netcdf restart.2018-09-09_00.00.00 { dimensions: nVertLevels = 41 ; nCells = 2562 ; Time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) nEdges = 7680 ; nVertices = 5120 ; TWO = 2 ; maxEdges = 10 ; maxEdges2 = 20 ; R3 = 3 ; vertexDegree = 3 ; nVertLevelsP1 = 42 ; FIFTEEN = 15 ; StrLen = 64 ; nLags = 140 ; nOznLevels = 59 ; nMonths = 12 ; nSoilLevels = 4 ; variables: float qv(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; qv:long_name = "Water vapor mixing ratio" ; qv:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; float qc(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; qc:long_name = "Cloud water mixing ratio" ; qc:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; float qr(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; qr:long_name = "Rain water mixing ratio" ; qr:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; float qi(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; qi:long_name = "Ice mixing ratio" ; qi:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; float qs(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; qs:long_name = "Snow mixing ratio" ; qs:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; float qg(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; qg:long_name = "Graupel mixing ratio" ; qg:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; float latCell(nCells) ; latCell:units = "rad" ; latCell:long_name = "Latitude of cells" ; float lonCell(nCells) ; lonCell:units = "rad" ; lonCell:long_name = "Longitude of cells" ; float xCell(nCells) ; xCell:units = "m" ; xCell:long_name = "Cartesian x-coordinate of cells" ; float yCell(nCells) ; yCell:units = "m" ; yCell:long_name = "Cartesian y-coordinate of cells" ; float zCell(nCells) ; zCell:units = "m" ; zCell:long_name = "Cartesian z-coordinate of cells" ; int indexToCellID(nCells) ; indexToCellID:units = "-" ; indexToCellID:long_name = "Mapping from local array index to global cell ID" ; float latEdge(nEdges) ; latEdge:units = "rad" ; latEdge:long_name = "Latitude of edges" ; float lonEdge(nEdges) ; lonEdge:units = "rad" ; lonEdge:long_name = "Longitude of edges" ; float xEdge(nEdges) ; xEdge:units = "m" ; xEdge:long_name = "Cartesian x-coordinate of edges" ; float yEdge(nEdges) ; yEdge:units = "m" ; yEdge:long_name = "Cartesian y-coordinate of edges" ; float zEdge(nEdges) ; zEdge:units = "m" ; zEdge:long_name = "Cartesian z-coordinate of edges" ; int indexToEdgeID(nEdges) ; indexToEdgeID:units = "-" ; indexToEdgeID:long_name = "Mapping from local array index to global edge ID" ; float latVertex(nVertices) ; latVertex:units = "rad" ; latVertex:long_name = "Latitude of vertices" ; float lonVertex(nVertices) ; lonVertex:units = "rad" ; lonVertex:long_name = "Longitude of vertices" ; float xVertex(nVertices) ; xVertex:units = "m" ; xVertex:long_name = "Cartesian x-coordinate of vertices" ; float yVertex(nVertices) ; yVertex:units = "m" ; yVertex:long_name = "Cartesian y-coordinate of vertices" ; float zVertex(nVertices) ; zVertex:units = "m" ; zVertex:long_name = "Cartesian z-coordinate of vertices" ; int indexToVertexID(nVertices) ; indexToVertexID:units = "-" ; indexToVertexID:long_name = "Mapping from local array index to global vertex ID" ; int cellsOnEdge(nEdges, TWO) ; cellsOnEdge:units = "-" ; cellsOnEdge:long_name = "IDs of cells divided by an edge" ; int nEdgesOnCell(nCells) ; nEdgesOnCell:units = "-" ; nEdgesOnCell:long_name = "Number of edges forming the boundary of a cell" ; int nEdgesOnEdge(nEdges) ; nEdgesOnEdge:units = "-" ; nEdgesOnEdge:long_name = "Number of edges involved in reconstruction of tangential velocity for an edge" ; int edgesOnCell(nCells, maxEdges) ; edgesOnCell:units = "-" ; edgesOnCell:long_name = "IDs of edges forming the boundary of a cell" ; int edgesOnEdge(nEdges, maxEdges2) ; edgesOnEdge:units = "-" ; edgesOnEdge:long_name = "IDs of edges involved in reconstruction of tangential velocity for an edge" ; float weightsOnEdge(nEdges, maxEdges2) ; weightsOnEdge:units = "unitless" ; weightsOnEdge:long_name = "Weights used in reconstruction of tangential velocity for an edge" ; float dvEdge(nEdges) ; dvEdge:units = "m" ; dvEdge:long_name = "Spherical distance between vertex endpoints of an edge" ; float dcEdge(nEdges) ; dcEdge:units = "m" ; dcEdge:long_name = "Spherical distance between cells separated by an edge" ; float angleEdge(nEdges) ; angleEdge:units = "rad" ; angleEdge:long_name = "Angle between local north and the positive tangential direction of an edge" ; float areaCell(nCells) ; areaCell:units = "m^2" ; areaCell:long_name = "Spherical area of a Voronoi cell" ; float areaTriangle(nVertices) ; areaTriangle:units = "m^2" ; areaTriangle:long_name = "Spherical area of a Delaunay triangle" ; float edgeNormalVectors(nEdges, R3) ; edgeNormalVectors:units = "unitless" ; edgeNormalVectors:long_name = "Cartesian components of the vector normal to an edge and tangential to the surface of the sphere" ; float localVerticalUnitVectors(nCells, R3) ; localVerticalUnitVectors:units = "unitless" ; localVerticalUnitVectors:long_name = "Cartesian components of the vector pointing in the local vertical direction for a cell" ; float cellTangentPlane(nCells, TWO, R3) ; cellTangentPlane:units = "unitless" ; cellTangentPlane:long_name = "Components of a pair of vectors defining the tangent plane at a cell" ; int