forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred Image PC Routine Line Source ESMF_RegridWeight 0000000000428A7D Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007FE70D8F4B00 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007FE70FD13C15 esmf_meshmod_mp_e Unknown Unknown 00007FE70FD0E1CC esmf_meshmod_mp_e Unknown Unknown 00007FE70FD3D099 esmf_regridweight Unknown Unknown ESMF_RegridWeight 000000000040A71E Unknown Unknown Unknown ESMF_RegridWeight 000000000040661E Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007FE70D5616E5 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown ESMF_RegridWeight 0000000000406529 Unknown Unknown Unknown Copyright (C) 1995-2019 - All Rights Reserved University Corporation for Atmospheric Research NCAR Command Language Version 6.6.2 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement. See for more details. Variable: mpas Type: float Total Size: 23592968 bytes 5898242 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [nCells | 5898242] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 units : K long_name : ground or water surface temperature (0) get_src_grid_info: source lat dims = (5898242) (0) get_src_grid_info: source lon dims = (5898242) (0) get_src_grid_info: source grid type is 'unstructured' (0) unstructured_to_ESMF: using triangular mesh provided by the user (0) min/max ElementVertices = 0/5898241 (0) unstructured_to_ESMF: total number of elements created: 11796480 (0) unstructured_to_ESMF: Element Area: min:6.169196349326e-07 max:1.100102256845759e-06 (0) write_grid_description_file: writing unstructured 'Src' grid to an ESMF description file (0) get_dst_grid_info: destination lat dims = (900) (0) get_dst_grid_info: destination lon dims = (1800) (0) curvilinear_to_SCRIP: calculating grid corners... (0) curvilinear_to_SCRIP: no lat values are at the poles, so (0) calculating grid corners using (0) calc_SCRIP_corners_noboundaries... (0) calc_SCRIP_corners_noboundaries (0) min/max original lat: -89.9/89.9 (0) min/max original lon: 0.1/359.9 (0) calc_SCRIP_corners_noboundaries (0) min/max Extlat2d: -90.1/90.1 (0) min/max Extlon2d: -0.1/360.1 (0) calc_SCRIP_corners_noboundaries (0) min/max ExtGridCenter_lat: -90/90 (0) min/max ExtGridCenter_lon: -7.45058e-09/360 (0) ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: number of processors used: 1 (0) -------------------------------------------------- (0) ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: the following command is about to be executed on the system: (0) 'ESMF_RegridWeightGen --ignore_degenerate --src_loc corner --source --destination --weight --src_type ESMF -i' (0) -------------------------------------------------- (0) ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: output from 'ESMF_RegridWeightGen': (0) (1) WARNING: deprecated switch -src_type will be ignored. The file type will be de (2) tected automatically (3) Starting weight generation with these inputs: (4) Source File: (5) Destination File: (6) Weight File: (7) Source File is in ESMF format (8) Source Grid is a global grid (9) Source Grid is an unstructured grid (10) Use the corner coordinates of the source grid to do the regrid (11) Destination File is in SCRIP format (12) Destination Grid is a global grid (13) Destination Grid is a logically rectangular grid (14) Use the center coordinates of the destination grid to do the regrid (15) Regrid Method: bilinear (16) Pole option: ALL (17) Ignore unmapped destination points (18) Ignore degenerate cells in the input grids (19) Line Type: cartesian (20) Norm Type: dstarea (21) Extrap. Method: none (22) (0) -------------------------------------------------- (0) ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: 'ESMF_RegridWeightGen' was not successful.