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<div class="">Dear help desk,</div>
<div class=""><br class="">
<div class="">I am trying to plot Greenland ice thickness from a CISM simulation. Everything works fine - except that it looks that the ice sheet is a little bit shifted to the right (see attached figure: the small brown ice patch in the North-East should be
entirely on land, and that’s the same for other bits in the eastern margin). </div>
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<div class="">The projection settings I am using coincides with those used in CISM (I am using lon/lat and projection settings as in the input file for my simulation), and the resources I set are </div>
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<div class="">
<div class=""> res@mpLimitMode = "Corners"</div>
<div class=""> res@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat(0,0)</div>
<div class=""> res@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon(0,0)</div>
<div class=""> res@mpRightCornerLatF = lat(ny-1,nx-1)</div>
<div class=""> res@mpRightCornerLonF = lon(ny-1,nx-1)</div>
<div class=""> res@trGridType = "TriangularMesh" </div>
<div class=""> res@mpProjection = "Stereographic" ; Change the map projection.</div>
<div class=""> res@mpDataBaseVersion = "mediumres" </div>
<div class=""> res@mpCenterLonF = -45.0</div>
<div class=""> res@mpCenterLatF = 70.0</div>
<div class=""> res@tfDoNDCOverlay = True</div>
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<div class="">Do you know the reason for - and if it is possible to solve - this discrepancy? I attach also the contour_movie.ncl file if you want to have a look (the figure attached is just one snapshot). </div>
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<div class="">thanks,</div>
<div class="">Michele</div>
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******************************************************************<br class="">
Michele Petrini<br class="">
<br class="">
PhD in Earth Science and Fluid Mechanics<br class="">
Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, TUDelft<br class="">
Delft, The Netherlands<br class="">
<br class="">
<a href="mailto:M.Petrini@tudelft.nl" class="">M.Petrini@tudelft.nl</a> <br class="">
+39 3398367372<br class="">
michele.petrins (Skype alias)<br class="">
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