cellsOnCell(nCells, maxEdges) ; cellsOnCell:units = "-" ; cellsOnCell:long_name = "IDs of cells neighboring a cell" ; int verticesOnCell(nCells, maxEdges) ; verticesOnCell:units = "-" ; verticesOnCell:long_name = "IDs of vertices (corner points) of a cell" ; int verticesOnEdge(nEdges, TWO) ; verticesOnEdge:units = "-" ; verticesOnEdge:long_name = "IDs of the two vertex endpoints of an edge" ; int edgesOnVertex(nVertices, vertexDegree) ; edgesOnVertex:units = "-" ; edgesOnVertex:long_name = "IDs of the edges that meet at a vertex" ; int cellsOnVertex(nVertices, vertexDegree) ; cellsOnVertex:units = "-" ; cellsOnVertex:long_name = "IDs of the cells that meet at a vertex" ; float kiteAreasOnVertex(nVertices, vertexDegree) ; kiteAreasOnVertex:units = "m^2" ; kiteAreasOnVertex:long_name = "Intersection areas between primal (Voronoi) and dual (triangular) mesh cells" ; float fEdge(nEdges) ; fEdge:units = "unitless" ; fEdge:long_name = "Coriolis parameter at an edge" ; float fVertex(nVertices) ; fVertex:units = "unitless" ; fVertex:long_name = "Coriolis parameter at a vertex" ; float meshDensity(nCells) ; meshDensity:units = "unitless" ; meshDensity:long_name = "Mesh density function (used when generating the mesh) evaluated at a cell" ; float meshScalingDel2(nEdges) ; meshScalingDel2:units = "unitless" ; meshScalingDel2:long_name = "Scaling coefficient for $\\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity" ; float meshScalingDel4(nEdges) ; meshScalingDel4:units = "unitless" ; meshScalingDel4:long_name = "Scaling coefficient for $\\nabla^4$ eddy hyper-viscosity" ; float cf1 ; cf1:units = "unitless" ; cf1:long_name = "Surface interpolation weight for level k=1 value" ; float cf2 ; cf2:units = "unitless" ; cf2:long_name = "Surface interpolation weight for level k=2 value" ; float cf3 ; cf3:units = "unitless" ; cf3:long_name = "Surface interpolation weight for level k=3 value" ; float zgrid(nCells, nVertLevelsP1) ; zgrid:units = "m MSL" ; zgrid:long_name = "Geometric height of layer interfaces" ; float rdzw(nVertLevels) ; rdzw:units = "unitless" ; rdzw:long_name = "Reciprocal dzw" ; float dzu(nVertLevels) ; dzu:units = "unitless" ; dzu:long_name = "d(zeta) at w levels" ; float rdzu(nVertLevels) ; rdzu:units = "unitless" ; rdzu:long_name = "Reciprocal dzu" ; float fzm(nVertLevels) ; fzm:units = "unitless" ; fzm:long_name = "Weight for linear interpolation to w(k) point for u(k) level variable" ; float fzp(nVertLevels) ; fzp:units = "unitless" ; fzp:long_name = "Weight for linear interpolation to w(k) point for u(k-1) level variable" ; float zxu(nEdges, nVertLevels) ; zxu:units = "unitless" ; zxu:long_name = "dz/dx on horizontal coordinate surfaces at u levels" ; float zz(nCells, nVertLevels) ; zz:units = "unitless" ; zz:long_name = "d(zeta)/dz, vertical metric term" ; float zb(nEdges, TWO, nVertLevelsP1) ; zb:units = "unitless" ; zb:long_name = "Coefficients for contribution from u to omega diagnosis, edge-oriented" ; float zb3(nEdges, TWO, nVertLevelsP1) ; zb3:units = "unitless" ; zb3:long_name = "Coefficients for 3rd-order correction to contribution from u to omega diagnosis, edge-oriented" ; float dss(nCells, nVertLevels) ; dss:units = "unitless" ; dss:long_name = "w-damping coefficient" ; float u_init(nVertLevels) ; u_init:units = "m s^{-1}" ; u_init:long_name = "u reference profile" ; float t_init(nCells, nVertLevels) ; t_init:units = "K" ; t_init:long_name = "theta reference profile" ; float qv_init(nVertLevels) ; qv_init:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; qv_init:long_name = "qv reference profile" ; float deriv_two(nEdges, TWO, FIFTEEN) ; deriv_two:units = "unitless" ; deriv_two:long_name = "weights for cell-centered second derivative, normal to edge, for transport scheme" ; float defc_a(nCells, maxEdges) ; defc_a:units = "unitless" ; defc_a:long_name = "Coefficients for computing the off-diagonal components of the horizontal deformation" ; float defc_b(nCells, maxEdges) ; defc_b:units = "unitless" ; defc_b:long_name = "Coefficients for computing the diagonal components of the horizontal deformation" ; float coeffs_reconstruct(nCells, maxEdges, R3) ; coeffs_reconstruct:units = "unitless" ; coeffs_reconstruct:long_name = "Coefficients to reconstruct velocity vectors at cell centers" ; float east(nCells, R3) ; east:units = "unitless" ; east:long_name = "Cartesian components of the local unit vector pointing east" ; float north(nCells, R3) ; north:units = "unitless" ; north:long_name = "Cartesian components of the unit vector pointing north" ; float re_cloud(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; re_cloud:units = "m" ; re_cloud:long_name = "effective radius of cloud water droplets" ; float re_ice(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; re_ice:units = "m" ; re_ice:long_name = "effective radius of cloud ice crystals" ; float re_snow(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; re_snow:units = "m" ; re_snow:long_name = "effective radius of snow crystals" ; char initial_time(StrLen) ; initial_time:units = "YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss" ; initial_time:long_name = "Model initialization time" ; char xtime(Time, StrLen) ; xtime:units = "YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss" ; xtime:long_name = "Model valid time" ; float u(Time, nEdges, nVertLevels) ; u:units = "m s^{-1}" ; u:long_name = "Horizontal