varname= "wstar" nmos = 12 yrStrt = 1980 yrLast = 2010 nyrs = yrLast-yrStrt+1 year = ispan(yrStrt,yrLast,1) year!0 = "year" LATN = 80.0 ; avoid regions 'loaded' with missing values LATS = -60.0 ntStrt = 0 ntLast = nmos*nyrs-1 ;diri = "~/Dropbox/PhD/ccmi_wdir/ccmi/pp_wstar/refC1SD/" ;input directory diri = "./refC1SD/" ;input directory fili = systemfunc("cd "+diri+" ; ls *refC1SD_*.nc") nfili = dimsizes(fili) print(fili) do nf = 0, nfili-1 ff1 = addfile(diri+fili(nf), "r") wstar = ff1->$varname$(ntStrt:ntLast,:,{LATN:LATS},0) ; 'lon' is degenerate; ignore ; ff1->$varname$(ntStrt:ntLast,:,:,:) wstar = wstar*1000 ;convert to mm/s wstar@units = "mm/s" print("-------------------") print("nf="+nf+" "+fili(nf)) printMinMax(wstar,0) print("") ANN = month_to_annual(wstar,1) ; opt=1 to get the annual mean value(s).. ;printVarSummary(ANN) ; [year | nyrs] x [lev | 31] x [lat | 64] ;printMinMax(ANN,0 ) if (nf.eq.0) then dimANN = dimsizes(ANN) klev = dimANN(1) nlat = dimANN(2) WS = new((/nfili,nyrs,klev,nlat/),typeof(wstar), getVarFillValue(wstar)) end if WS(nf,:,:,:) = ANN ; meta data transferred end do ; nf ; print locations of grid points with all missing values. ;;do kl=0,klev-1 ;; do nl=0,nlat-1 ;; if (all(ismissing(WS(0,:,kl,nl)))) then ;; print(kl+" "+WS&lat(nl)) ;; end if ;; end do ;;end do nmsg = num(ismissing(WS)) print("nmsg="+nmsg) print("-------------------") WS!0 = "model_id" WS&year = year WS@file_names = fili printVarSummary(WS) ; [file_id | 6] x [year | 31] x [lev | 31] x [lat | 64] printMinMax(WS, 0) print("-------------------") WSS = dim_standardize_n_Wrap(WS, 0, 1) ; opt=0 (sample std. dev; 1= year [time]) WSS@long_name = WS@long_name+": standardized" printVarSummary(WSS) ; [file_id | 6] x [year | 31] x [lev | 31] x [lat | 64] printMinMax(WSS, 0) print("-------------------") ;*************************************************************** ; Read from the regressors ascii files ;*************************************************************** nmonths = nmos year0 = 1960 year1 = 2010 nyear = year1-year0+1 nind = 7 YEAR = ispan(year0, year1, 1) YEAR!0 = "YEAR" ;;diri2 = "~/Dropbox/PhD/ccmi_wdir/ccmi/MLR_basis/regressors/refC1SD/" ;input directory diri2 = "./regressors/" ;input directory fili2 = systemfunc("cd "+diri2+" ; ls * ") nfili2 = dimsizes(fili2) print("nfili2="+nfili2) print(fili2) print("-------------------") reg = new((/nfili2,nyear,nind/),float) do nf2 = 0, nfili2 -1 data = asciiread(diri2+fili2(nf2), -1, "float") y1 = onedtond(data,(/nind,nyear*nmonths/)) y1!0 = "r_index" y1!1 = "time" y = y1(time|:,r_index|:) ann = month_to_annual(y,1) alpha = dim_standardize_n_Wrap(ann, 0, 0) ; [year | 51] x [r_index | 7] reg(nf2,:,:) = alpha end do reg!0 = "model" reg!1 = "YEAR" reg!2 = "r_index" reg&YEAR = YEAR printVarSummary(reg) printMinMax(reg,0) print("-------------------") NIES1 = new ( (/5,nyrs/), "float" ) NIES1(0,:) = reg(0,{yrStrt:yrLast},0) NIES1(1,:) = reg(0,{yrStrt:yrLast},1) NIES1(2,:) = reg(0,{yrStrt:yrLast},2) NIES1(3,:) = reg(0,{yrStrt:yrLast},3) NIES1(4,:) = reg(0,{yrStrt:yrLast},4) NIES1!0 = "reg_index" NIES2 = NIES1(YEAR|:,reg_index|:) NIES2@_FillValue = WSS@_FillValue printVarSummary(NIES2) print("-------------------") nies = WSS(0,:,:,:) printVarSummary(nies) ; [year | 31] x [lev | 31] x [lat | 51] print("-------------------") ; 0 1 2 nmsg_nies = num(ismissing(nies)) print("nmsg_nies="+nmsg_nies) print("-------------------") if (nmsg_nies.eq.0) then print("No missing data: No linear interpolations performed") print("-------------------") end if printVarSummary(NIES2) ; [YEAR | 31] x [reg_index | 5] print("-------------------") ; create an array to hold coefficients ncoef = 6 bcoef = new( (/ncoef,klev,nlat/), "float") nf = 0 do gg = 0,klev-1 do hh = 0,nlat-1 b = reg_multlin_stats(WSS(nf,:,gg,hh),NIES2,0) bcoef(:,gg,hh) = (/ b /) if (gg.eq.0 .and. hh.eq.0) then print(b) end if end do end do bcoef!0 = "coef" ; include y-intercept bcoef!1 = "lev" bcoef!2 = "lat" bcoef&coef = ispan(0,ncoef-1,1) bcoef&lev = WSS&lev bcoef&lat = WSS&lat bcoef@long_name = "b coefficients" printVarSummary(bcoef) ; PLOT wks = gsn_open_wks ("x11", "BCOEF" ) ; send graphics to PNG file res = True ; plot mods desired ;res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; manually select levels ;res@cnLevelSpacingF = 5. ; contour spacing ;res@cnMinLevelValF = -50. ; min level ;res@cnMaxLevelValF = 50. ; max level ;res@cnFillMode = "RasterFill" ;res@cnFillPalette = "BlAqGrYeOrRe" ; set color map res@cnFillOn = True ; Color res@cnLinesOn = False ; turn off contour lines res@cnLineLabelsOn = False ; turn off contour lines labels do nc=0,ncoef-1 bcoef@long_name = "coef="+nc printMinMax(bcoef(nc,{1000:10},:),0) plot = gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks, bcoef(nc,{1000:10},:), res ) end do