;****************************************************************** ; gfed_3.ncl ; ; Concepts illustrated: ; - Creating function to perform specific tasks ; Create a 'group' path; access data; rearrange data; add meyta data ; - Getting all file names ; - Looping over files ; - Extracting specific variables from nested hdf5 groups ; - Creating CF conforming netCDF ; ;****************************************************************** ; GFED: Global Fire Emmisions Database ; Convert hdf5 with embedded 'groups' to CF conformant netCDF-4 ; Make the variables conform to the same ordering of CESM spatial coordinates ; This latter step is not necessary. It facilitates CESM post processing. ;****************************************************************** ; undef("addMeta") procedure addMeta(x:numeric, time[*]:numeric, lat[*]:numeric, lon[*]:numeric) ; ; [1] add meta data ; [2] For consistency with CESM: ; (a) make South-to-North ordering ; (b) make array start at GM: all positive longitudes ; Options 2a and 2b can be commented if they are not desired ; local dimx, rankx, xx begin dimx = dimsizes(x) rankx = dimsizes(dimx) ; only 2D or 3D if (.not.(rankx.eq.2 .or. rankx.eq.3)) then print("addMeta: rankx="+rankx+" not supported") print(dimx) exit end if if (rankx.eq.2) then x!0 = "lat" x!1 = "lon" x&lat = lat x&lon = lon x = x(::-1,:) ;make S->N else x!0 = "time" x!1 = "lat" x!2 = "lon" x&time= time x&lat = lat x&lon = lon x = x(:,::-1,:) ;make S->N end if ;for consistency with CESM order x = lonFlip(x) ;make start at/near Grenwich Meridion end ;--- undef("get_gefd_var") function get_gefd_var(f:file, grp_name[*]:string, var_name[1]:string \ ,time[*], lat[*], lon[*] ) ; ;---Create an appropriate group path ;---Loop over the 12 monthly groups and, where appropriate sub-groups ;---Create and 'fill' array with appropriate values ;---Add meta data ; local nlat, mlon, ngrp, nmo, nmos, varType, grp_month, pth_name, x begin nmos = 12 nlat = dimsizes(lat) mlon = dimsizes(lon) ; explicitly create month 'groups' with 0-filled values grp_month = sprinti("%0.2i",ispan(1,nmos,1)) ; "01", "02",..., "12" ngrp = dimsizes(grp_name) if (ngrp.eq.1) then pth_name = "/"+grp_name+"/"+grp_month+"/"+var_name else pth_name = "/"+grp_name(0)+"/"+grp_month+"/"+grp_name(1)+"/"+var_name end if varType = getfilevartypes(f, pth_name) x = new ( (/nmos,nlat,mlon/), varType, "No_FillValue") do nmo=1,nmos x(nmo-1,:,:) = f->$pth_name(nmo-1)$ end do ; procedure to add appropriate meta data to each variable addMeta(x , time, lat, lon) return(x) end ;********************************************************** ; MAIN ;*********************************************************** ;---Avoid printing Warning messages err = NhlGetErrorObjectId() setvalues err "errLevel" : "Fatal" ; only report Fatal errors end setvalues ;---netCDF netCDF = True ; =True create netCDF-4 ; =False print only; no file creation dirnc = "/home/bchaimite/lustre/gfed/output/" ; any directory ;---read names of source files which are GFED.1s_*.hdf5 diri = "/home/bchaimite/lustre/gfed/fire_emissions_v4_1293/data/" ; directory with source hdf5 files all_files = systemfunc ("cd "+diri+" ; ls GFED4.1s_*hdf5") print(all_files) pthi = diri+all_files ;create file path print(pthi) nfil = dimsizes(pthi) print("nfil="+nfil) ;---loop over each year file. The year is in the file name. ;---There is no time internal to the file. do nf=0,nfil-1 print("File loop: "+all_files(nf)) ;---extract time with "_" and "." delimiters ; convert string to integer year = toint(str_get_field(all_files(nf),3,"_.")) ;---create a CF conforming time coordinate (technically: 1997 is 'arbitrary') units = "hours since 1997-01-01 00:00:00" ; "seconds/hours/days since ...." ; do NOT use "months since ...." mm = ispan(1,12,1) yyyymm = year*100+mm yyyy = yyyymm/100 dd = conform(yyyymm, 1, -1) hh = conform(yyyymm, 0, -1) mn = conform(yyyymm, 0, -1) sc = conform(yyyymm, 0, -1) time = cd_inv_calendar(yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mn,sc,units, 