normal velocity at edges" ; float w(Time, nCells, nVertLevelsP1) ; w:units = "m s^{-1}" ; w:long_name = "Vertical velocity at vertical cell faces" ; float rho_zz(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rho_zz:units = "kg m^{-3}" ; rho_zz:long_name = "Dry air density divided by d(zeta)/dz" ; float theta_m(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; theta_m:units = "K" ; theta_m:long_name = "Moist potential temperature: theta*(1+q_v*R_v/R_d)" ; float pressure_p(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; pressure_p:units = "Pa" ; pressure_p:long_name = "Perturbation pressure" ; float rho(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rho:units = "kg m^{-3}" ; rho:long_name = "Dry air density" ; float theta(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; theta:units = "K" ; theta:long_name = "Potential temperature" ; float relhum(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; relhum:units = "percent" ; relhum:long_name = "Relative humidity" ; float uReconstructZonal(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; uReconstructZonal:units = "m s^{-1}" ; uReconstructZonal:long_name = "Zonal component of reconstructed horizontal velocity at cell centers" ; float uReconstructMeridional(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; uReconstructMeridional:units = "m s^{-1}" ; uReconstructMeridional:long_name = "Meridional component of reconstructed horizontal velocity at cell centers" ; float circulation(Time, nVertices, nVertLevels) ; circulation:units = "m^2 s^{-1}" ; circulation:long_name = "Horizontal circulation at vertices" ; float exner(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; exner:units = "unitless" ; exner:long_name = "Exner function" ; float exner_base(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; exner_base:units = "unitless" ; exner_base:long_name = "Base-state Exner function" ; float rtheta_base(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rtheta_base:units = "kg K m^{-3}" ; rtheta_base:long_name = "reference state rho*theta/zz" ; float pressure_base(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; pressure_base:units = "Pa" ; pressure_base:long_name = "Base state pressure" ; float rho_base(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rho_base:units = "kg m^{-3}" ; rho_base:long_name = "Base state dry air density" ; float theta_base(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; theta_base:units = "K" ; theta_base:long_name = "Base state potential temperature" ; float ru(Time, nEdges, nVertLevels) ; ru:units = "kg m^{-2} s^{-1}" ; ru:long_name = "horizontal momentum at cell edge (rho*u/zz)" ; float ru_p(Time, nEdges, nVertLevels) ; ru_p:units = "kg m^{-2} s^{-1}" ; ru_p:long_name = "acoustic perturbation horizontal momentum at cell edge (rho*u/zz)" ; float rw(Time, nCells, nVertLevelsP1) ; rw:units = "kg m^{-2} s^{-1}" ; rw:long_name = "rho*omega/zz carried at w points" ; float rw_p(Time, nCells, nVertLevelsP1) ; rw_p:units = "kg m^{-2} s^{-1}" ; rw_p:long_name = "acoustic perturbation rho*omega/zz carried at w points" ; float rtheta_p(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rtheta_p:units = "kg K m^{-3}" ; rtheta_p:long_name = "rho*theta_m/zz perturbation from the reference state value" ; float rho_p(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rho_p:units = "kg m^{-3}" ; rho_p:long_name = "rho/zz perturbation from the reference state value, advanced over acoustic steps" ; float surface_pressure(Time, nCells) ; surface_pressure:units = "Pa" ; surface_pressure:long_name = "Diagnosed surface pressure" ; float tend_sfc_pressure(Time, nCells) ; tend_sfc_pressure:units = "Pa s^{-1}" ; tend_sfc_pressure:long_name = "Tendency of surface pressure" ; float rt_diabatic_tend(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rt_diabatic_tend:units = "kg K s^{-1}" ; rt_diabatic_tend:long_name = "Tendency of coupled potential temperature from physics" ; float nsteps_accum(Time, nCells) ; nsteps_accum:units = "unitless" ; nsteps_accum:long_name = "number of accumulated time-steps in a day" ; float ndays_accum(Time, nCells) ; ndays_accum:units = "unitless" ; ndays_accum:long_name = "number of accumulated days in a year" ; float tlag(Time, nCells, nLags) ; tlag:units = "K" ; tlag:long_name = "daily mean surface temperature of prior days" ; float tday_accum(Time, nCells) ; tday_accum:units = "K" ; tday_accum:long_name = "accumulated daily surface temperature for current day" ; float tyear_mean(Time, nCells) ; tyear_mean:units = "K" ; tyear_mean:long_name = "annual mean surface temperature" ; float tyear_accum(Time, nCells) ; tyear_accum:units = "K" ; tyear_accum:long_name = "accumulated yearly surface temperature for current year" ; float refl10cm_max(Time, nCells) ; refl10cm_max:units = "dBZ" ; refl10cm_max:long_name = "10 cm maximum radar reflectivity" ; int i_rainnc(Time, nCells) ; i_rainnc:units = "unitless" ; i_rainnc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated grid-scale precipitation greater than config_bucket_rainnc" ; float rainncv(Time, nCells) ; rainncv:units = "mm" ; rainncv:long_name = "time-step total grid-scale precipitation" ; float rainnc(Time, nCells) ; rainnc:units = "mm" ; rainnc:long_name = "accumulated total grid-scale precipitation" ; float snownc(Time, nCells) ; snownc:units = "mm" ; snownc:long_name = "accumulated grid-scale precipitation of snow" ; float graupelnc(Time, nCells) ; graupelnc:units = "mm" ; graupelnc:long_name = "accumulated grid-scale precipitation of graupel" ; float sr(Time, nCells) ; sr:units = "unitless" ; sr:long_name = "time-step ratio of frozen versus total grid-scale precipitation" ; int i_rainc(Time, nCells) ; i_rainc:units = "unitless" ; i_rainc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated convective precipitation greater than config_bucket_rainc" ; float cuprec(Time, nCells) ; cuprec:units = "mm s^{-1}" ; cuprec:long_name = "convective precipitation rate" ; float rainc(Time, nCells) ; rainc:units = "mm" ; rainc:long_name = "accumulated convective precipitation" ; float raincv(Time, nCells) ; raincv:units = "mm" ; raincv:long_name = "time-step convective precipitation" ; float wstar(Time, nCells) ; wstar:units = "m s^{-1}" ; wstar:long_name = "mixed velocity scale from PBL scheme" ; float delta(Time, nCells) ; delta:units = "m" ; delta:long_name = "entrainment layer depth from PBL scheme" ; int kpbl(Time, nCells) ; kpbl:units = "unitless" ; kpbl:long_name = "index level of PBL top" ; float hpbl(Time, nCells) ; hpbl:units = "m" ; hpbl:long_name = "Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) height" ; float hfx(Time, nCells) ; hfx:units = "W m^{-2}" ; hfx:long_name = "upward heat flux at the surface" ; float mavail(Time, nCells) ; mavail:units = "unitless" ; mavail:long_name = "surface moisture availability (between 0 and 1)" ; float mol(Time, nCells) ; mol:units = "K" ; mol:long_name = "T* in similarity theory" ; float qfx(Time, nCells) ; qfx:units = "kg m^{-2} s^{-1}" ; qfx:long_name = "upward moisture flux at the surface" ; float qsfc(Time, nCells) ; qsfc:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; qsfc:long_name = "specific humidity at lower boundary" ; float ust(Time, nCells) ; ust:units = "m s^{-1}" ; ust:long_name = "U* in similarity theory" ; float ustm(Time, nCells) ; ustm:units = "m s^{-1}" ; ustm:long_name = "U* in similarity theory without vconv" ; float zol(Time, nCells) ; zol:units = "unitless" ; zol:long_name = "z/L height over Monin-Obukhov length" ; float znt(Time, nCells) ; znt:units = "m" ; znt:long_name = "roughness length" ; float br(Time, nCells) ; br:units = "unitless" ; br:long_name = "Richardson number" ; float cd(Time, nCells) ; cd:units = "unitless" ; cd:long_name = "drag coefficient at 10-meter" ; float cda(Time, nCells) ; cda:units = "unitless" ; cda:long_name = "drag coefficient at lowest model level" ; float chs(Time, nCells) ; chs:units = "m s^{-1}" ; chs:long_name = "surface exchange coefficient for heat and moisture" ; float chs2(Time, nCells) ; chs2:units = "m s^{-1}" ; chs2:long_name = "surface exchange coefficient for heat at 2-meter" ; float cqs2(Time, nCells) ; cqs2:units = "m s^{-1}" ; cqs2:long_name = "surface exchange coefficient for moisture at 2-meter" ; float ck(Time, nCells) ; ck:units = "unitless" ; ck:long_name = "enthalpy exchange coeff at 10-meter" ; float cka(Time, nCells) ; cka:units = "unitless" ; cka:long_name = "enthalpy exchange coefficient at lowest model level" ; float cpm(Time, nCells) ; cpm:units = "J K^{-1} kg^{-1}" ; cpm:long_name = "specific heat of dry air at constant pressure at lowest model level" ; float flhc(Time, nCells) ; flhc:units = "W m^{-2} K^{-1}" ; flhc:long_name = "exchange coefficient for heat" ; float flqc(Time, nCells) ; flqc:units = "kg m^{-2} s^{-1}" ; flqc:long_name = "exchange coefficient for moisture" ; float gz1oz0(Time, nCells) ; gz1oz0:units = "unitless" ; gz1oz0:long_name = "log(z/z0) where z0 is roughness length" ; float lh(Time, nCells) ; lh:units = "W m^{-2}" ; lh:long_name = "latent heat flux at the surface" ; float psim(Time, nCells) ; psim:units = "unitless" ; psim:long_name = "similarity stability function for momentum" ; float psih(Time, nCells) ; psih:units = "unitless" ; psih:long_name = "similarity stability function for heat" ; float qgh(Time, nCells) ; qgh:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; qgh:long_name = "lowest level saturation mixing ratio" ; float regime(Time, nCells) ; regime:units = "unitless" ; regime:long_name = "flag indicating the PBL regime (stable,unstable,...)" ; float rmol(Time, nCells) ; rmol:units = "unitless" ; rmol:long_name = "1./L Monin Obukhov length" ; float wspd(Time, nCells) ; wspd:units = "m s^{-1}" ; wspd:long_name = "wind speed at lowest model level" ; float fh(Time, nCells) ; fh:units = "unitless" ; fh:long_name = "integrated stability function for heat" ; float fm(Time, nCells) ; fm:units = "unitless" ; fm:long_name = "integrated stability function for moisture" ; float u10(Time, nCells) ; u10:units = "m s^{-1}" ; u10:long_name = "10-meter zonal wind" ; float v10(Time, nCells) ; v10:units = "m s^{-1}" ; v10:long_name = "10-meter meridional wind" ; float q2(Time, nCells) ; q2:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ; q2:long_name = "2-meter specific humidity" ; float t2m(Time, nCells) ; t2m:units = "K" ; t2m:long_name = "2-meter temperature" ; float th2m(Time, nCells) ; th2m:units = "K" ; th2m:long_name = "2-meter potential temperature" ; float dusfcg(Time, nCells) ; dusfcg:units = "Pa m s^{-1}" ; dusfcg:long_name = "vertically-integrated gravity wave drag over orography u-stress" ; float dvsfcg(Time, nCells) ; dvsfcg:units = "Pa m s^{-1}" ; dvsfcg:long_name = "vertically-integrated gravity wave drag over orography v-stress" ; float dtaux3d(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; dtaux3d:units = "m s^{-1}" ; dtaux3d:long_name = "gravity wave drag over orography u-stress" ; float dtauy3d(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; dtauy3d:units = "m s^{-1}" ; dtauy3d:long_name = "gravity wave drag over orography v-stress" ; float rubldiff(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rubldiff:units = "m s^{-2}" ; rubldiff:long_name = "change in PBL zonal wind tendency due to gravity wave drag over orography" ; float rvbldiff(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rvbldiff:units = "m s^{-2}" ; rvbldiff:long_name = "change in PBL meridional wind tendency due to gravity wave drag over orography" ; int i_acswdnb(Time, nCells) ; i_acswdnb:units = "unitless" ; i_acswdnb:long_name = "incidence of accumulated all-sky downward surface shortwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_acswdnbc(Time, nCells) ; i_acswdnbc:units = "unitless" ; i_acswdnbc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated clear-sky downward surface shortwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_acswdnt(Time, nCells) ; i_acswdnt:units = "unitless" ; i_acswdnt:long_name = "incidence of accumulated all-sky downward top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_acswdntc(Time, nCells) ; i_acswdntc:units = "unitless" ; i_acswdntc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated clear-sky downward top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_acswupb(Time, nCells) ; i_acswupb:units = "unitless" ; i_acswupb:long_name = "incidence of accumulated all-sky upward surface shortwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_acswupbc(Time, nCells) ; i_acswupbc:units = "unitless" ; i_acswupbc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated clear-sky upward surface shortwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_acswupt(Time, nCells) ; i_acswupt:units = "unitless" ; i_acswupt:long_name = "incidence of accumulated all-sky upward top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_acswuptc(Time, nCells) ; i_acswuptc:units = "unitless" ; i_acswuptc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated clear-sky upward top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; float acswdnb(Time, nCells) ; acswdnb:units = "W m^{-2}" ; acswdnb:long_name = "accumulated all-sky downward surface shortwave radiation flux" ; float acswdnbc(Time, nCells) ; acswdnbc:units = "W m^{-2}" ; acswdnbc:long_name = "accumulated clear-sky downward surface shortwave radiation flux" ; float acswdnt(Time, nCells) ; acswdnt:units = "W m^{-2}" ; acswdnt:long_name = "accumulated all-sky downward top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation flux" ; float acswdntc(Time, nCells) ; acswdntc:units = "W m^{-2}" ; acswdntc:long_name = "accumulated clear-sky downward top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation flux" ; float acswupb(Time, nCells) ; acswupb:units = "W m^{-2}" ; acswupb:long_name = "accumulated all-sky upward surface shortwave radiation flux" ; float acswupbc(Time, nCells) ; acswupbc:units = "W m^{-2}" ; acswupbc:long_name = "accumulated clear-sky upward surface shortwave radiation flux" ; float acswupt(Time, nCells) ; acswupt:units = "W m^{-2}" ; acswupt:long_name = "accumulated all-sky upward top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation flux" ; float acswuptc(Time, nCells) ; acswuptc:units = "W m^{-2}" ; acswuptc:long_name = "accumulated clear-sky upward top-of-atmosphere shortwave radiation flux" ; float gsw(Time, nCells) ; gsw:units = "W m^{-2}" ; gsw:long_name = "net surface shortwave radiation flux" ; int i_aclwdnb(Time, nCells) ; i_aclwdnb:units = "unitless" ; i_aclwdnb:long_name = "incidence of accumulated all-sky downward surface longwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_aclwdnbc(Time, nCells) ; i_aclwdnbc:units = "unitless" ; i_aclwdnbc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated clear-sky downward surface longwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_aclwdnt(Time, nCells) ; i_aclwdnt:units = "unitless" ; i_aclwdnt:long_name = "incidence of accumulated all-sky downward top-of-atmosphere longwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_aclwdntc(Time, nCells) ; i_aclwdntc:units = "unitless" ; i_aclwdntc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated clear-sky downward top-of-atmosphere longwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_aclwupb(Time, nCells) ; i_aclwupb:units = "unitless" ; i_aclwupb:long_name = "incidence of accumulated all-sky upward surface longwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_aclwupbc(Time, nCells) ; i_aclwupbc:units = "unitless" ; i_aclwupbc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated clear-sky upward surface longwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_aclwupt(Time, nCells) ; i_aclwupt:units = "unitless" ; i_aclwupt:long_name = "incidence of accumulated all-sky upward top-of-atmosphere longwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; int i_aclwuptc(Time, nCells) ; i_aclwuptc:units = "unitless" ; i_aclwuptc:long_name = "incidence of accumulated clear-sky upward top-of-atmosphere longwave radiation greater than config_bucket_radt" ; float