<div dir="ltr"><div>FYI:</div><div><br></div><div>In general, looping in an interpreted language [NCL, Matlab, Python, R, ...] is 'slow' relative to a compiled language like fortran, etc. Sometimes, quite slow. To my knowledge, one 'key' to fortran's speed is that fortran does not allow unrestricted pointers. This allows the compiler to do 'data look-ahead' [my words, I am not a computer science person]. The compiler can issue 'pre-fetch' instructions tp load (say) cache so when the data are needed it is in fast memory. Please correct me if I am wrong.</div><div><br></div><div>I would say that looping in NCL is reasonably 'quick.' As example, see the code for the Monthly Water Balance Model described at: <a href="http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/crop.shtml" target="_blank"><b>http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/crop.shtml</b></a></div><div>Code: <a href="http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/MWBM_DRIVER.ncl" target="_blank"><b>http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/MWBM_DRIVER.ncl</b></a></div><div><br></div><div>In the 3-dimension (time,lat,lon) case, the following loops aver all times and grid points<br></div><div><br></div><div>The following occurred surprisingly quickly <br></div><div><pre>;========================================================
; Brute Force: Loop over each time step and all 'land' grid points
ntim = dim_data(0)<br>[**SNIP**]
elseif (rank_prc.eq.3) then
nlat = dim_data(1)
mlon = dim_data(2)
remain := new( (/nlat,mlon/), type_data, type_fill)
remain = 0.0 ; 25.4
remain@long_name= "Remain Precip Water"
remain@units = "mm"
prestor := new( (/nlat,mlon/), type_data, type_fill)
prestor = 0.0 ; 25.4
prestor@long_name= "Remain Precip Water"
prestor@units = "mm"
if (isscalar(lsmask) .and. lsmask.eq.1) then
lsm := new( (/nlat,mlon/), "integer", "No_FillValue")
lsm = 1
lsm = lsmask
end if
do nl=0,nlat-1
do ml=0,mlon-1
if (lsm(nl,ml).eq.1) then ; land only
do nt=0,ntim-1
prain(nt,nl,ml) = prc(nt,nl,ml)-snow(nt,nl,ml)
rodirect(nt,nl,ml)= prain(nt,nl,ml) *directfac ; Direct Runoff: Eq (3)
prain(nt,nl,ml) = prain(nt,nl,ml) -rodirect(nt,nl,ml) ; remaining rain
snstor(nt,nl,ml) = snstor(nt,nl,ml)+snow(nt,nl,ml) ; psnow accumulates as snstor (page 1)
if (snstor(nt,nl,ml).gt.0 .and. tmp(nt,nl,ml).gt.TSNOW) then
if (snstor(nt,nl,ml).le.10) then
smelt(nt,nl,ml) = snstor(nt,nl,ml)
smeltf(nt,nl,ml) = MELTMAX*((tmp(nt,nl,ml)-TSNOW)/((TRAIN-TSNOW)+0.0001)) ; Eq (5)
if (smeltf(nt,nl,ml).gt.MELTMAX) then
smeltf(nt,nl,ml) = MELTMAX
end if
smelt(nt,nl,ml) = smeltf(nt,nl,ml)*snstor(nt,nl,ml) ; Eq (6)
snstor(nt,nl,ml) = snstor(nt,nl,ml)-smelt(nt,nl,ml)
if (snstor(nt,nl,ml).lt.0.0) then
snstor(nt,nl,ml) = 0.0
end if
end if
end if
prain(nt,nl,ml) = prain(nt,nl,ml) + smelt(nt,nl,ml)
pmpe(nt,nl,ml) = prain(nt,nl,ml) - pet(nt,nl,ml) ; net water
if (pmpe(nt,nl,ml).lt.0) then
sms(nt,nl,ml) = prestor(nl,ml) - abs((pmpe(nt,nl,ml)*prestor(nl,ml))/WHC)
if (sms(nt,nl,ml).lt.0) then
sms(nt,nl,ml) = 0
end if
delstor = sms(nt,nl,ml) - prestor(nl,ml) ; change in soil moisture
aet(nt,nl,ml) = prain(nt,nl,ml) - delstor ; JAVA: ae = prain + delstor * (-1.0);
prestor(nl,ml) = sms(nt,nl,ml) ; save for next iteration
surplus(nt,nl,ml) = 0.0
aet(nt,nl,ml) = pet(nt,nl,ml)
sms(nt,nl,ml) = prestor(nl,ml) + pmpe(nt,nl,ml)
if (sms(nt,nl,ml).gt.WHC) then
surplus(nt,nl,ml) = sms(nt,nl,ml) - WHC
sms(nt,nl,ml) = WHC
end if
prestor(nl,ml) = sms(nt,nl,ml) ; save for next iteration
end if
deficit(nt,nl,ml) = pet(nt,nl,ml) - aet(nt,nl,ml)
runoff(nt,nl,ml) = (surplus(nt,nl,ml)+remain(nl,ml))*runoffFactor
remain = (surplus(nt,nl,ml)+remain(nl,ml))-runoff(nt,nl,ml)
if (remain(nl,ml).lt.0) then
remain(nl,ml) = 0
end if
runoff(nt,nl,ml) = runoff(nt,nl,ml) + rodirect(nt,nl,ml)
end do ; nt
end if ; lsm
end do ; ml
end do ; nl
end if ; rank_data</pre></div><div><br></div></div>