begin ;Go to directory of interest diri = "/scratch_drive/to/directory/of/interest/SURFACEMODEL/200903/*" ;list names of all of the files and add ful file path fils = systemfunc("ls "+diri+"*") ;print(fils) ; make sure the desired files are listed in the correct order ;read in all files a = addfiles(fils,"r") ListSetType (a, "join") data = a[:]->Tair_f_tavg data@time=a[:]->time data@lon=a[:]->lon data@lat=a[:]->lat ;Error occurs when trying to plot results of a specific value. LAT = (/ 48.5625/) ; LON = (/-98.9375/) LAT@units = "degrees_north" LON@units = "degrees_east" ;Not being assigned properly. ;loc =(data(:,{LAT},{LON}) ) ;print(loc) ;prints data values ;print(data@lat);Prints latitude values, and any fill values correctly. printVarSummary(data) ; examine data array. Result is [ncl_join | 31] x [north_south | 32] x [east_west | 45] data_aa = wgt_areaave(data,1.,1.,0) ; Not applying any area-weight to the data ;print(data_aa) asciiwrite("LIS_VIC_AirTemp.txt",data_aa) ; write data for validation test. wks = gsn_open_wks("png","timeseries") resplot = True restick = True restick@ttmValues= (/(/2009,3,1/),(/2009,3,15/),(/2009,3,31/)/) resplot@tiMainString = "Simulated Temperature (C)";title name plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,ispan(0,dimsizes(data@time)-1,1),data_aa,resplot) end