0) time@info = "time corresponds to the 1st day of current month" time!0 = "time" time&time = time ;print(time) yyyymm!0 = "time" yyyymm&time = time ; associate 'time' with 'yyyymm' yyyymm@long_name = "current year and month: YYYYMM" ;print(yyyymm) ;---import data from current hdf5 file f = addfile(pthi(nf),"r") ; open file ;print(f) ; file overview if (nf.eq.0) then ; time invariant information LAT = f->lat ; (:,:) .... replicated LON = f->lon ; (:,:) ; create 'coordinate variables' lat = (/LAT(:,0)/) lon = (/LON(0,:)/) lat@units = LAT@units lon@units = LON@units lat!0 = "lat" lon!0 = "lon" lat&lat = lat lon&lon = lon ; sizes nlat = dimsizes(lat) mlon = dimsizes(lon) ; invariant variables: 'ancill' group: add meta data basis_regions = f->/ancill/basis_regions addMeta(basis_regions, time, lat, lon) printVarSummary(basis_regions) ; [lat | 720] x [lon | 1440] grid_cell_area = f->/ancill/grid_cell_area addMeta(grid_cell_area, time, lat, lon) printVarSummary(grid_cell_area) ; [lat | 720] x [lon | 1440] delete([/ LAT,LON /]) end if ; nf=0 =1 ;---Desired variables bf = get_gefd_var(f, "burned_area", "burned_fraction", time, lat,lon) src = get_gefd_var(f, "burned_area", "source", time, lat,lon) c = get_gefd_var(f, "emissions" , "C" , time, lat,lon) dm = get_gefd_var(f, "emissions" , "DM" , time, lat,lon) smf = get_gefd_var(f, "emissions" , "small_fire_fraction" , time, lat,lon) bb = get_gefd_var(f, "biosphere" , "BB" , time, lat,lon) npp = get_gefd_var(f, "biosphere" , "NPP" , time, lat,lon) rh = get_gefd_var(f, "biosphere" , "Rh" , time, lat,lon) cagri = get_gefd_var(f, (/"emissions","partitioning"/) \ ,"C_AGRI", time, lat,lon) cborf = get_gefd_var(f, (/"emissions","partitioning"/) \ ,"C_BORF", time, lat,lon) cdefo = get_gefd_var(f, (/"emissions","partitioning"/) \ ,"C_DEFO", time, lat,lon) cpeat = get_gefd_var(f, (/"emissions","partitioning"/) \ ,"C_PEAT", time, lat,lon) csava = get_gefd_var(f, (/"emissions","partitioning"/) \ ,"C_SAVA", time, lat,lon) dmagri= get_gefd_var(f, (/"emissions","partitioning"/) \ ,"DM_AGRI", time, lat,lon) dmborf= get_gefd_var(f, (/"emissions","partitioning"/) \ ,"DM_BORF", time, lat,lon) dmdefo= get_gefd_var(f, (/"emissions","partitioning"/) \ ,"DM_DEFO", time, lat,lon) ;---Information: only for 1st file (nf=0; year) if (nf.eq.0) then printVarSummary(bf) ;[time | 12] x [lat | 720] x [lon | 1440] printMinMax(bf,1) printVarSummary(src) ;[time | 12] x [lat | 720] x [lon | 1440] printMinMax(src,1) printVarSummary(smf) ;[time | 12] x [lat | 720] x [lon | 1440] printMinMax(smf,1) printVarSummary(rh) ;[time | 12] x [lat | 720] x [lon | 1440] printMinMax(rh,1) printVarSummary(cagri) ;[time | 12] x [lat | 720] x [lon | 1440] printMinMax(cagri,1) end if ;---netCDF if (netCDF) then ;---remove any preexisting file filnc = "GFED4.1s_"+year+".nc" pthnc = dirnc+filnc system("/bin/rm -f "+pthnc) ;remove any pre-existing file ;---open file, set file for nc4 [standard compression] setfileoption("nc", "Format", "NetCDF4") ncdf = addfile(pthnc,"c") ;open output netCDF file ;---create global attributes of the file fAtt = True fAtt@title = "GFED: Global Fire Emissions DataBase" fAtt@GFED_WWW = "http://www.globalfiredata.org/" fAtt@Conventions = "CF-1.0" fAtt@NCL = get_ncl_version() fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc ("date") fileattdef(ncdf, fAtt) ;copy file attributes ;---make time an 'UNLIMITED' dimension [NCO operators] filedimdef(ncdf,"time",-1,True) ncdf->yyyymm = yyyymm ; auxiliary 'time' variable ; 2D static variables ncdf->BASIS_REGIONS = basis_regions ; (lat,lon) ncdf->GRID_CELL_AREA = grid_cell_area ; " ; 3D variables ncdf->BURNED_FRACTION = bf ; (time,lat,lon) ncdf->SOURCE = src ; " ncdf->C = c ; " ncdf->DM = dm ncdf->SMALL_FIRE_FRACTION = smf ncdf->BB = bb ncdf->NPP = npp ncdf->RH = rh ncdf->C_AGRI = cagri ncdf->C_BORF = cborf ncdf->C_DEFO = cdefo ncdf->C_PEAT = cpeat ncdf->C_SAVA = csava ncdf->DM_AGRI = dmagri ncdf->DM_BORF = dmborf ncdf->DM_DEFO = dmdefo end if ; netCDF end do ; file