;====================================================================== ; This function receives a 2D curvilinear grid and mask and stores ; it in FName NetCDF file based on SCRIP standard. ; lat2d and lon2d must have (nlat,nlot) dimension. ; cts_opt controls the behavior of the function ; current attribute in cts_opt are: ; (1) Overwrite [Logical] if True, and if the out file already exists ; it will erase the file. ; (2) ForceOverwrite [Logical] If set to True, the user is not asked ; for removing an existing file. If set to false the user permission ; is required to remove an existing file. This is ineffective if ; Overwrite is set to False. ; (3) If GridCornerLat and GridCornerLon are set, then these will be used ; instead of calcuation the corner points for the lat/lon cells. ; The corner points are needed for the "conserve" method. ;====================================================================== undef("curvilinear_to_SCRIP") procedure curvilinear_to_SCRIP(FName[1]:string,lat2d[*][*]:numeric,\ lon2d[*][*]:numeric,cts_opt[1]:logical) local latlon_dims, nlat, nlon, fid, FileAtt, grid_siz, grid_corners, \ grid_rank, FDimNames, FDimSizes, FDimUnlim, DummyAtt1, DummyAtt2, \ GridCornerLat, GridCornerLon, grid_corner_lat, grid_corner_lon, grid_mask, \ lat_type, lon_type, DEBUG, nc_file_type begin ;---Check for options PrintTimings = isatt_logical_true(cts_opt,"PrintTimings") if(PrintTimings) then start_time = get_start_time() end if DEBUG = isatt_logical_true(cts_opt,"Debug") TESTIT = isatt_logical_true(cts_opt,"Testit") ;---Check if the file already exists check_for_file(FName,cts_opt) ;---Do we need to create a large file? if (.not.isatt_logical_false(cts_opt,"LargeFile")) then setfileoption("nc","Format","LargeFile") end if ;---Do we need to create a netcdf-4 file? if (isatt(cts_opt,"NetCDFType").and.\ str_lower(cts_opt@NetCDFType).eq."netcdf4") then setfileoption("nc","Format","netcdf4") nc_file_type = "netcdf4" else nc_file_type = "netcdf3" end if if ( any(dimsizes(lat2d).ne.dimsizes(lon2d)) ) then print("curvilinear_to_SCRIP: latitude and longitude must have the same number of elements.") exit end if latlon_dims = dimsizes(lat2d) nlat = latlon_dims(0) nlon = latlon_dims(1) if(cts_opt.and.isatt(cts_opt,"Title")) then FTitle = cts_opt@Title else FTitle = "curvilinear_to_SCRIP (" + nlat + "," + nlon + ")" end if ;---Was a mask provided? grid_mask_name = get_mask_name(cts_opt) if(grid_mask_name.ne."") then if(.not.all(dimsizes(cts_opt@$grid_mask_name$).eq.latlon_dims)) then print("curvilinear_to_SCRIP: cts_opt@" + grid_mask_name + \ " is not the correct dimensionality") exit else grid_mask = cts_opt@$grid_mask_name$ end if else ;---No masking grid_mask = new(latlon_dims, "integer","No_FillValue") grid_mask = 1 end if ;---Create the file fid = addfile(FName,"c") setfileoption(fid,"DefineMode",True) ;---Define the file attributes FileAtt = True FileAtt@title = FTitle FileAtt@Conventions = "SCRIP" FileAtt@Createdby = "ESMF_regridding.ncl" FileAtt@date_created = systemfunc("date") fileattdef(fid,FileAtt) ;---Define the SCRIP dimensions grid_size = nlat*nlon ; This is number of data points (grid nodes) grid_corners = 4 grid_rank = 2 FDimNames = (/ "grid_size","grid_corners","grid_rank" /) FDimSizes = (/ grid_size,grid_corners,grid_rank /) FDimUnlim = (/ False,False,False /) filedimdef(fid,FDimNames,FDimSizes,FDimUnlim) ;---Define Variables filevardef(fid,"grid_dims","integer","grid_rank") filevardef(fid,"grid_center_lat","double","grid_size") filevardef(fid,"grid_center_lon","double","grid_size") filevardef(fid,"grid_imask","integer","grid_size") filevardef(fid,"grid_corner_lat","double",(/ "grid_size", "grid_corners" /) ) filevardef(fid,"grid_corner_lon","double",(/ "grid_size", "grid_corners" /) ) ;---Define the variables unit attribute DummyAtt1 = 0 DummyAtt2 = 0 ; ; The conversion to character arrays for NetCDF-4 files is a ; work-around. ESMF_RegridWeightGen uses