Copyright (C) 1995-2017 - All Rights Reserved University Corporation for Atmospheric Research NCAR Command Language Version 6.4.0 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement. See for more details. (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 0 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=199.922 max=320.722 (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_L6_GLL0 (0) ivar = 1 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Maximum wind level level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=189.1 max=274.4 (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_L7_GLL0 (0) ivar = 2 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Tropopause level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=189 max=254.9 (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 3 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 128741760 bytes 32185440 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL0 | 31] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL0: [100..100000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=182.7 max=315.6 (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_L102_GLL0 (0) ivar = 4 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12458880 bytes 3114720 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_AMSL1 | 3] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_AMSL1: [1829..3658] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Specific altitude above mean sea level (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=211.9 max=303.192 (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 5 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12458880 bytes 3114720 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_HTGL2 | 3] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_HTGL2: [ 2..100] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=209.625 max=314 (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_L104_GLL0 (0) ivar = 6 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Sigma level (sigma value) level : 0.995 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=212 max=314.1 (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_2L108_GLL0 (0) ivar = 7 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) level : ( 3000, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=214.5 max=313.4 (0) Now working on = TMP_P0_L109_GLL0 (0) ivar = 8 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_PVL3 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_PVL3: [-2e-06..2e-06] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) level_type : Potential vorticity (K m2 kg-1 s-1) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Temperature (K) : min=189.704 max=289.7 (0) Now working on = POT_P0_L104_GLL0 (0) ivar = 9 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Potential temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 2 ) level_type : Sigma level (sigma value) level : 0.995 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Potential temperature (K) : min=233.8 max=334.2 (0) Now working on = DPT_P0_L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 10 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Dew point temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 6 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) level : 2 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Dew point temperature (K) : min=192.1 max=302.2 (0) Now working on = APTMP_P0_L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 11 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Apparent temperature units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Temperature parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 0, 21 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) level : 2 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Apparent temperature (K) : min=188.32 max=322.12 (0) Now working on = SPFH_P0_L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 12 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_HTGL4 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_HTGL4: [ 2..80] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Specific humidity units : kg kg-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 0 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Specific humidity (kg kg-1) : min=-0.000570207 max=0.02532 (0) Now working on = SPFH_P0_2L108_GLL0 (0) ivar = 13 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Specific humidity units : kg kg-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 0 ) level_type : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) level : ( 3000, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Specific humidity (kg kg-1) : min=1.3e-05 max=0.021377 (0) Now working on = RH_P0_L4_GLL0 (0) ivar = 14 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Relative humidity units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) level_type : Level of 0o C isotherm level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Relative humidity (%) : min=1 max=100 (0) Now working on = RH_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 15 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 128741760 bytes 32185440 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL0 | 31] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL0: [100..100000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Relative humidity units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Relative humidity (%) : min=0 max=100 (0) Now working on = RH_P0_L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 16 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Relative humidity units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) level : 2 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Relative humidity (%) : min=1 max=100 (0) Now working on = RH_P0_2L104_GLL0 (0) ivar = 17 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 16611840 bytes 4152960 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_SIGL5 | 4] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Relative humidity units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) level_type : Sigma level (sigma value) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Relative humidity (%) : min=0 max=100 (0) Now working on = RH_P0_L104_GLL0 (0) ivar = 18 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Relative humidity units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) level_type : Sigma level (sigma value) level : 0.995 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Relative humidity (%) : min=0 max=100 (0) Now working on = RH_P0_2L108_GLL0 (0) ivar = 19 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Relative humidity units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) level_type : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) level : ( 3000, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Relative humidity (%) : min=1 max=100 (0) Now working on = RH_P0_L200_GLL0 (0) ivar = 20 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Relative humidity units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) level_type : Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Relative humidity (%) : min=0 max=78 (0) Now working on = RH_P0_L204_GLL0 (0) ivar = 21 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Relative humidity units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) level_type : Highest tropospheric freezing level level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Relative humidity (%) : min=1 max=100 (0) Now working on = PWAT_P0_L200_GLL0 (0) ivar = 22 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Precipitable water units : kg m-2 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 3 ) level_type : Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Precipitable water (kg m-2) : min=0.1 max=82.3 (0) Now working on = SNOD_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 23 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Snow depth units : m _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 11 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Snow depth (m) : min=0 max=3.09 (0) Now working on = WEASD_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 24 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth units : kg m-2 _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 13 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth (kg m-2) : min=0 max=415 (0) Now working on = CLWMR_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 25 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 87212160 bytes 21803040 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL6 | 21] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL6: [10000..100000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Cloud mixing ratio units : kg kg-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 22 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Cloud mixing ratio (kg kg-1) : min=0 max=0.003534 (0) Now working on = CPOFP_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 26 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Percent frozen precipitation units : % _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Moisture parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 1, 39 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Percent frozen precipitation (%) : min=-50 max=100 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_L6_GLL0 (0) ivar = 27 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Maximum wind level level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-45.7 max=92 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_L7_GLL0 (0) ivar = 28 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Tropopause level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-38.3 max=82 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 29 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 128741760 bytes 32185440 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL0 | 31] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL0: [100..100000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-59.8507 max=129.37 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_L102_GLL0 (0) ivar = 30 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12458880 bytes 3114720 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_AMSL1 | 3] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_AMSL1: [1829..3658] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Specific altitude above mean sea level (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-58.5264 max=55.4203 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 31 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12458880 bytes 3114720 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_HTGL7 | 3] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_HTGL7: [10..100] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-52.9183 max=39.5817 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_L104_GLL0 (0) ivar = 32 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Sigma level (sigma value) level : 0.995 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-48.8601 max=36.5699 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_2L108_GLL0 (0) ivar = 33 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) level : ( 3000, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-53.5898 max=40.0103 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_L109_GLL0 (0) ivar = 34 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_PVL3 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_PVL3: [-2e-06..2e-06] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Potential vorticity (K m2 kg-1 s-1) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-38.281 max=90.7604 (0) Now working on = UGRD_P0_L220_GLL0 (0) ivar = 35 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 2 ) level_type : Planetary boundary layer level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-57.8702 max=43.1298 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_L6_GLL0 (0) ivar = 36 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Maximum wind level level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-61.0881 max=67.4119 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_L7_GLL0 (0) ivar = 37 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Tropopause level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-55.6999 max=57.6001 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 38 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 128741760 bytes 32185440 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL0 | 31] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL0: [100..100000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-60.6881 max=66.2119 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_L102_GLL0 (0) ivar = 39 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12458880 bytes 3114720 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_AMSL1 | 3] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_AMSL1: [1829..3658] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Specific altitude above mean sea level (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-54.1002 max=57.6998 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 40 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12458880 bytes 3114720 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_HTGL7 | 3] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_HTGL7: [10..100] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-47.727 max=54.673 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_L104_GLL0 (0) ivar = 41 