load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" begin f = addfile ("atmos.nc","r") u = f->U wks = gsn_open_wks ("x11","xy") ; send graphics to PNG file res = True res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False res@xyLineColor = "Blue" res@xyLineThicknessF = 3.0 res@trYReverse = True res@tiXAxisString = "" res@tiYAxisString = "" ;---Create three XY plots plots = new(3,graphic) plots(0) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,u(0,:,{10},{0}),u&lev,res) plots(1) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,u(0,:,{20},{0}),u&lev,res) plots(2) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,u(0,:,{30},{0}),u&lev,res) ;---Panel the three plots, note the figure string covers the line in the third plot pres = True pres@gsnMaximize = True pres@gsnPanelFigureStringsJust = "BottomLeft" pres@gsnPanelFigureStrings = (/"a","b","c"/) + ")" pres@gsnPanelMainString = "Figure string 'c)' overlaps plot" gsn_panel(wks,plots,(/2,2/),pres) ;Solution 1: Set the background color of the strings to transparent pres@gsnPanelFigureStringsBackgroundFillColor = "transparent" pres@gsnPanelMainString = "Set figure strings to have transparent background" gsn_panel(wks,plots,(/2,2/),pres) ;Solution 2: Create the third plot with an extra margin to allow room for the labela pres@gsnPanelFigureStringsBackgroundFillColor = "yellow" res@trXMinF = -15 ; add an extra margin plots(2) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,u(0,:,{30},{0}),u&lev,res) pres@gsnPanelMainString = "Set minimum X axis to -20 on third plot" gsn_panel(wks,plots,(/2,2/),pres) end