; -------------- LOAD FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES ---------------- load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl" ; -------------- BEGINING OF NCL SCRIPT ---------------- begin ;******************************************************** ; read in netCDF file and make a loop for all time steps ;******************************************************** in = addfile("wrfout_d01_2013-12-31_18:00:00.nc","r") ;******************************************************** ; Process all the time steps ;******************************************************** times = wrf_user_list_times(in) ; get times in the file ntimes = dimsizes(times) ; number of times in the file windspd0 = new(ntimes,float) ; creation of a Windspeed vector at each time step do it = 0,ntimes-1 ;Loop for the time: it= starting time time = it ;************************************************ ; - Select lon & lat of the point of interest - ;************************************************ ; - The function wrf_user_ll_to_ij find the nearest grid point for a specific lat and lon Latitude = -8.55 Longitude = 125.65 res = True res@returnInt = True ; False : return real values, True: return interger values point = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(in,Longitude,Latitude,res) ; wrf_user_ll_to_ij(nc_file,lon,lat,opt) x = point(0) y = point(1) ;************************************************************************************* ; - extract wind ;************************************************************************************* ; Wind and Height u = wrf_user_getvar(in,"ua",time) ; u averaged to mass points v = wrf_user_getvar(in,"va",time) ; v averaged to mass points height = wrf_user_getvar(in, "z",time) ; height is our vertical coordinate ter = wrf_user_getvar(in, "ter",time) ; model terrain height (HGT_M, HGT_U, HGT_V) ; Conform data to Terrain Height nheight = conform(height,ter,(/1,2/)) ; assuming height is a 3d array and ter is a 2d array height = height - nheight plane = (/ 0., 10./) ; height levels to plot - in meter ; Interpolate U,V to 0 Meters u_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d( u,height,"v",plane,0.,False) v_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d( v,height,"v",plane,0.,False) ; Calculate Wind Speed from Vectors spd = (u_plane*u_plane + v_plane*v_plane)^(0.5) windspd0(it)=spd(x,y) ; Wind direction at 0 Meters r2d = 45.0/atan(1.0) ; conversion factor (radians to degrees) dir = atan2(u_plane,v_plane) * r2d + 180 dir0 = dir(x,y) ; Wind Speed spd@description = "Wind Speed" spd@units = "m/s" u_plane@units = "m/s" end do ;************************************************************ ; - Print the variables at the screen - * ;************************************************************ npts=ntimes fName = "ncl0-10m.txt" data = new( npts, "string") print("Time(hour) Wind_Direction(ยบ) Wind_Speed(m/s) ") do it = 0,ntimes-1 print (sprintf ("%5.0f",it) +" " \ +sprintf (" %4.1f", dir0) +" " \ +sprintf("%23.2f", windspd0(it)) +" " ) end do ; end of time loop asciiwrite (fName , data) end