<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Dear Madam,<br><br></div>I need to convert wrf 6 hrs outputs to daily ouputs. Is there any ncl code to convert wrf 6hrs data to daily data which consider Bucket Option. Major variables required are Max and min Temperature( Tmax, Tmin), Rainfall, Swdown and Wind Speed.<br><br></div><div>Below is the description for wrf bucket option<br><br><p><span style="background-color:rgb(255,255,153)"><strong>Buckets in the namelist.input</strong></span></p>
<p id="yui_3_7_3_2_1430451859289_326">The other suggestion is the use of
buckets in the &physics section of the namelist.input file. Let me
explain what that is: if you do not use buckets, then the precipitation
field keeps accumulating at each timestep. This is fine for weather
simulations. But if you run WRF for several months or several years,
then you will end up with a large number for the precipitation. So,
let's suppose that you need to add 1 mm of rainfall to a very large
number. Due to rounding errors in computer systems, this 1 mm may end up
not being added at all. This is where the idea of buckets come to
<p id="yui_3_7_3_2_1430451859289_330">When you use buckets, for example
of size 100 mm, every time your bucket is full, it empties and starts
from zero. WRF keeps a count of how many buckets you have. It also uses a
bucket per grid point. </p>
<p>How do you use buckets in your namelist.input file? Well, in the <strong>&physics</strong> section, you should add these options:</p>
<p style="margin-left:30px"><em>bucket_mm = 100,</em></p>
<p style="margin-left:30px"><em>bucket_J = 1.e9,</em></p>
<p id="yui_3_7_3_2_1430451859289_332">Now, remember that when you finish
your simulation and you want to estimate the precipitation, you will
need to multiply the number of buckets you have by 100 mm. You will need
to perform the following calculations, using the variables WRF has
separated when you activated the bucket system:</p>
<p style="margin-left:30px"><strong> RAINC + 100.*I_RAINC</strong></p>
<p style="margin-left:30px"><strong>RAINNC + 100.*I_RAINNC</strong></p></div><div>Need your help<br><br></div>Thanks in advance<br></div>Rajasivaranjan<br></div>