the F90 interface to ; read NetCDF-4 files, which doesn't yet have support for ; NetCDF-4 "string" types. ; if(nc_file_type.eq."netcdf3") then DummyAtt1@units = "degrees" DummyAtt2@units = "unitless" else DummyAtt1@units = tochar("degrees") DummyAtt2@units = tochar("unitless") end if filevarattdef(fid,"grid_center_lat",DummyAtt1) filevarattdef(fid,"grid_center_lon",DummyAtt1) filevarattdef(fid,"grid_imask",DummyAtt2) filevarattdef(fid,"grid_corner_lat",DummyAtt1) filevarattdef(fid,"grid_corner_lon",DummyAtt1) delete(DummyAtt1) delete(DummyAtt2) ;---Prepare the file to store the values setfileoption(fid,"DefineMode",False) ;---Storing Grid Dims fid->grid_dims = (/ nlon, nlat /) ; SCRIP is FORTRAN-based. ; (nlat,nlon) in NCL is equivalent to ; (nlon,nlat) in FORTRAN ;---Store Cell Center Lat/Lon fid->grid_center_lat = (/ndtooned(lat2d)/) fid->grid_center_lon = (/ndtooned(lon2d)/) ;---Store Cell Masks if (grid_size.ne.dimsizes(ndtooned(grid_mask))) then print("curvilinear_to_SCRIP: Mask array is not the appropriate size.") exit else fid->grid_imask=(/ tointeger(ndtooned(grid_mask)) /) end if ;---Get the grid lat/lon corners if (isatt(cts_opt,"GridCornerLat").and.isatt(cts_opt,"GridCornerLon")) then if(DEBUG) then print("curvilinear_to_SCRIP: using grid corners provided by user...") end if if(.not.any(typeof(cts_opt@GridCornerLat).eq.(/"float","double"/))) then GridCornerLat = tofloat(cts_opt@GridCornerLat) else GridCornerLat = cts_opt@GridCornerLat end if if(.not.any(typeof(cts_opt@GridCornerLon).eq.(/"float","double"/))) then GridCornerLon = tofloat(cts_opt@GridCornerLon) else GridCornerLon = cts_opt@GridCornerLon end if grid_corner_lat = reshape( GridCornerLat,(/ grid_size, grid_corners /)) grid_corner_lon = reshape( GridCornerLon,(/ grid_size, grid_corners /)) else ;---Estimate the grid cell corners; it's better if the user provides them. if(DEBUG) then print("curvilinear_to_SCRIP: calculating grid corners...") end if lat_type = typeof(lat2d) lon_type = typeof(lon2d) if(.not.any(lat_type.eq.(/"float","double"/))) then lat_type = "float" end if if(.not.any(lon_type.eq.(/"float","double"/))) then lon_type = "float" end if grid_corner_lat = new( (/ grid_size, grid_corners /), lat_type) grid_corner_lon = new( (/ grid_size, grid_corners /), lon_type) if(any(fabs(lat2d).eq.90)) then if(DEBUG) then print("curvilinear_to_SCRIP: one or more lat values are at the") print(" poles, so calculating grid corners using") print(" calc_SCRIP_corners_boundaries...") end if if(TESTIT) then calc_SCRIP_corners_boundaries_2(lat2d,grid_corner_lat,"lat",cts_opt) calc_SCRIP_corners_boundaries_2(lon2d,grid_corner_lon,"lon",cts_opt) else calc_SCRIP_corners_boundaries(lat2d,lon2d,grid_corner_lat,grid_corner_lon,cts_opt) end if else if(DEBUG) then print("curvilinear_to_SCRIP: no lat values are at the poles, so") print(" calculating grid corners using") print(" calc_SCRIP_corners_noboundaries...") end if calc_SCRIP_corners_noboundaries(lat2d,lon2d,grid_corner_lat,grid_corner_lon,cts_opt) if(any(fabs(grid_corner_lat).gt.90)) then if(DEBUG) then print("curvilinear_to_SCRIP: calc_SCRIP_corners_noboundaries") print(" produced out-of-range latitude values.") print(" Trying calc_SCRIP_corners_boundaries...") end if if(TESTIT) then calc_SCRIP_corners_boundaries_2(lat2d,grid_corner_lat,"lat",cts_opt) calc_SCRIP_corners_boundaries_2(lon2d,grid_corner_lon,"lon",cts_opt) else calc_SCRIP_corners_boundaries(lat2d,lon2d,grid_corner_lat,grid_corner_lon,cts_opt) end if end if end if end if ;---Store the cell corners if (isatt(grid_corner_lat,"_FillValue")) then delete(grid_corner_lat@_FillValue) end if if (isatt(grid_corner_lon,"_FillValue")) then delete(grid_corner_lon@_FillValue) end if fid->grid_corner_lat = (/ todouble(grid_corner_lat) /) fid->grid_corner_lon = (/ todouble(grid_corner_lon) /) if(PrintTimings) then print_elapsed_esmf_time(start_time,"curvilinear_to_SCRIP") end if end ; of curvilinear_to_SCRIP(...)