load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/esmf/ESMF_regridding.ncl" begin data_path = "/Users/linx/Data/NSIDC/NOAA/G02202_v2/south/monthly/" year1 = 1979 year2 = 2015 ny = year2-year1+1 year = fspan(1979.,2013.999,ny*12) method = "bilinear" ; "neareststod" ;"patch" ;"bilinear" ; read the original nc files y = new((/ny*12,332,316/),"float") index = "n07" do i = 0, year2-year1 do j = 1, 12 yymm = ((i+1979)*100+j) if(yymm.eq.198707)then index = "f08" end if if(yymm.eq.199112)then index = "f11" end if if(yymm.eq.199510)then index = "f13" end if if(yymm.eq.200801)then index = "f17" end if data_filename = "seaice_conc_monthly_sh_" + index + "_" + ((i+1979)*100+j) + "_v02r00.nc" print(" " + data_filename) fi = addfile(data_path + data_filename,"r") lon = fi->longitude lat = fi->latitude data = fi->goddard_merged_seaice_conc_monthly ; byte type in default x = data(0,:,:)*data@scale_factor ;flag_values : ( -5, -4, -3, -2, -1 ) ;flag_meanings : pole_hole unused coastal land_mask missing_data n1 = num(data.eq.-1) n2 = num(data.eq.-2) n3 = num(data.eq.-3) n4 = num(data.eq.-4) n5 = num(data.eq.-5) print(n1+" " + n2 + " " + n3 + " " + n4 + " " + n5) x = where(data(0,:,:).lt.0, -999., x) x@_FillValue = -999. y(i*12+j-1,:,:) = x nmiss = num(ismissing(x)) n0 = num(x.eq.0) ntotal = num(x.gt.0) print(i+1979 + " " + j + " missing " + nmiss + " zero values " + n0 + " positive " + ntotal) end do end do y@lat2d = lat ;lon = where(lon.lt.0,lon+360,lon) ; -180 ~ 180 longitude order ;lon@units= "degrees_east" y@lon2d = lon print(min(lon) + " " + max(lon)) ; Loop over , read over ; read the destination grid file (HadISST) fi = addfile("/Users/linx/Data/Hadley/HadISST.","r") hsic = fi->sic(:,{-90.:-30.},:) hlon = fi->longitude ; 0 ~ 360 hlat = fi->latitude({-90.:-30.}) ; ************* regridding *********************. Opt = True Opt@SrcFileName = "source_grid_file.nc" ; source file name Opt@DstFileName = "destination_grid_file.nc" ; destination file name Opt@ForceOverwrite = True ;Opt@SrcGridMask = where(.not.ismissing(y(0,:,:)),1,0) ;Opt@DstGridMask = where(.not.ismissing(hsic(0,:,:)),1,0) Opt@DstGridLat = hlat Opt@DstGridLon = hlon printVarSummary(hlon) print("Generating interpolation weights from CMIP5 to") print("World 1 degree grid using the " + method + " method.") Opt@WgtFileName = "ESMF_regrid_wgt_nsidc.sic.nc" Opt@InterpMethod = method printVarSummary(y) thetao_regrid = ESMF_regrid(y,Opt) printVarSummary(thetao_regrid) time = flt2dble(fspan(0., ny*12-1., ny*12) ) ;185001-201212:1956 time@units = "months since 1979-01-01 00:00" time@long_name = "Time" thetao_regrid!0 = "time" thetao_regrid&time = time ; ******* output netcdf file ****************** system("rm -f " + "nsidc_bt.sic_regrid.nc") ; remove any pre-existing file ncdf = addfile("nsidc_bt.sic_regrid.nc" ,"c") ; open output netCDF file ;=================================================================== ; create global attributes of the file (optional) ;=================================================================== fAtt = True ; assign file attributes fAtt@title = "NSIDC Bootstrap sea ice concentration" ;fAtt@source_file = "original-file.nc" ;fAtt@Conventions = "None" fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc ("date") fileattdef( ncdf, fAtt ) ; copy file attributes ;=================================================================== ; make time an UNLIMITED dimension; recommended for most applications ;=================================================================== filedimdef(ncdf,"time",-1,True) ;=================================================================== ; output variables directly; NCL will call appropriate functions ; to write the meta data associated with each variable ;=================================================================== ncdf->sic = thetao_regrid ncdf->time = time delete(thetao_regrid) end