<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title></title><style type="text/css">.felamimail-body-blockquote {margin: 5px 10px 0 3px;padding-left: 10px;border-left: 2px solid #000088;} </style></head><body>Hello<br><br>I am plotting multiple variables in Taylor diagram between model - observations.<br>There are no errors but the 3rd variable is not plotting.<br>I have T2M and precip at same resolution [360 720] but my SLP is [192 288]<br>Now i have weighted it and performed taylor_stats, but it gives missing values. Part of my script for the SLP is below:<br><br>;===========================================================================================PSL<br>f= addfile("SLP_PHIS_Z3cam5.nc", "r") ;<br><br> TIME = f->time<br> YYYY = cd_calendar(TIME,-1)/100 ; entire file<br> iYYYY = ind(YYYY461.ge.yrStrt .and. YYYY461.le.yrLast)<br>slpp = f->PSL(iYYYY,:,:)<br>printVarSummary(slpp) ; (time, lat,lon)<br> pm1 = slpp(:,::-1,:) ; make latitudes monotonically increasing (NCL syntax)<br>printVarSummary(pm1) ; (time, lat,lon)<br>slp = lonFlip( slpp )<br> s3w=month_to_annual(slp,1) <br> s3Clm = dim_avg_n_Wrap( s3w, 0)<br> printVarSummary(s3Clm) ; (lat,lon)<br> printMinMax(s3Clm, 0) <br>;===================================================================================<br>f6 = addfile ("slp.mon.mean.nc", "r")<br> TIME46 = f6->time<br> YYYY46 = cd_calendar(TIME46,-1)/100 ; entire file<br> iYYYY46 = ind(YYYY46.ge.yrStrt .and. YYYY46.le.yrLast)<br> psl = f6->slp(iYYYY46,:,:)<br>printVarSummary(psl) ; (time, lat,lon)<br>S3 = linint2_Wrap(psl&lon, psl&lat, psl, True, pm1&lon, pm1&lat, 0)<br> PSL=month_to_annual(S3,1) <br> pslClm = dim_avg_n_Wrap( PSL, 0)<br> printVarSummary(pslClm) ; (lat,lon)<br> printMinMax(pslClm, 0) <br>;==================================================================<br>;Taylor diagram calculations<br>;===================================================================<br> case = (/ "CESM CAM5"/) <br> nCase = dimsizes(case ) ; # of Cases [Cases]<br><br>var = (/ "T2M(Wilmott)", "PRECIP(Wilmott)","SLP(NCEP)"/)<br> nVar = dimsizes(var) ; # of Variables<br> SEASONS = (/ "ANN" /)<br> nSeason = dimsizes( SEASONS )<br>;==================================================================<br>; create weights: sqrt(cos(lat)) [or sqrt(gw) ]<br>; =================================================================<br> rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180.<br> lat = f->lat<br> if (typeof(lat).eq."double") then<br> clat = sqrt( cos(rad*tofloat(lat)) )<br> else<br> clat = sqrt( cos(rad*lat) )<br> end if<br> copy_VarCoords(lat, clat) ; contributed<br> printVarSummary(clat)<br><br>;==============================Taylorstats=============<br>stat_taylor = taylor_stats(t4Clm, aClm, clat, 0)<br><br>stat_taylor2 = taylor_stats(p3Clm, pClm, clat, 0)<br>;===============Perform another weighting for the SLP since it is on a different resolution <br><br> rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180.<br> lat1 = f88->lat<br> if (typeof(lat1).eq."double") then<br> clat1 = sqrt( cos(rad*tofloat(lat1)) )<br> else<br> clat1 = sqrt( cos(rad*lat1) )<br> end if<br> copy_VarCoords(lat1, clat1) ; contributed<br> printVarSummary(clat1)<br>w=clat1<br><br>stat_taylor3 = taylor_stats(s3Clm, pslClm, w, 0)<br>print(stat_taylor3)<br><br>CA_cc = (/stat_taylor(0), stat_taylor2(0), stat_taylor3(0)/) ; pattern_cor of t2CLM and of p1CLM and SLP<br>CA_rat = (/stat_taylor(1), stat_taylor2(1), stat_taylor3(1)/) ; ratio of t2CLM and of p1CLM and SLP <br>CA_bias = (/stat_taylor(2), stat_taylor2(2), stat_taylor3(2)/) ; bias of t2CLM and of p1CLM and SLP<br><br>;**********************************<br>; Put the ratios and pattern correlations into<br>; arrays for plotting<br>;**********************************<br>; arrays to be passed to taylor_diagram. It will calculate the x xnd y coordinates.<br> ratio = new ((/nCase, nVar/), typeof(CA_cc) ) <br> cc = new ((/nCase, nVar/), typeof(CA_cc) )<br> bias = new ((/nCase, nVar/), typeof(CA_cc) )<br><br>ratio(0,:) = CA_rat <br>cc(0,:) = CA_cc <br>bias(0,:) = CA_bias <br><br>print(bias)<br>print(cc) <br>print(ratio)<br>;================================<br>; PLOTS<br>;================================<br> <br>res = True ; default taylor diagram<br> <br> res@Markers = (/16,16,16/) ; make all solid fill<br> res@Colors = (/"red","blue","black"/) <br> res@varLabels = var<br> res@caseLabels = case<br>res@varLabelsYloc = 0.6 ; Move location of variable labels ;;[default 0.45]<br> res@caseLabelsFontHeightF = 0.14 ; make slight larger [default=0.12 ]<br> res@varLabelsFontHeightF = 0.011 ; make slight smaller [default=0.013]<br> res@stnRad = (/0.5, 1.25 /) ; <br>res@tiMainString = "Annual Taylor Diagram"<br> wks = gsn_open_wks("png","TaylorCAM5all") ; send graphics to PNG file<br> plot = taylor_diagram_cam(wks,ratio,cc,bias,res)<br><br><br><br> end<br><br><br><br>Did i misunderstand and that all variables plotted should be of same resolution?<br>Would deeply appreciate<br><br>Variable: stat_taylor3<br>Type: float<br>Total Size: 12 bytes<br> 3 values<br>Number of Dimensions: 1<br>Dimensions and sizes: [3]<br>Coordinates: <br>Number Of Attributes: 2<br> _FillValue : 9.96921e+36<br> long_name : 0-pattern_cor; 1-ratio; 2-bias (%)<br>(0) -9.96921e+36<br>(1) nan<br>(2) -nan<br><br></body></html>