filename: TES-Aura_L2-HDO-Nadir_2012-09_L2v005_Litev08 path: g:/tes/ file global attributes: history : created Tue Mar 25 12:00:08 2014 dimensions: grid_pressure_fm = 67 grid_targets = 1664 grid_pressure = 17 grid_cloud = 25 grid_pressure_composite = 34 variables: float airdensity ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : density of air units : molecules/m^3 _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float altitude ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : altitude at each target units : meters _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float altitude_fm ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_fm ) long_name : altitude at each target on FM grid units : meters _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float constraintvector ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : tes apriori volume mixing ratio units : mole/mole _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float hdo_h2o ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : HDO_H2O profile result. HDO starts at index 0 and H2O starts at index 17 units : VMR fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float initial ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : Initial vmr data or temperature data (for retrieved temperature) used in the retrieval units : VMR or K fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float original_species ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : Uncorrected retrieved values units : (K) for atmospheric temperature, volume mixing ratio (dry) for atmospheric species fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float map ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_fm, grid_pressure ) long_name : Map from retrieval grid to FM grid [Ret grid, FM grid] units : fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float pressure ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : atmospheric pressure grid used for retrieval units : hPa _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float pressure_fm ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_fm ) long_name : atmospheric pressure on grid used for radiative transfer units : hPa _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float species ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : HDO volume mixing ratio units : volume mixing ratio relative to dry air _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float tropopausepressure ( grid_targets ) long_name : Pressure between the troposphere and stratosphere used to calculate the tropospheric column, from GMAO units : hPa fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float averagingkerneldiagonal ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : averaging kernel diagonal units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float averagingkernel ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : The averaging kernel is the sensitivity of the estimated state to variations in the atmospheric state. The rows of the averaging kernel represent the sensitivity of the estimated state at a specific pressure level to variations in the atmospheric state at all levels. The columns of averaging kernel represent the sensitivity of the estimated state at all levels to variations in the atmospheric state at specific pressure level. For atmospheric species this is the sensitivity of retrieved ln(vmr) to the true ln(vmr). full_description : see units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float measurementerrorcovariance ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : Propagated measured radiance noise units : ln(vmr)^2 _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float observationerrorcovariance ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : Measurement + systematic + cross-state errors. The utility of the observation error is for comparisons with other measurements and for assimilation. The smoothing error is accounted for when one applies the averaging kernel, so the observation error accounts for everything else. See comment for TotalErrorCovariance. full_description : see _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float totalerrorcovariance ( grid_targets, grid_pressure_composite, grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : Sum of smoothing, systematic, and measurement error. For atmospheric temperature, it represents the covariance of the error of temperature. For Atmospheric Species, it is the covariance of the error of ln(vmr) units : ln(vmr)^2 _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float averagecloudeffopticaldepth ( grid_targets ) long_name : average cloud effective optical depth units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float averagecloudeffopticaldeptherror ( grid_targets ) long_name : average cloud effective optical depth error units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float cloudeffectiveopticaldepth ( grid_targets, grid_cloud ) long_name : average cloud effective optical depth units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float cloudeffectiveopticaldeptherror ( grid_targets, grid_cloud ) long_name : average cloud effective optical depth error units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float cloudtoppressure ( grid_targets ) long_name : Pressure of inferred cloud top (species independent) units : hPa _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float cloudtoppressureerror ( grid_targets ) long_name : Cloud top pressure error units : hPa _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float cloudvariability_qa ( grid_targets ) long_name : Quality value calculated from cloud variability units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float degreesoffreedomforsignal ( grid_targets ) long_name : number of independent parameters for the profile other_name : trace of the averaging kernel units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float h2o_hdo_corr_qa ( grid_targets ) long_name : Water consistency quality assurance units : fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float kdotdl_qa ( grid_targets ) long_name : Jacobian dotted into the radiance residual quality assurance units : fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float ldotdl_qa ( grid_targets ) long_name : Radiance dotted into the radiance residual quality assurance units : fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float radianceresidualmean ( grid_targets ) long_name : Mean of the model and data radiance difference (per species) units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float radianceresidualrms ( grid_targets ) long_name : RMS of model and data difference units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 integer speciesretrievalquality ( grid_targets ) long_name : Retrieval quality, 1=good units : fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float surfaceemissmean_qa ( grid_targets ) long_name : Quality value comparing the retrieved emissivity to the initial emissivity. Fill forocean and limb scenes. This will be fill forthe species HDO and H2O units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfacetempconstraint ( grid_targets ) long_name : Surface temperature value used to constrain the retrieval (species independent) units : K _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfacetemperror ( grid_targets ) long_name : Error in the retrieved Surface temperature units : K _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfacetempdegreesoffreedom ( grid_targets ) long_name : Surface temperature degrees of freedom units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfacetempinitial ( grid_targets ) long_name : Initial surface temperature at the start of the retrieval process, currently taken from GMAO units : K _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfacetempobservationerror ( grid_targets ) long_name : Measurement + systematic + cross-state errors. The utility of the observation error is for comparisons with other measurements and for assimilation. The smoothing erroris accounted for when one applies the averaging kernel, so the observation error accounts for everything else. units : K _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfacetempprecision ( grid_targets ) long_name : Square-root of diagonal element of the measurement error covariance units : K _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfacetempvsapriori_qa ( grid_targets ) long_name : Quality value comparing the surface temperature to a priori value units : K _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfacetemperature ( grid_targets ) long_name : surface temperature units : K _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float totalcolumndensityinitial ( grid_targets ) long_name : Total column amount computed from the initial profile. For the Atmospheric Temperature Product this will be a fillvalue units : molecules/m2 _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float totalcolumndensity ( grid_targets ) long_name : Total column amount computed from the retrieved profile. For the Atmospheric Temperature, this will be a fillvalue units : molecules/m2 _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float totalcolumndensityerror ( grid_targets ) long_name : Error in total column amount computed from total error covarianceFor the Atmospheric Temperature Product this will be a fill value units : molecules/m2 _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 double boresightazimuth ( grid_targets ) long_name : TES boresight (LOS) azimuth angle relative to the local north at SC units : Decimal degrees fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) double boresightnadirangle ( grid_targets ) long_name : TES boresight (LOS) nadir angle relative to local nadir at SC units : Decimal degrees fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) integer daynightflag ( grid_targets ) long_name : day and night flag (1=day, 0=night) units : _fillvalue : -99 missing_value : -99 integer dominantsurfacetype ( grid_targets ) long_name : Dominant surface type full_description : see units : _fillvalue : -99 missing_value : -99 integer globalsurvey ( grid_targets ) long_name : If run is a global survey ==1, otherwise ==0 units : fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float latitude ( grid_targets ) long_name : latitude units : degrees_north _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 double latitude_footprint_1 ( grid_targets ) long_name : latitude for footprint bounding point 1 units : degrees_north _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 double latitude_footprint_2 ( grid_targets ) long_name : latitude for footprint bounding point 2 units : degrees_north _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 double latitude_footprint_3 ( grid_targets ) long_name : latitude for footprint bounding point 3 units : degrees_north _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 double latitude_footprint_4 ( grid_targets ) long_name : latitude for footprint bounding point 4 units : degrees_north _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 float localsolartime ( grid_targets ) long_name : local solar time at location units : hours_of_day.fraction_of_hours_of_day _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float longitude ( grid_targets ) long_name : longitude units : degrees_east _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 double longitude_footprint_1 ( grid_targets ) long_name : longitude for footprint bounding point 1 units : degrees_east _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 double longitude_footprint_2 ( grid_targets ) long_name : llongitude for footprint bounding point 2 units : degrees_east _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 double longitude_footprint_3 ( grid_targets ) long_name : llongitude for footprint bounding point 3 units : degrees_east _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 double longitude_footprint_4 ( grid_targets ) long_name : longitude for footprint bounding point 4 units : degrees_east _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 integer run ( grid_targets ) long_name : Associated TES original RUNID integer scan ( grid_targets ) long_name : scan number within a sequence units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 integer sequence ( grid_targets ) long_name : sequence number within a run units : _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 float solarzenithangle ( grid_targets ) long_name : Solar zenith relative to the local zenith at the spacecraft units : decimal degrees calendar : julian _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 float surfaceelevstandarddeviation ( grid_targets ) long_name : standard deviation of average elevation over footprint units : meters _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 integer surfacetypefootprint ( grid_targets ) long_name : surface type footprint description : 1=freshwater,2=saltwater,3=land,4=mixed units : _fillvalue : -99 missing_value : -99 float tgt_spacecraftazimuth ( grid_targets ) long_name : TES boresight (LOS) azimuth angle relative to the local north at the target geolocation. units : Decimal degrees (east of north) fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) float tgt_spacecraftzenith ( grid_targets ) long_name : TES boresight (LOS) zenith angle relative to the local zenith at the target geolocation. units : Decimal degrees fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) double time ( grid_targets ) long_name : Julian date units : seconds since some reference (1993-01-01 00:00:00) calendar : julian _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 float ut_hour ( grid_targets ) long_name : UTC hour at location. fraction corresponds to minutes, seconds units : hours example : 19.44000 _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 _FillValue : -999 double yearfloat ( grid_targets ) long_name : year plus fraction of the year units : fillvalue : -999.00 missing_value : ( -, 9, 9, 9, ., 0, 0 ) double yyyymmdd ( grid_targets ) long_name : Human readable UTC time at location units : time as YYYYMMDD example : 20060805 _fillvalue : -999 missing_value : -999 float grid_pressure_fm ( grid_pressure_fm ) long_name : full pressure grid used in TES forward model calculation. Actual pressure grid varies depending on surface pressure. units : hPa float grid_pressure ( grid_pressure ) long_name : full retrieval pressure grid. Actual pressure grid varies depending on surface pressure. units : float grid_pressure_composite ( grid_pressure_composite ) long_name : full retrieval pressure grid for stacked HDO and H2O vectors. Actual pressure grid varies depending on surface pressure units : integer grid_targets ( grid_targets ) long_name : number of individual points sampled by TES units : integer grid_cloud ( grid_cloud ) long_name : wavenumber grid for Cloud effective optical depth units : cm-1