces. ;print(nfields) ; nfields = 20 field = 25 subStrings = str_get_field(strs, field, delim) print(subStrings) ; (/"200306130209","200306130209",...,/) year = str_get_cols(subStrings, 0, 3) print(year) ; (/"2003","2003","2003","2003"/) month = str_get_cols(subStrings, 4, 5) print(month) ; (/"06","06","06","06"/) day = stringtoint(str_get_cols(subStrings, 6, 7)) print(day) ; (/13,13,12,12/) Total_Npix = dimsF(0) end