load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/time_axis_labels.ncl" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Converts YYYYMM time to "days since" time. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- function yyyymm_to_time(time) local ntime, stime, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, units begin ntime = dimsizes(time) stime = tostring(time) year = toint(str_get_cols(stime,0,3)) month = toint(str_get_cols(stime,4,5)) day = new(ntime,integer) hour = new(ntime,integer) minute = new(ntime,integer) second = new(ntime,double) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Note: you may need to change the day, hour, minute values depending ; on your definition of "YYYYMM". Is this the first day and the ; first hour of the month? Is it the middle of the month? ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- day = 1 hour = 0 minute = 0 second = 0.d units = "days since " + min(year) + "-01-01 00:00" newtime = cd_inv_calendar(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,units,0) return(newtime) end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Main code ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ;---Create dummy lat and time coordinate arrays to be used for 2D data. lat = fspan(9.5,55.5,47) time = (/201001,201002,201003,201004,201005,201006,201007,201008,\ 201009,201010,201011,201012,201101,201102,201103,201104,\ 201105,201106,201107,201108,201109,201110,201111,201112,\ 201201,201202,201203,201204,201205,201206,201207,201208,\ 201209,201210,201211,201212/) lat!0 = "lat" lat@units = "degrees_north" time!0 = "time" time@units = "YYYYMM" ;---Create dummy array dimensioned lat x time, with time = YYYYMM. nlat = dimsizes(lat) ntim = dimsizes(time) x = generate_2d_array(10, 10, -19.69, 15.82, 0, (/nlat,ntim/)) x!0 = "lat" x!1 = "time" x&lat = lat x&time = time printVarSummary(x) ;---Start the graphics wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","spline_error") res = True res@gsnMaximize = True res@cnFillOn = True res@tiMainString = "Spline error for X (time) axis" plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,x,res) ;---Fix the time values and reassign it as x's time coordinate array newtime = yyyymm_to_time(time) x&time := newtime printVarSummary(x) ;---Set resources necessary to nicely format X axis restick = True restick@ttmFormat = "%c %Y" ; Jan 2010, Feb 2010, etc. time_axis_labels(newtime,res,restick) res@tiMainString = "Nice time axis" plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,x,res) end