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Sigma level (sigma value) level : 0.995 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-44.0375 max=50.2625 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_2L108_GLL0 (0) ivar = 42 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) level : ( 3000, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-48.2709 max=55.5291 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_L109_GLL0 (0) ivar = 43 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_PVL3 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_PVL3: [-2e-06..2e-06] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Potential vorticity (K m2 kg-1 s-1) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-60.4892 max=66.3108 (0) Now working on = VGRD_P0_L220_GLL0 (0) ivar = 44 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component of wind units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 3 ) level_type : Planetary boundary layer level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component of wind (m s-1) : min=-53.4862 max=59.5138 (0) Now working on = VVEL_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 45 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 87212160 bytes 21803040 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL6 | 21] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL6: [10000..100000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Vertical velocity (pressure) units : Pa s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 8 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Vertical velocity (pressure) (Pa s-1) : min=-12.1435 max=10.7875 (0) Now working on = VVEL_P0_L104_GLL0 (0) ivar = 46 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Vertical velocity (pressure) units : Pa s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 8 ) level_type : Sigma level (sigma value) level : 0.995 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Vertical velocity (pressure) (Pa s-1) : min=-6.27384 max=9.15416 (0) Now working on = ABSV_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 47 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 107976960 bytes 26994240 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL8 | 26] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL8: [1000..100000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Absolute vorticity units : s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 10 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Absolute vorticity (s-1) : min=-0.001648 max=0.00360227 (0) Now working on = GUST_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 48 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Wind speed (gust) units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 22 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Wind speed (gust) (m s-1) : min=0.0518794 max=54.8519 (0) Now working on = VWSH_P0_L7_GLL0 (0) ivar = 49 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Vertical speed shear units : s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 192 ) level_type : Tropopause level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Vertical speed shear (s-1) : min=-0.0355 max=0.027 (0) Now working on = VWSH_P0_L109_GLL0 (0) ivar = 50 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_PVL3 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_PVL3: [-2e-06..2e-06] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Vertical speed shear units : s-1 _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 192 ) level_type : Potential vorticity (K m2 kg-1 s-1) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Vertical speed shear (s-1) : min=-0.0408 max=0.0325 (0) Now working on = USTM_P0_2L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 51 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : U-component storm motion units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 194 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) level : ( 6000, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) U-component storm motion (m s-1) : min=-46.7169 max=50.7831 (0) Now working on = VSTM_P0_2L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 52 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : V-component storm motion units : m s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 195 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) level : ( 6000, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) V-component storm motion (m s-1) : min=-54.4484 max=47.6516 (0) Now working on = VRATE_P0_L220_GLL0 (0) ivar = 53 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Ventilation rate units : m2 s-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Momentum parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 2, 224 ) level_type : Planetary boundary layer level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Ventilation rate (m2 s-1) : min=0 max=146000 (0) Now working on = PRES_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 54 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Pressure units : Pa _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 0 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Pressure (Pa) : min=48542.6 max=103816 (0) Now working on = PRES_P0_L6_GLL0 (0) ivar = 55 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Pressure units : Pa _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 0 ) level_type : Maximum wind level level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Pressure (Pa) : min=10655.1 max=49996.7 (0) Now working on = PRES_P0_L7_GLL0 (0) ivar = 56 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Pressure units : Pa _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 0 ) level_type : Tropopause level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Pressure (Pa) : min=7694.68 max=48739.5 (0) Now working on = PRES_P0_L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 57 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Pressure units : Pa _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 0 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) level : 80 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Pressure (Pa) : min=48066 max=102834 (0) Now working on = PRES_P0_L109_GLL0 (0) ivar = 58 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_PVL3 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_PVL3: [-2e-06..2e-06] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Pressure units : Pa _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 0 ) level_type : Potential vorticity (K m2 kg-1 s-1) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Pressure (Pa) : min=6371.04 max=75083 (0) Now working on = PRMSL_P0_L101_GLL0 (0) ivar = 59 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Pressure reduced to MSL units : Pa _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 