; filepath = "/home/debian/WRF/CASES/kinugawa/output/ \ ; 3.33km_1day_FNL_mp10_origin_SST_10output/\ ; wrfout_d01_2015-09-09_00:00:00" begin ;---Set bounding box ; bounding box for cover kinu watershed lats = (/ 30.00, 40.00 /) lons = (/ 132.00, 142.00 /) ;---We generate plots, but what kind do we prefer? type = "x11" output_name = "./" wks = gsn_open_wks(type,output_name) ;gsn_define_colormap(wks,"rainbow") ; overwrite the .hluresfile color map ;---Set some basic resources res = True res@NoHeaderFooter = True ; Switch headers and footers off pltres = True pltres@PanelPlot = True ; Indicate these plots are to be paneled. mpres = True mpres@gsnMaximize = True mpres@mpMinLatF = 20.0 mpres@mpMaxLatF = 50.0 mpres@mpMinLonF = 120 mpres@mpMaxLonF = 150 mpres@mpOutlineOn = True mpres@mpFillOn = False mpres@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes" ;---Get xlat,xlon from model for interpolation filepath = "./wrfout_d01_2015-09-08_12:00:00" a = addfile(filepath,"r") time = 0 xlat2d_m = wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLAT",time) xlon2d_m = wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLONG",time) xland = wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLAND",time) dims2d = dimsizes(xlat2d_m) ;printVarSummary(xlat2d_m) ;printVarSummary(xlon2d_m) ;printVarSummary(xland) ;print(dims2d) ;print (xlat2d_m) ;---Set zoomin indices ; loc(0,;) is west-east (x) ; loc(1,:) is south-north (y) ; subtract one since we want to use it as an index in NCL loc = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(a, lons, lats, True) loc = loc - 1 x_start = loc(0,0) x_end = loc(0,1) y_start = loc(1,0) y_end = loc(1,1) mpres@ZoomIn = True mpres@Xstart = x_start mpres@Ystart = y_start mpres@Xend = x_end mpres@Yend = y_end print ("---Bounding Box Information---") print ("x_start = " + x_start + " x_end = " + x_end) print ("y_start = " + y_start + " y_end = " + y_end) print ("------------------------------") ;---Loop of time times = wrf_user_getvar(a,"times",-1) ; get all times in the file plots = new ( 4, graphic ) do itime = 0,0 if (itime.eq.0)then asc_file = "./crain_composite_2015." end if stime = get_cpu_time() data = asciiread(asc_file, -1, "float") header = readAsciiHead(asc_file,2) date = str_get_field(header(1),2," ") ; read data radar = data(7::3) lat_obs = data(8::3) lon_obs = data(9::3) ; These long_name and units attributes are not necessary. I ; did this so I got better output from print statements below. radar@long_name = "cband radar observations" radar@units = "mm/h" lat_obs@long_name = "observed latitudes" lat_obs@units = "degrees_north" lon_obs@long_name = "observed longitudes" lon_obs@units = "degrees_east" radar@_FillValue = -9999 radar@_FillValue = -999 etime = get_cpu_time() print("Reading the data took " + (etime-stime) + " seconds.") printVarSummary(radar) printVarSummary(lat_obs) printVarSummary(lon_obs) printMinMax(radar,0) printMinMax(lat_obs,0) printMinMax(lon_obs,0) ;---Get slice of lat/lon data at halfway points. nlat = dims2d(0) nlon = dims2d(1) xlat_m = xlat2d_m(:,nlon/2) xlon_m = xlon2d_m(nlat/2,:) ;print (nlat+ " "+ nlon) printVarSummary(xlat_m) printVarSummary(xlon_m) printMinMax(xlat_m,0) printMinMax(xlon_m,0) rscan = (/1,0.5,0.25/) ; rscan = (/0.8,0.4,0.20/) ; rscan = (/0.25,0.125,0.05/) ; rscan = (/1.0/) grid = obj_anal_ic(lon_obs,lat_obs,radar,xlon_m,xlat_m,rscan,False) printVarSummary(grid) printMinMax(grid,0) ;print (grid) ;---Generate contours. res1 = res res1@cnFillOn = True res1@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" res1@cnFillOn = True res1@cnFillMode = "RasterFill" ; handles memory better, but can produce blocky contours res1@cnLinesOn = False res@cnLevels = (/0.1, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 210/) res@cnFillColors = (/"white","cyan", "blue","green","yellow","darkorange", \ "coral","red","blueviolet"/) ; var_zoom = grid(15:40,15:40) var_zoom = grid(y_start:y_end,x_start:x_end) printVarSummary(var_zoom) printMinMax(var_zoom,0) contour = wrf_contour(a,wks,var_zoom,res1) ;---Overlay contours on a map ;pltres@CommonTitle = True ;pltres@PlotTitle = date ;plot = wrf_map_overlays(a,wks,(/contour/),pltres,mpres) ;---End loop of time end do end