aclwdnb(Time, nCells) ; aclwdnb:units = "W m^{-2}" ; aclwdnb:long_name = "accumulated all-sky downward surface longwave radiation flux" ; float aclwdnbc(Time, nCells) ; aclwdnbc:units = "W m^{-2}" ; aclwdnbc:long_name = "accumulated clear-sky downward surface longwave radiation flux" ; float aclwdnt(Time, nCells) ; aclwdnt:units = "W m^{-2}" ; aclwdnt:long_name = "accumulated clear-sky downward surface longwave radiation flux" ; float aclwdntc(Time, nCells) ; aclwdntc:units = "W m^{-2}" ; aclwdntc:long_name = "accumulated clear-sky downward surface longwave radiation flux" ; float aclwupb(Time, nCells) ; aclwupb:units = "W m^{-2}" ; aclwupb:long_name = "accumulated all-sky upward surface longwave radiation flux" ; float aclwupbc(Time, nCells) ; aclwupbc:units = "W m^{-2}" ; aclwupbc:long_name = "accumulated all-sky upward surface longwave radiation flux" ; float aclwupt(Time, nCells) ; aclwupt:units = "W m^{-2}" ; aclwupt:long_name = "accumulated all-sky upward surface longwave radiation flux" ; float aclwuptc(Time, nCells) ; aclwuptc:units = "W m^{-2}" ; aclwuptc:long_name = "accumulated all-sky upward surface longwave radiation flux" ; float glw(Time, nCells) ; glw:units = "W m^{-2}" ; glw:long_name = "all downward surface longwave radiation" ; float o3clim(Time, nCells, nOznLevels) ; o3clim:units = "mol mol^{-1}" ; o3clim:long_name = "climatological ozone on prescribed pressure levels at current time" ; float o3vmr(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; o3vmr:units = "mol mol^{-1}" ; o3vmr:long_name = "ozone volume mixing ratio" ; float acsnom(Time, nCells) ; acsnom:units = "kg m^{-2}" ; acsnom:long_name = "accumulated melted snow" ; float acsnow(Time, nCells) ; acsnow:units = "kg m^{-2}" ; acsnow:long_name = "accumulated snow" ; float canwat(Time, nCells) ; canwat:units = "kg m^{-2}" ; canwat:long_name = "water in canopy" ; float chklowq(Time, nCells) ; chklowq:units = "unitless" ; chklowq:long_name = "surface saturation flag" ; float grdflx(Time, nCells) ; grdflx:units = "W m^{-2}" ; grdflx:long_name = "ground heat flux" ; float lai(Time, nCells) ; lai:units = "m^{-2} m^{-2}" ; lai:long_name = "leaf area index" ; float noahres(Time, nCells) ; noahres:units = "W m^{-2}" ; noahres:long_name = "residual of the Noah surface energy budget" ; float potevp(Time, nCells) ; potevp:units = "m" ; potevp:long_name = "accumulated potential evaporation" ; float sfc_albedo(Time, nCells) ; sfc_albedo:units = "unitless" ; sfc_albedo:long_name = "surface albedo" ; float sfc_emiss(Time, nCells) ; sfc_emiss:units = "unitless" ; sfc_emiss:long_name = "surface emissivity" ; float sfc_emibck(Time, nCells) ; sfc_emibck:units = "unitless" ; sfc_emibck:long_name = "background surface emissivity" ; float sfcrunoff(Time, nCells) ; sfcrunoff:units = "mm" ; sfcrunoff:long_name = "surface runoff" ; float smstav(Time, nCells) ; smstav:units = "unitless" ; smstav:long_name = "surface moisture availability" ; float smstot(Time, nCells) ; smstot:units = "m^{3} m^{-3}" ; smstot:long_name = "total soil mositure" ; float snopcx(Time, nCells) ; snopcx:units = "W m^{-2}" ; snopcx:long_name = "snow phase change heat flux" ; float snotime(Time, nCells) ; snotime:units = "unitless" ; snotime:long_name = "initial number of time-steps since last snow fall" ; float sstsk(Time, nCells) ; sstsk:units = "K" ; sstsk:long_name = "skin sea-aurface temperature" ; float sstsk_dtc(Time, nCells) ; sstsk_dtc:units = "K" ; sstsk_dtc:long_name = "skin sea-surface temperature cooling" ; float sstsk_dtw(Time, nCells) ; sstsk_dtw:units = "K" ; sstsk_dtw:long_name = "skin sea-surface temperature warming" ; float thc(Time, nCells) ; thc:units = "Cal cm^{-2} K^{-1} s^{-0.5}" ; thc:long_name = "thermal inertia" ; float udrunoff(Time, nCells) ; udrunoff:units = "mm" ; udrunoff:long_name = "underground runoff" ; float xicem(Time, nCells) ; xicem:units = "unitless" ; xicem:long_name = "sea-ice flag from previsous time-step" ; float z0(Time, nCells) ; z0:units = "m" ; z0:long_name = "roughness height" ; float zs(Time, nCells) ; zs:units = "m" ; zs:long_name = "depth of centers of soil layers" ; float rthcuten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rthcuten:units = "K s^{-1}" ; rthcuten:long_name = "tendency of potential temperature due to cumulus convection" ; float rqvcuten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rqvcuten:units = "kg kg^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rqvcuten:long_name = "tendency of water vapor mixing ratio due to cumulus convection" ; float rqccuten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rqccuten:units = "kg kg^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rqccuten:long_name = "tendency of cloud water mixing ratio due to cumulus convection" ; float rqicuten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rqicuten:units = "kg kg^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rqicuten:long_name = "tendency of cloud ice mixing ratio due to cumulus convection" ; float rqvdynten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rqvdynten:units = "kg kg^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rqvdynten:long_name = "tendency of water vapor due to horizontal and vertical advections" ; float rthdynten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rthdynten:units = "K s^{-1}" ; rthdynten:long_name = "tendency of temperature due to