#! /opt/anaconda3/envs/python27/bin/python2.7 # # File: # contour2.py # # Synopsis: # Illustrates how to fill a contour plot with colors and patterns. # # Categories: # Contouring # # Author: # Fred Clare # # Date of initial publication: # February 2004 # # Description: # This example shows how to fill a contour with different patterns # and colors. # # Effects illustrated: # o Using resources to change fill patterns and colors. # o Changing the color map. # o Using indexed color. # # Output: # A single visualization is produced. # # Notes: # import numpy import Ngl # # Create some data for the contour plot. # N=25 T = numpy.zeros((N,N),'f') jspn = numpy.power(numpy.arange(-12,13),2) ispn = numpy.power(numpy.arange(-12,13),2) for i in range(0,len(ispn)): T[i,:] = (jspn + ispn[i]).astype('f') T = 100.0 - numpy.sqrt(64 * T) # # Open the workstation and change the color map. # rlist = Ngl.Resources() rlist.wkColorMap = "default" wks_type = "png" wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"contour2",rlist) cnres = Ngl.Resources() cnres.cnFillOn = True # Turn on contour level fill. cnres.cnMonoFillPattern = False # Indicate you want multiple fill patterns. cnres.cnLineLabelsOn = False # Turn off contour line labels cnres.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.018 # Make labelbar labels smaller cnres.lbLabelAlignment = "BoxCenters" # # Set cnFillPatterns and cnFillColors to various indexes representing # fill patterns and colors. A fill pattern index of "0" is solid fill. # If you don't want any fill for a particular contour level, set it # to "-1," which means "transparent." # cnres.cnFillPatterns = [0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 6, 8,10,-1, 9, 11,12,17,16] cnres.cnMonoFillScale = False # We want to use multiple fill scales. cnres.cnFillScales = [1.,.5,.6,1.,.7,.5,.4,.9,.6,1.,1.,.8,.5,.9] cnres.cnFillColors = [ 6, 8,20,22, 4, 2,10, 1,12,15, 1,13, 5, 7] contour = Ngl.contour(wks,T,cnres) Ngl.end()