; Calculate the climalogical mean tropopause height ; using the monthly temperatue ; from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis1 begin dir = "/home/wangn/data/NCEP1/" tf = addfile(dir + "air.mon.mean.nc", "r") temp = tf->air temp = temp + 273.15 ; units conversion (from degC to K) ta = dim_avg_n_Wrap(temp, 0) ; calculate the climatological mean pre = ta&level ; get the pressure levels (hPa) trop = trop_wmo(pre(::-1), ta(lat|:,lon|:,level|::-1), 0, False) copy_VarCoords(dim_avg_n_Wrap(ta,0), trop) trop@long_name = "Tropopause pressure" trop@_FillValue = ta@_FillValue trop@units = "hPa" wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","ncep_clim_trop") cmap = read_colormap_file("GMT_no_green") res = True res@vpWidthF = 0.7 res@vpHeightF = 0.4 res@gsnFrame = False ; don't draw yet res@gsnDraw = False ; don't advance frame res@cnLinesOn = False res@cnFillOn = True res@cnFillPalette = cmap res@cnMissingValFillColor = "white" res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; manually select levels res@cnMinLevelValF = 80 ; min level res@cnMaxLevelValF = 300 res@cnLevelSpacingF = 20 ;------------------------------------- res2 = True res2@gsnFrame = True res2@gsnDraw = True res2@gsnZonalMeanXMinF = 0 ; min X-axis value for zonal mean plot res2@gsnZonalMeanXMaxF = 300 ; max X-axis value for zonal mean plot plot1 = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks, trop, res) plot2 = gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means(wks, plot1, trop, res2) end