begin ;---Generate 6 dummy data sets nx = 100 ny = 100 data1 = generate_2d_array( 9, 10, -19.,16., 0, (/ny,nx/)) data2 = generate_2d_array(10, 10, -20.,17., 3, (/ny,nx/)) data3 = generate_2d_array(11, 12, -18.,19., 1, (/ny,nx/)) wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","panel") ; send graphics to PNG file res = True res@cnFillOn = True plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data1,res) plot2 = plot1 ; make a copy of plot1, BAD WAY ;---Note, we're changing the color in plot #2, but redrawing plot #1!!!! setvalues plot2 "cnFillPalette" : "BlueRed" end setvalues draw(plot1) ; Color map has changed but labelbar has not! frame(wks) end