horizontal and vertical advections" ; float rucuten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rucuten:units = "m s^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rucuten:long_name = "tendency of zonal wind due to cumulus convection" ; float rvcuten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rvcuten:units = "m s^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rvcuten:long_name = "tendency of meridional wind due to cumulus convection" ; float rublten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rublten:units = "m s^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rublten:long_name = "tendency of zonal wind due to pbl processes" ; float rvblten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rvblten:units = "m s^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rvblten:long_name = "tendency of meridional wind due to pbl processes" ; float rthblten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rthblten:units = "K s^{-1}" ; rthblten:long_name = "tendency of potential temperature due to pbl processes" ; float rqvblten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rqvblten:units = "kg kg^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rqvblten:long_name = "tendency of water vapor mixing ratio due to pbl processes" ; float rqcblten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rqcblten:units = "kg kg^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rqcblten:long_name = "tendency of cloud water mixing ratio due to pbl processes" ; float rqiblten(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rqiblten:units = "kg kg^{-1} s^{-1}" ; rqiblten:long_name = "tendency of cloud ice mixing ratio due to pbl processes" ; float rthratensw(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rthratensw:units = "K s^{-1}" ; rthratensw:long_name = "tendency of potential temperature due to short wave radiation" ; float rthratenlw(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ; rthratenlw:units = "K s^{-1}" ; rthratenlw:long_name = "tendency of potential temperature due to short wave radiation" ; float pin(nOznLevels) ; pin:units = "Pa" ; pin:long_name = "fixed pressure levels at which climatological ozone is defined" ; float ozmixm(nCells, nOznLevels, nMonths) ; ozmixm:units = "mol mol^{-1}" ; ozmixm:long_name = "monthly-mean climatological ozone defined at fixed pressure levels" ; int isltyp(nCells) ; isltyp:units = "unitless" ; isltyp:long_name = "dominant soil category" ; int ivgtyp(nCells) ; ivgtyp:units = "unitless" ; ivgtyp:long_name = "dominant vegetation category" ; char mminlu(StrLen) ; mminlu:units = "unitless" ; mminlu:long_name = "land use classification" ; int landmask(nCells) ; landmask:units = "unitless" ; landmask:long_name = "land-ocean mask (1=land ; 0=ocean)" ; float shdmin(nCells) ; shdmin:units = "unitless" ; shdmin:long_name = "minimum fractional coverage of annual green vegetation fraction" ; float shdmax(nCells) ; shdmax:units = "unitless" ; shdmax:long_name = "maximum fractional coverage of annual green vegetation fraction" ; float snoalb(nCells) ; snoalb:units = "unitless" ; snoalb:long_name = "annual maximum snow albedo" ; float albedo12m(nCells, nMonths) ; albedo12m:units = "unitless" ; albedo12m:long_name = "monthly-mean climatological aurface albedo" ; float greenfrac(nCells, nMonths) ; greenfrac:units = "unitless" ; greenfrac:long_name = "monthly-mean climatological greeness fraction" ; float sfc_albbck(Time, nCells) ; sfc_albbck:units = "unitless" ; sfc_albbck:long_name = "background surface albedo" ; float skintemp(Time, nCells) ; skintemp:units = "K" ; skintemp:long_name = "ground or water surface temperature" ; float snow(Time, nCells) ; snow:units = "kg m^{-2}" ; snow:long_name = "snow water equivalent" ; float snowc(Time, nCells) ; snowc:units = "unitless" ; snowc:long_name = "flag for snow on ground (=0 no snow; =1,otherwise" ; float snowh(Time, nCells) ; snowh:units = "m" ; snowh:long_name = "physical snow depth" ; float sst(Time, nCells) ; sst:units = "K" ; sst:long_name = "sea-surface temperature" ; float tmn(Time, nCells) ; tmn:units = "K" ; tmn:long_name = "deep soil temperature" ; float vegfra(Time, nCells) ; vegfra:units = "unitless" ; vegfra:long_name = "vegetation fraction" ; float seaice(Time, nCells) ; seaice:units = "unitless" ; seaice:long_name = "sea-ice flag (0=no seaice; =1 otherwise)" ; float xice(Time, nCells) ; xice:units = "unitless" ; xice:long_name = "fractional area coverage of sea-ice" ; float xland(Time, nCells) ; xland:units = "unitless" ; xland:long_name = "land-ocean mask (1=land including sea-ice ; 2=ocean)" ; float dzs(Time, nCells, nSoilLevels) ; dzs:units = "m" ; dzs:long_name = "soil layer thickness" ; float smcrel(Time, nCells, nSoilLevels) ; smcrel:units = "m3 m^{-3}" ; smcrel:long_name = "soil moisture threshold below which transpiration begins to stress" ; float sh2o(Time, nCells, nSoilLevels) ; sh2o:units = "m3 m^{-3}" ; sh2o:long_name = "soil equivalent liquid water" ; float smois(Time, nCells, nSoilLevels) ; smois:units = "m3 m^{-3}" ; smois:long_name = "soil moisture" ; float tslb(Time, nCells, nSoilLevels) ; tslb:units = "K" ; tslb:long_name = "soil layer temperature" ; float var2d(nCells) ; var2d:units = "m^{2}" ; var2d:long_name = "variance of orography" ; float con(nCells) ; con:units = "m^{2}" ; con:long_name = "convexity of orography" ; float