<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Dear,<br><br></div>I am following the steps given in thread (<a target="_blank" href="https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Support/talk_archives/2006/0001.html">https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/<wbr>Support/talk_archives/2006/<wbr>0001.html</a>)
to convert a file from hybrid level to sigma levels. I paste below my
script and the outputs. I am not able to understand where I am going
wrong. Please advice. Also, let me know if I need to send my netcdf
files as well.</div><div>Thanks in advance,</div><div>Jayant<br></div><div><br><span style="font-family:monospace,monospace"> f=addfile("ham_oxi_aps_T63L31.<wbr>nc","r")<br> hyai = f->hyam ; input A(k)<br> hybi = f->hybm ; input B(k) <br> xi = f->OX_VMR_avrg ; (0,:,:,:) ; variable to be interpolated<br> dims = getvardims(xi)<br> xin = dim_rmvmean_Wrap(xi($dims(0)$|<wbr>:,$dims(1)$|:,$dims(3)$|:,$<wbr>dims(2)$|:))<br> printVarSummary(xin)<br> p0 = 101325 ; reference pressure (Pa)<br><br> fP = addfile("<a target="_blank" href="http://surf_pres_new_exp_echam_exp.nc">surf_pres_new_exp_<wbr>echam_exp.nc</a>","r")<br> psfc = fP->aps ; surface pressure (Pa)<br> printVarSummary(psfc)<br> ; dims = getvardims(psfc)<br> ; psfcr = dim_rmvmean_Wrap(psfc($dims(0)<wbr>$|:,$dims(2)$|:,$dims(1)$|:))<br> ; psfc2d = psfcr(0,:,:)<br><br> sigma = (/0.00657, 0.01386, 0.02309, 0.03469, 0.04920, 0.06723, 0.08945, 0.11654, 0.14916, \<br> 0.18783, 0.23286, 0.28421, 0.34137, 0.40334, 0.46860, 0.53529, 0.60135, 0.66482, \<br> 0.72401, 0.77773, 0.82527, 0.86642, 0.90135, 0.93054, 0.95459, 0.97418, 0.99000, \<br> 1.00000/)<br><br> hybo = sigma ; *your* B(k) [ sigma levels ] <br> nsig = dimsizes(hybo)<br> hyao = new(nsig,typeof(hybo))<br> hyao = 0.0 ; set output A(k) to 0.0 <br><br> ; xo = hyi2hyo_Wrap(p0,hyai,hybi,<wbr>psfcr,xi,hyao,hybo,0) ; contributed.ncl <br> xo = hyi2hyo_Wrap(p0,hyai,hybi,<wbr>psfc,xin,hyao,hybo,0) ; contributed.ncl <br> printVarSummary(xo)</span><br><br></div>On running, I am getting the following error:<br><br><span style="font-family:monospace,monospace">Variable: xin<br>Type: float<br>Total Size: 27426816 bytes<br> 6856704 values<br>Number of Dimensions: 4<br>Dimensions and sizes: [time | 12] x [lev | 31] x [lat | 96] x [lon | 192]<br>Coordinates: <br> time: [ 0.. 11]<br> lev: [ 1..31]<br> lat: [88.5721685140073..-88.<wbr>5721685140073]<br> lon: [ 0..358.125]<br>Number Of Attributes: 5<br> rmvmean_op_NCL : dim_rmvmean over dimension(s): lon<br> long_name : Deviation from mean<br> grid_type : gaussian<br> units : VMR<br> _FillValue : 9.96921e+36<br><br>Variable: psfc<br>Type: float<br>Total Size: 73728 bytes<br> 18432 values<br>Number of Dimensions: 3<br>Dimensions and sizes: [time | 1] x [lat | 96] x [lon | 192]<br>Coordinates: <br> time: [30.99166666666667..30.<wbr>99166666666667]<br> lat: [88.57216851400727..-88.<wbr>57216851400727]<br> lon: [ 0..358.125]<br>Number Of Attributes: 5<br> grid_type : gaussian<br> table : 128<br> code : 134<br> units : Pa<br> long_name : surface pressure<br>fatal:hyi2hyo: The rightmost dimensions of 'ps' and 'xi' must be the same<br>fatal:["Execute.c":8575]:<wbr>Execute: Error occurred at or near line 9139 in file $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/<wbr>nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl<br></span></div>