begin ;************************************************ ; file handling ;************************************************ fn = "" ; define filename in = addfile(fn,"r") ; open netcdf file ;************************************************ ; read needed variables from file ;************************************************ U = in->U ; select variable to ave P0mb =1000. hyam = in->hyam ; get a coefficiants hybm = in->hybm ; get b coefficiants PS = in->PS ; get pressure ;************************************************ ; define other arguments required by vinth2p ;************************************************ ; type of interpolation: 1 = linear, 2 = log, 3 = loglog interp = 2 ; is extrapolation desired if data is outside the range of PS extrap = False ; create an array of desired pressure levels: pnew = (/ 850.0,700.0,500.0,300.0,200.0 /) ;************************************************ ; calculate T on pressure levels ;************************************************ ; note, the 7th argument is not used, and so is set to 1. ;************************************************ TonP = vinth2p(U(:,1,:,:),hyam,hybm,pnew,PS,interp,P0mb,1,extrap) ;************************************************ ; plot parameters that do not change ;************************************************ wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","vert") ; Opens a ps file plot = new(3,graphic) ; Define plot array r = True ; plot mods desired r@gsnFrame = False ; required for panel plots r@gsnDraw = False ; required for panel plots ;************************************************ ; create individual contour plots ;************************************************ r@tiMainString= "850 mb" ; plot title plot(0)=gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,TonP(0,:,:),r) ; plot temp contours r@tiMainString= "500 mb" ; plot title plot(1)=gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,TonP(2,:,:),r) ; plot temp contours r@tiMainString= "200 mb" ; plot title plot(2)=gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,TonP(4,:,:),r) ; plot temp contours ;*********************************************** gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/3,1/),False) ; create panel plots end