oa1(nCells) ; oa1:units = "unitless" ; oa1:long_name = "directional asymmetry function of orography" ; float oa2(nCells) ; oa2:units = "unitless" ; oa2:long_name = "directional asymmetry function of orography" ; float oa3(nCells) ; oa3:units = "unitless" ; oa3:long_name = "directional asymmetry function of orography" ; float oa4(nCells) ; oa4:units = "unitless" ; oa4:long_name = "directional asymmetry function of orography" ; float ol1(nCells) ; ol1:units = "unitless" ; ol1:long_name = "directional asymmetry function of orography" ; float ol2(nCells) ; ol2:units = "unitless" ; ol2:long_name = "directional asymmetry function of orography" ; float ol3(nCells) ; ol3:units = "unitles" ; ol3:long_name = "directional asymmetry function of orography" ; float ol4(nCells) ; ol4:units = "unitless" ; ol4:long_name = "directional asymmetry function of orography" ; float t_oml(Time, nCells) ; t_oml:units = "K" ; t_oml:long_name = "ocean mixed layer temperature" ; float t_oml_initial(Time, nCells) ; t_oml_initial:units = "K" ; t_oml_initial:long_name = "ocean mixed layer temperature at initial time" ; float t_oml_200m_initial(Time, nCells) ; t_oml_200m_initial:units = "K" ; t_oml_200m_initial:long_name = "ocean mixed layer 200 m mean temperature at initial time" ; float h_oml(Time, nCells) ; h_oml:units = "m" ; h_oml:long_name = "ocean mixed layer depth" ; float h_oml_initial(Time, nCells) ; h_oml_initial:units = "m" ; h_oml_initial:long_name = "ocean mixed layer depth at initial time" ; float hu_oml(Time, nCells) ; hu_oml:units = "m^2 s^{-1}" ; hu_oml:long_name = "ocean mixed layer integrated u (zonal velocity)" ; float hv_oml(Time, nCells) ; hv_oml:units = "m^2 s^{-1}" ; hv_oml:long_name = "ocean mixed layer integrated v (meridional velocity)" ; // global attributes: :model_name = "mpas" ; :core_name = "atmosphere" ; :source = "MPAS" ; :Conventions = "MPAS" ; :git_version = "unknown" ; :on_a_sphere = "YES" ; :sphere_radius = 6371229.f ; :is_periodic = "NO" ; :x_period = 0.f ; :y_period = 0.f ; :history = "mpirun -n 4 ./atmosphere_model" ; :parent_id = "1apklzsq65\n", "yz9xgb2ngx\n", "" ; :mesh_spec = "0.0" ; :config_time_integration = "SRK3" ; :config_time_integration_order = 2 ; :config_dt = 1800.f ; :config_calendar_type = "gregorian" ; :config_start_time = "2018-09-05_00:00:00" ; :config_stop_time = "none" ; :config_run_duration = "16_00:00:00" ; :config_split_dynamics_transport = "YES" ; :config_number_of_sub_steps = 2 ; :config_dynamics_split_steps = 3 ; :config_h_mom_eddy_visc2 = 0.f ; :config_h_mom_eddy_visc4 = 0.f ; :config_v_mom_eddy_visc2 = 0.f ; :config_h_theta_eddy_visc2 = 0.f ; :config_h_theta_eddy_visc4 = 0.f ; :config_v_theta_eddy_visc2 = 0.f ; :config_horiz_mixing = "2d_smagorinsky" ; :config_len_disp = 480000.f ; :config_visc4_2dsmag = 0.05f ; :config_del4u_div_factor = 10.f ; :config_w_adv_order = 3 ; :config_theta_adv_order = 3 ; :config_scalar_adv_order = 3 ; :config_u_vadv_order = 3 ; :config_w_vadv_order = 3 ; :config_theta_vadv_order = 3 ; :config_scalar_vadv_order = 3 ; :config_scalar_advection = "YES" ; :config_positive_definite = "NO" ; :config_monotonic = "YES" ; :config_coef_3rd_order = 0.25f ; :config_smagorinsky_coef = 0.125f ; :config_mix_full = "YES" ; :config_epssm = 0.1f ; :config_smdiv = 0.1f ; :config_apvm_upwinding = 0.5f ; :config_h_ScaleWithMesh = "YES" ; :config_num_halos = 2 ; :config_zd = 22000.f ; :config_xnutr = 0.2f ; :config_restart_timestamp_name = "restart_timestamp" ; :config_pio_num_iotasks = 0 ; :config_pio_stride = 1 ; :config_block_decomp_file_prefix = "" ; :config_number_of_blocks = 0 ; :config_explicit_proc_decomp = "NO" ; :config_proc_decomp_file_prefix = "" ; :config_do_restart = "NO" ; :config_do_DAcycling = "NO" ; :config_print_global_minmax_vel = "YES" ; :config_print_detailed_minmax_vel = "NO" ; :config_print_global_minmax_sca = "NO" ; :config_IAU_option = "off" ; :config_IAU_window_length_s = 21600.f ; :input_soil_data = "STAS" ; :input_soil_temperature_lag = 140 ; :num_soil_layers = 4 ; :months = 12 ; :noznlev = 59 ; :naerlev = 29 ; :camdim1 = 4 ; :config_frac_seaice = "YES" ; :config_sfc_albedo = "YES" ; :config_sfc_snowalbedo = "YES" ; :config_sst_update = "NO" ; :config_sstdiurn_update = "NO" ; :config_deepsoiltemp_update = "NO" ; :config_o3climatology = "NO" ; :config_microp_re = "NO" ; :config_ysu_pblmix = "NO" ; :config_n_microp = 1 ; :config_radtlw_interval = "00:05:00" ; :config_radtsw_interval = "00:05:00" ; :config_conv_interval = "none" ; :config_pbl_interval = "none" ; :config_camrad_abs_update = "06:00:00" ; :config_greeness_update = "24:00:00" ; :config_bucket_update = "none" ; :config_physics_suite = "mesoscale_reference" ; :config_microp_scheme = "mp_wsm6" ; :config_convection_scheme = "cu_ntiedtke" ; :config_lsm_scheme = "noah" ; :config_pbl_scheme = "bl_ysu" ; :config_gwdo_scheme = "bl_ysu_gwdo" ; :config_radt_cld_scheme = "cld_fraction" ; :config_radt_lw_scheme = "rrtmg_lw" ; :config_radt_sw_scheme = "rrtmg_sw" ; :config_sfclayer_scheme = "sf_monin_obukhov" ; :config_gfconv_closure_deep = 0 ; :config_gfconv_closure_shallow = 8 ; :config_bucket_radt = 1.e+09f ; :config_bucket_rainc = 100.f ; :config_bucket_rainnc = 100.f ; :config_oml1d = "NO" ; :config_oml_hml0 = 30.f ; :config_oml_gamma = 0.14f ; :config_oml_relaxation_time = 864000.f ; :config_sounding_interval = "none" ; :file_id = "8rdrys4b64" ; }