;******************************************************************* ; procedure to draw the Taylor Diagram Metrics Table ; ; AWWG METRICS 0.3 ;;; ; 27 Jun 06 ASP ; 5 Jul 06 DJS ; ; Arguments: ; mfname : name of the output table ; varNames : variable names [metrics] ; cases : case (model) names ; seasons : season names ; values : array containing the values to be plotted ; opt : used to pass optional arguments procedure taylor_metrics_table(mfname[1]:string \ ; plot name ,varNames[*]:string \ ; variables ,cases[*]:string \ ,seasons[*]:string \ ,values[*][*][*]:numeric \ ,opt:logical ) ;;; ;;; Output of metrics to a table [grid] begin if (.not.isatt(opt,"pltType") .or. \ (opt@pltType.eq."eps")) then wks = gsn_open_wks("eps",mfname) ; default else wks = gsn_open_wks(opt@pltType,mfname) end if xbox0 = (/0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0,0.0/) ; Box template. ybox0 = (/0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0/) nvar = dimsizes(varNames) ncases = dimsizes(cases) nseas = dimsizes(seasons) dimt = dimsizes(values) ; table dimensions if (ncases.ne.dimt(0)) then print("taylor_metrics_table fatal error: Number of case names ("+ncases+ \ ") does not match the number of cases passed in ("+dimt(0)+")") exit end if if (nseas.ne.dimt(1)) then print("taylor_metrics_table fatal error: Number of season names ("+nseas+ \ ") does not match the number of seasons passed in ("+dimt(1)+")") exit end if if (dimsizes(varNames).ne.dimt(2)) then print("taylor_metrics_table fatal error: Number of metric variables names ("+dimsizes(varNames)+ \ ") does not match the number of metric variables passed in ("+dimt(2)+")") exit end if ncolm1 = dimt(0)*dimt(1) if (ncolm1.le.12) then if (ncolm1.le.6) then tt_width = .4 end if if (ncolm1.ge.7.and.ncolm1.le.12) then tt_width = .2 end if tt_height = 0.1 tt_theight = 0.02 mn_height = 0.03 mn_theight = 0.012 else if (ncolm1.le.20) then tt_width = .15 tt_height = 0.06 tt_theight = 0.012 mn_height = 0.018 mn_theight = 0.0072 else tt_width = .1 tt_height = 0.05 tt_theight = 0.01 mn_height = 0.015 mn_theight = 0.006 end if end if if (ncolm1.gt.26.or.dimt(2).gt.63) then print("Warning: Recommended maximium size of array passed into taylor_metrics_table is "+ \ "26 columns (#cases * #seasons) by 63 rows (#variables), continuing") end if mn_width = tt_width mv_height = mn_height mv_width = 0.1 mv_theight = mn_theight tt_pRes = True tt_pRes@gsFillColor = "CornflowerBlue" ; background color for + values tt_tRes = True tt_tRes@txFontHeightF = tt_theight mn_pRes = True mn_pRes@gsFillColor = "Gray70" ; background color for variable names mn_tRes = True mn_tRes@txFontHeightF = mn_theight mv_pRes = True mv_pRes@gsFillColor = "White" ; background color for reference values mv_tRes = True mv_tRes@txFontHeightF = mn_theight ; Title xbox = tt_width*xbox0 ybox = 1.-tt_height*ybox0 ixtbox = xbox(0)+0.5*(xbox(1)-xbox(0)) iytbox = ybox(0)+0.5*(ybox(2)-ybox(0)) gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,tt_pRes) if (isatt(opt,"tableTitle") ) then gsn_text_ndc(wks, opt@tableTitle ,ixtbox,iytbox, tt_tRes) else gsn_text_ndc(wks,"CAM METRICS",ixtbox,iytbox, tt_tRes) end if gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,False) do im = 0,nvar-1 ybox = min(ybox)-(ybox0*mn_height) ixtbox = xbox(0)+0.5*(xbox(1)-xbox(0)) iytbox = ybox(0)+0.5*(ybox(2)-ybox(0)) gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,mn_pRes) gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,False) gsn_text_ndc(wks,varNames(im),ixtbox,iytbox, mn_tRes) end do do icase = 0, ncases-1 ybox = 1.-0.5*tt_height*ybox0 xbox = ((1.-tt_width)/ncases)*(xbox0+icase)+tt_width xboxi = min(xbox) ixtbox = xbox(0)+0.5*(xbox(1)-xbox(0)) iytbox = ybox(0)+0.5*(ybox(2)-ybox(0)) gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,mn_pRes) gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,False) gsn_text_ndc(wks,cases(icase),ixtbox,iytbox, mn_tRes) do iseas = 0, nseas-1 ybox = 1.-0.5*tt_height-0.5*tt_height*ybox0 xbox = xboxi + ((1.-tt_width)/(ncases*nseas))*(xbox0+iseas) ixtbox = xbox(0)+0.5*(xbox(1)-xbox(0)) iytbox = ybox(0)+0.5*(ybox(2)-ybox(0)) gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,mn_pRes) gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,False) gsn_text_ndc(wks,seasons(iseas),ixtbox,iytbox, mn_tRes) do im=0,nvar-1 if (im .eq. 0) then ybox = 1.-tt_height-mv_height*ybox0 else ybox = ybox - mv_height end if iytbox = ybox(0)+0.5*(ybox(2)-ybox(0)) mv_pRes@gsFillColor = "White" if (icase .gt. 0) then if (ismissing(values(icase,iseas,im)) .or. \ ; ??? ismissing(values(icase,iseas,im)))then ; print ("Missing values skipped") else ; if (values(icase,iseas,im).le.values(0,iseas,im)) then ; 2017 for bias if (abs(values(icase,iseas,im)).le.abs(values(0,iseas,im))) then if (isatt(opt,"color0")) then mv_pRes@gsFillColor = opt@color0 else mv_pRes@gsFillColor = "DarkOliveGreen3" end if else if (isatt(opt,"color1")) then mv_pRes@gsFillColor = opt@color1 else mv_pRes@gsFillColor = "IndianRed1" end if end if end if end if gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,mv_pRes) gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,False) gsn_text_ndc(wks,sprintf("%4.3f",values(icase,iseas,im)),ixtbox,iytbox, mv_tRes) end do end do end do draw(wks) ;; activate the ;; lines if this is made a function ;;if (.not.isatt(opt,"gsnFrame") .or. opt@gsnFrame) then frame(wks) ; if png or gif then use convert ; if (isatt(opt,"pltType") .and. \ ; (opt@pltType.eq."png" .or. opt@pltType.eq."gif")) then ; system("convert -trim +repage "+mfname+".eps "+mfname+"."+opt@pltType) ; end if ;;end if end