1 ) level_type : Mean sea level (Pa) level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Pressure reduced to MSL (Pa) : min=91680.6 max=103818 (0) Now working on = ICAHT_P0_L6_GLL0 (0) ivar = 60 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : ICAO standard atmosphere reference height units : m _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 3 ) level_type : Maximum wind level level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) ICAO standard atmosphere reference height (m) : min=5574.74 max=15777.3 (0) Now working on = ICAHT_P0_L7_GLL0 (0) ivar = 61 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : ICAO standard atmosphere reference height units : m _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 3 ) level_type : Tropopause level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) ICAO standard atmosphere reference height (m) : min=5837.03 max=17841.4 (0) Now working on = HGT_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 62 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Geopotential height units : gpm _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 5 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Geopotential height (gpm) : min=-236.504 max=6109.74 (0) Now working on = HGT_P0_L4_GLL0 (0) ivar = 63 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Geopotential height units : gpm _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 5 ) level_type : Level of 0o C isotherm level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Geopotential height (gpm) : min=0 max=6498.88 (0) Now working on = HGT_P0_L6_GLL0 (0) ivar = 64 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Geopotential height units : gpm _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 5 ) level_type : Maximum wind level level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Geopotential height (gpm) : min=4527.15 max=16353.3 (0) Now working on = HGT_P0_L7_GLL0 (0) ivar = 65 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Geopotential height units : gpm _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 5 ) level_type : Tropopause level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Geopotential height (gpm) : min=6005.21 max=17510.2 (0) Now working on = HGT_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 66 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 128741760 bytes 32185440 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL0 | 31] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL0: [100..100000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Geopotential height units : gpm _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 5 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Geopotential height (gpm) : min=-702.438 max=48166.1 (0) Now working on = HGT_P0_L109_GLL0 (0) ivar = 67 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_PVL3 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_PVL3: [-2e-06..2e-06] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Geopotential height units : gpm _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 5 ) level_type : Potential vorticity (K m2 kg-1 s-1) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Geopotential height (gpm) : min=1901.71 max=19319.8 (0) Now working on = HGT_P0_L204_GLL0 (0) ivar = 68 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Geopotential height units : gpm _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 5 ) level_type : Highest tropospheric freezing level level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Geopotential height (gpm) : min=0 max=6502.4 (0) Now working on = MSLET_P0_L101_GLL0 (0) ivar = 69 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : MSLP (ETA model reduction) units : Pa _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 192 ) level_type : Mean sea level (Pa) level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) MSLP (ETA model reduction) (Pa) : min=91367.5 max=103816 (0) Now working on = 5WAVH_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 70 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : 5-wave geopotential height units : gpm _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 193 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) level : 50000 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) 5-wave geopotential height (gpm) : min=4583.42 max=5962.34 (0) Now working on = HPBL_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 71 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Planetary boundary layer height units : m _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 196 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Planetary boundary layer height (m) : min=16.5589 max=4900.72 (0) Now working on = PLPL_P0_2L108_GLL0 (0) ivar = 72 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted units : Pa _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Mass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 3, 200 ) level_type : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) level : ( 25500, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted (Pa) : min=19039.1 max=99999.1 (0) Now working on = CWAT_P0_L200_GLL0 (0) ivar = 73 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Cloud water units : kg m-2 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Cloud parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 6, 6 ) level_type : Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Cloud water (kg m-2) : min=0 max=8.59 (0) Now working on = SUNSD_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 74 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Sunshine duration units : s _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Cloud parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 6, 201 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Sunshine duration (s) : min=0 max=450 (0) Now working on = CAPE_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 75 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Convective available potential energy units : J kg-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Thermodynamic stability indices parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 7, 6 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Convective available potential energy (J kg-1) : min=0 max=5269 (0) Now working on = CAPE_P0_2L108_GLL0 (0) ivar = 76 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_SPDL9 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Convective available potential energy units : J kg-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Thermodynamic stability indices parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 7, 6 ) level_type : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Convective available potential energy (J kg-1) : min=0 max=5269 (0) Now working on = CIN_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 77 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Convective inhibition units : J kg-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Thermodynamic stability indices parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 7, 7 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Convective inhibition (J kg-1) : min=-996.947 max=0.0534668 (0) Now working on = CIN_P0_2L108_GLL0 (0) ivar = 78 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8305920 bytes 2076480 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_SPDL9 | 2] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Convective inhibition units : J kg-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Thermodynamic stability indices parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 7, 7 ) level_type : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Convective inhibition (J kg-1) : min=-995.356 max=-0.294617 (0) Now working on = HLCY_P0_2L103_GLL0 (0) ivar = 79 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Storm relative helicity units : m2 s-2 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Thermodynamic stability indices parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 7, 8 ) level_type : Specified height level above ground (m) level : ( 3000, 0 ) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Storm relative helicity (m2 s-2) : min=-658.828 max=802.172 (0) Now working on = LFTX_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 80 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Surface lifted index units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Thermodynamic stability indices parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 7, 192 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Surface lifted index (K) : min=-13.3205 max=46.7795 (0) Now working on = 4LFTX_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 81 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Best (4 layer) lifted index units : K _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Thermodynamic stability indices parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 7, 193 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Best (4 layer) lifted index (K) : min=-17.9897 max=31.6103 (0) Now working on = TOZNE_P0_L200_GLL0 (0) ivar = 82 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Total ozone units : Dobson _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Trace gases (e.g. ozone, CO2) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 14, 0 ) level_type : Entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Total ozone (Dobson) : min=166.417 max=443.417 (0) Now working on = O3MR_P0_L100_GLL0 (0) ivar = 83 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 70600320 bytes 17650080 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL10 | 17] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lv_ISBL10: [100..40000] lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Ozone mixing ratio units : kg kg-1 _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Trace gases (e.g. ozone, CO2) parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 14, 192 ) level_type : Isobaric surface (Pa) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Ozone mixing ratio (kg kg-1) : min=3.13613e-09 max=1.7845e-05 (0) Now working on = VIS_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 84 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Visibility units : m _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Meteorological products, Physical atmospheric properties parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 0, 19, 0 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Visibility (m) : min=0 max=24100 (0) Now working on = LAND_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 85 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Land cover (1=land, 0=sea) units : Proportion _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Land surface products, Vegetation/biomass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 2, 0, 0 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Land cover (1=land, 0=sea) (Proportion) : min=0 max=1 (0) Now working on = TSOIL_P0_2L106_GLL0 (0) ivar = 86 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 16611840 bytes 4152960 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_DBLL11 | 4] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Soil temperature units : K _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Land surface products, Vegetation/biomass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 2, 0, 2 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Soil temperature (K) : min=206.396 max=321.896 (0) Now working on = SOILW_P0_2L106_GLL0 (0) ivar = 87 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 16611840 bytes 4152960 values Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_DBLL11 | 4] x [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 12 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Volumetric soil moisture content units : Fraction _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Land surface products, Vegetation/biomass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 2, 0, 192 ) level_type : Depth below land surface (m) forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Volumetric soil moisture content (Fraction) : min=0.02 max=1 (0) Now working on = WILT_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 88 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Wilting point units : Fraction _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Land surface products, Vegetation/biomass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 2, 0, 201 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Wilting point (Fraction) : min=0 max=0.4 (0) Now working on = LANDN_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 89 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1,sea=0] units : - _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Land surface products, Vegetation/biomass parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 2, 0, 218 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1,sea=0] (-) : min=0 max=1 (0) Now working on = FLDCP_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 90 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Field capacity units : fraction _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Land surface products, Soil products parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 2, 3, 203 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Field capacity (fraction) : min=0 max=0.42 (0) Now working on = HINDEX_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 91 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Haines index units : Numeric _FillValue : 9.999e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Land surface products, Fire weather products parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 2, 4, 2 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Haines index (Numeric) : min=2 max=6 (0) Now working on = ICEC_P0_L1_GLL0 (0) ivar = 92 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 4152960 bytes 1038240 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] x [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 13 center : US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC) production_status : Operational products long_name : Ice cover units : Proportion _FillValue : 1e+20 grid_type : Latitude/longitude parameter_discipline_and_category : Oceanographic products, Ice parameter_template_discipline_category_number : ( 0, 10, 2, 0 ) level_type : Ground or water surface level : 0 forecast_time : 0 forecast_time_units : hours initial_time : 09/06/2018 (00:00) (0) Ice cover (Proportion) : min=0 max=1 (0) Now working on = lv_DBLL11_l1 (0) ivar = 93 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 16 bytes 4 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_DBLL11 | 4] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Depth below land surface units : m (0) Depth below land surface (m) : min=0.1 max=2 (0) Now working on = lv_DBLL11_l0 (0) ivar = 94 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 16 bytes 4 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_DBLL11 | 4] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Depth below land surface units : m (0) Depth below land surface (m) : min=0 max=1 (0) Now working on = lv_ISBL10 (0) ivar = 95 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 68 bytes 17 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL10 | 17] Coordinates: lv_ISBL10: [100..40000] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Isobaric surface units : Pa (0) Isobaric surface (Pa) : min=100 max=40000 (0) Now working on = lv_SPDL9_l1 (0) ivar = 96 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8 bytes 2 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_SPDL9 | 2] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level units : Pa (0) Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) : min=0 max=0 (0) Now working on = lv_SPDL9_l0 (0) ivar = 97 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8 bytes 2 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_SPDL9 | 2] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level units : Pa (0) Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level (Pa) : min=18000 max=25500 (0) Now working on = lv_ISBL8 (0) ivar = 98 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 104 bytes 26 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL8 | 26] Coordinates: lv_ISBL8: [1000..100000] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Isobaric surface units : Pa (0) Isobaric surface (Pa) : min=1000 max=100000 (0) Now working on = lv_HTGL7 (0) ivar = 99 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12 bytes 3 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_HTGL7 | 3] Coordinates: lv_HTGL7: [10..100] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Specified height level above ground units : m (0) Specified height level above ground (m) : min=10 max=100 (0) Now working on = lv_ISBL6 (0) ivar = 100 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 84 bytes 21 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL6 | 21] Coordinates: lv_ISBL6: [10000..100000] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Isobaric surface units : Pa (0) Isobaric surface (Pa) : min=10000 max=100000 (0) Now working on = lv_SIGL5_l1 (0) ivar = 101 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 16 bytes 4 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_SIGL5 | 4] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Sigma level (sigma value) units : none (0) Sigma level (sigma value) (none) : min=0.72 max=1 (0) Now working on = lv_SIGL5_l0 (0) ivar = 102 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 16 bytes 4 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_SIGL5 | 4] Coordinates: Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Sigma level (sigma value) units : none (0) Sigma level (sigma value) (none) : min=0.33 max=0.72 (0) Now working on = lv_HTGL4 (0) ivar = 103 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8 bytes 2 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_HTGL4 | 2] Coordinates: lv_HTGL4: [ 2..80] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Specified height level above ground units : m (0) Specified height level above ground (m) : min=2 max=80 (0) Now working on = lv_PVL3 (0) ivar = 104 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 8 bytes 2 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_PVL3 | 2] Coordinates: lv_PVL3: [-2e-06..2e-06] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Potential vorticity units : K m2 kg-1 s-1 (0) Potential vorticity (K m2 kg-1 s-1) : min=-2e-06 max=2e-06 (0) Now working on = lv_HTGL2 (0) ivar = 105 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12 bytes 3 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_HTGL2 | 3] Coordinates: lv_HTGL2: [ 2..100] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Specified height level above ground units : m (0) Specified height level above ground (m) : min=2 max=100 (0) Now working on = lv_AMSL1 (0) ivar = 106 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 12 bytes 3 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_AMSL1 | 3] Coordinates: lv_AMSL1: [1829..3658] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Specific altitude above mean sea level units : m (0) Specific altitude above mean sea level (m) : min=1829 max=3658 (0) Now working on = lv_ISBL0 (0) ivar = 107 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 124 bytes 31 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lv_ISBL0 | 31] Coordinates: lv_ISBL0: [100..100000] Number Of Attributes: 2 long_name : Isobaric surface units : Pa (0) Isobaric surface (Pa) : min=100 max=100000 (0) Now working on = lat_0 (0) ivar = 108 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 2884 bytes 721 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lat_0 | 721] Coordinates: lat_0: [90..-90] Number Of Attributes: 9 long_name : latitude grid_type : Latitude/Longitude units : degrees_north Dj : 0.25 Di : 0.25 Lo2 : 359.75 La2 : -90 Lo1 : 0 La1 : 90 (0) latitude (degrees_north) : min=-90 max=90 (0) Now working on = lon_0 (0) ivar = 109 Variable: data Type: float Total Size: 5760 bytes 1440 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [lon_0 | 1440] Coordinates: lon_0: [ 0..359.75] Number Of Attributes: 9 long_name : longitude grid_type : Latitude/Longitude units : degrees_east Dj : 0.25 Di : 0.25 Lo2 : 359.75 La2 : -90 Lo1 : 0 La1 : 90 (0) longitude (degrees_east) : min=0 max=359.75