;************************************************** ; HAZWX SOUNDINGS!!!! ; ; Concepts illustrated: ; - Reading GRIB data ; - Using getind_latlon2d to determine grid locations ; - Drawing Skew-T plots at nearest grid locations ; to user specified locations ;************************************************** load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl" load "/home/Soundings/names_grib2.txt" load "/home/Soundings/plot_hodo.ncl" ;*********************************************** ; The GRIB file's contents can be examined via: ; ncl_filedump -itime hrr.grb2 | less ;*********************************************** ; MODEL NAME MUST BE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ; "Rapid_Refresh" ; "NAM_12KM" ; "NAM_4KM" ; "HRRR" ; "Hi_Res_GFS" ; "GFS_13KM" ;************************************************ ;Arguements coming in! a0 = getenv("NCL_ARG_2") ; nc file a1 = getenv("NCL_ARG_3") ; model name a2 = getenv("NCL_ARG_4") ; valid time a5 = getenv("NCL_ARG_5") ; forecast hour a3 = getenv("NCL_ARG_6") ; lat a4 = getenv("NCL_ARG_7") ; lon ; optional argument: parcel_type ; parcel_type could define the type of parcel to be used ; examples: surface-based, mixed-layer, most-unstable, ; custom ; a5 = getenv("NCL_ARG_8") ;Load this for extra cool sounding stuff ;GAME FACE! print("Making sounding for " + a1 + " model...") ; --- Read GRIB file------------; diri = "" fili = a0 ; force a 'time' dimension setfileoption("nc","Format","LargeFile") f = addfile(diri+fili,"r") ; Model grid point locations if (isStrSubset(a1,"GFS")) then lat1d = f->lat_0 lon1d = f->lon_0 lat2d = new((/dimsizes(lat1d),dimsizes(lon1d)/),float) lon2d = new((/dimsizes(lat1d),dimsizes(lon1d)/),float) do a = 0,dimsizes(lat1d)-1 lon2d(a,:) = lon1d end do do b = 0,dimsizes(lon1d)-1 lat2d(:,b) = lat1d end do else lat2d = f->gridlat_0 ; ( ygrid_0, xgrid_0 ) lon2d = f->gridlon_0 end if ; initial diagnostics ; print("lat2d: min="+min(lat2d)+" ; max="+max(lat2d)) ; print("lon2d: min="+min(lon2d)+" ; max="+max(lon2d)) ; --- Specify one or more locations lat = (/ stringtofloat(a3) /) lon = (/ stringtofloat(a4) /) ;************************* ; create plot(s) ;************************* skewtOpts = True skewtOpts@DrawIsotherm = True skewtOpts@DrawIsobar = True skewtOpts@DrawMixRatio = True skewtOpts@DrawDryAdiabat = True skewtOpts@DrawMoistAdiabat = True skewtOpts@DrawWind = True skewtOpts@DrawStandardAtm = False skewtOpts@DrawColLine = True skewtOpts@DrawColAreaFill = False skewtOpts@DrawFahrenheit = True skewtOpts@DrawHeightScale = False skewtOpts@DrawHeightScaleFt = True localOpts = True localOpts@Cape = True localOpts@ThermoInfo= True ;localOpts@Parcel = 0 gsOpts = True dataOpts = True dataOpts@colTemperature="red" dataOpts@colDewPt = "green" dataOpts@colCape = "orange" if (isStrSubset(a1,"Hi_Res_GFS").or.isStrSubset(a1,"GFS_13KM")) then dataOpts@Wthin = 1 ; plot every n-th wind barb else dataOpts@Wthin = 2 ; plot every n-th wind barb end if ; find grid point nearest the user specified location nm = getind_latlon2d (lat2d,lon2d, lat(0), lon(0)) nn = nm(0,0) mm = nm(0,1) print("location=("+lat(0)+","+lon(0)+") grid=("+lat2d(nn,mm)+","+lon2d(nn,mm)+")") ; Load in our variables ; ALL models pull in the following p_pa = f->lv_ISBL0 ; [Pa] p_mb = 0.01*p_pa ; convert to [hPa] p_mb@units = "hPa" ; Now to account for the differences if (isStrSubset(a1,"Hi_Res_GFS").or.isStrSubset(a1,"GFS_13KM")) then z = f->$GFSGHNAME$(:,nn,mm) u = f->$GFSUNAME$(:,nn,mm) v = f->$GFSVNAME$(:,nn,mm) u10 = f->$GFSU10MNAME$(0,nn,mm) v10 = f->$GFSV10MNAME$(0,nn,mm) t2m = f->$GFST2MNAME$(0,nn,mm) rh2m = f->$GFSRH2MNAME$(nn,mm) ; td2m = f->GFSDPT2MNAME$(nn,mm) hsfc = f->$GFSGHSFCNAME$(nn,mm) psfc = f->$GFSPSFCNAME$(nn,mm) cape = f->$GFSCAPENAME$(nn,mm) cin = f->$GFSCINNAME$(nn,mm) li = f->$GFSLINAME$(nn,mm) ustm = f->$GFSUSTMNAME$(nn,mm) vstm = f->$GFSVSTMNAME$(nn,mm) srh03 = f->$GFSHLCYAGLNAME$(nn,mm) pw = f->$GFSPWNAME$(nn,mm) gfsheights = f->$GFSGHSFCNAME$(nn,mm) else ; not-GFS names z = f->$GHNAME$(:,nn,mm) u = f->$UNAME$(:,nn,mm) v = f->$VNAME$(:,nn,mm) if (isStrSubset(a1,"HRRR")) then u10 = f->$U10MNAME$(nn,mm) v10 = f->$V10MNAME$(nn,mm) else u10 = f->$U10MNAME$(0,nn,mm) v10 = f->$V10MNAME$(0,nn,mm) end if t2m = f->$T2MNAME$(0,nn,mm) ; td2m = f->$DPT2MNAME$(nn,mm) hsfc = f->$GHSFCNAME$(nn,mm) psfc = f->$PSFCNAME$(nn,mm) cape = f->$CAPENAME$(nn,mm) cin = f->$CINNAME$(nn,mm) rh2m = f->$RH2MNAME$(nn,mm) li = f->$LINAME$(nn,mm) ; if (isStrSubset(a1,"NAM_4KM") .or. isStrSubset(a1,"HRRR")) then ; lclz = f->$LCLZNAME$(nn,mm) ; end if pw = f->$PWNAME$(nn,mm) if (isStrSubset(a1,"HRRR")) then ustm = f->$USTMNAME$(nn,mm) vstm = f->$VSTMNAME$(nn,mm) end if if (isStrSubset(a1,"HRRR")) then ; ushr01 = f->$USHRNAME$(0,nn,mm) ; vshr01 = f->$VSHRNAME$(0,nn,mm) ; ushr06 = f->$USHRNAME$(1,nn,mm) ; vshr06 = f->$VSHRNAME$(1,nn,mm) else if (isStrSubset(a1,"RAP")) then ushr06 = f->$USHRNAME$(nn,mm) vshr06 = f->$VSHRNAME$(nn,mm) end if end if if (isStrSubset(a1,"NAM_12KM")) then ; GFS already taken care of, so no need to add it to this IF statement srh03 = f->$HLCYAGLNAME$(nn,mm) ; NCL switch end if end if ; We need dewpoint in C ; Also need to cut off a level in GFS data if (isStrSubset(a1,"NAM_12KM").or.isStrSubset(a1,"NAM_4KM") .or. isStrSubset(a1,"Rapid_Refresh")) then tk1 = f->$TNAME$(:,nn,mm) rh = f->$RHNAME$(:,nn,mm) tdk1 = dewtemp_trh(tk1,rh) rh2m = f->$RH2MNAME$(nn,mm) heights = f->$GHSFCNAME$(nn,mm) else if (isStrSubset(a1,"HRRR")) then tk1 = f->$TNAME$(:,nn,mm) rh = f->$RHNAME$(:,nn,mm) tdk1 = f->$DPTNAME$(:,nn,mm) else if (isStrSubset(a1,"Hi_Res_GFS").or.isStrSubset(a1,"GFS_13KM")) then tk1 = f->$GFSTNAME$(:,nn,mm) rh = f->$GFSRHNAME$(:,nn,mm) nz = dimsizes(tk1) tdk1 = dewtemp_trh(tk1,rh) end if end if end if q = mixhum_ptd(p_pa,tdk1,1) ; obtain mixing ratio kg/kg ; parcel_type = stringtofloat(a5) ; if (parcel_type == 2) then ; mixed-layer ; ; assume mixing over lowest 1000 m ; p_sum = 0. ; tk_sum = 0. ; qv_sum = 0. ; nz = dimsizes(z) ; do k = nz(0)-1,0,-1 ; index = nz(0)-1-k ; if (z(k) - hsfc < 1000.0) then ; p_sum = p_sum + p_mb(k) ; tk_sum = tk_sum + p_mb(k)*tk1(k) ; qv_sum = qv_sum + p_mb(k)*qv(k) ; else ; break ; end if ; end do ; ml_tk = tk_sum/psum ; ml_qv = qv_sum/psum ; end if ; Convert variables to appropriate units (celcius for temps, mb for pressure, kts for wind) r2d = 45.0/atan(1.0) tc = tk1 - 273.15 tdc = tdk1 - 273.15 if (isStrSubset(a1,"NAM_12KM") .or. isStrSubset(a1,"NAM_4KM")) then li = li - 273.15 end if li = toint(li) plcl = lclvl(p_mb,tk1,tdk1) plcl = plcl(::-1) plcls = toint(plcl) cape = toint(cape) cin = tointeger(cin) Uspd1 = 1.94384449*sqrt(u*u + v*v) Udir1 = atan2(u, v) * r2d + 180.0 pw = tofloat(pw*0.0393701) pws = sprintf("%4.2f",pw) ;invert column data so it is going from surface to TOA p_mb = p_mb(::-1) u = u(::-1) v = v(::-1) z = z(::-1) tc = tc(::-1) tdc = tdc(::-1) Uspd1 = Uspd1(::-1) Udir1 = Udir1(::-1) q = q(::-1) tk1 = tk1(::-1) rh = rh(::-1) ;If shear isn't in the file, need to compute it nz = dimsizes(z) if (.not. isStrSubset(a1,"RAP")) then ;RAP already has 6 km shear ;find wind at 6 km AGL do k = 0,nz(0)-1 ; going up from surface if (z(k) - hsfc .gt. 6000.0) then ; at the first level up from the surface that we're > 6 km AGL, stop ; linearly interpolate between this and the previous level (down) ; to get 6 km wind components u6000 = (u(k)-u(k-1))/(z(k)-z(k-1))*(6000.0+hsfc-z(k)) + u(k) v6000 = (v(k)-v(k-1))/(z(k)-z(k-1))*(6000.0+hsfc-z(k)) + v(k) break end if end do end if ; RAP has 6 km shear, but not 1 km shear ; find wind at 1 km AGL do k = 0,nz(0)-1 ; the order of the looping means we're going up from the bottom of the model output if (z(k) - hsfc .gt. 1000.0) then ; linearly interpolate between this and the previous level (below) ; to get 1 km wind components u1000 = (u(k)-u(k-1))/(z(k)-z(k-1))*(1000.0+hsfc-z(k)) + u(k) v1000 = (v(k)-v(k-1))/(z(k)-z(k-1))*(1000.0+hsfc-z(k)) + v(k) break end if end do ushr06 = u6000-u10 vshr06 = v6000-v10 ushr01 = u1000-u10 vshr01 = v1000-v10 ; shear magnitude is calculated and converted later ;Determine storm motion vector using ID method from Bunkers et al. (2000), WAF if (.not. isStrSubset(a1,"Hi_Res_GFS")) then ; Compute 0-6 km non-pressure weighted mean wind nz = dimsizes(z) count05 = 0 count55 = 0 count6 = 0 u05_sum = 0.0 v05_sum = 0.0 u55_sum = 0.0 v55_sum = 0.0 u6_sum = 0.0 v6_sum = 0.0 do k = 0,nz(0)-1 if (z(k) - hsfc .le. 6000.0 .and. z(k) .ge. hsfc) then u6_sum = u6_sum + u(k) v6_sum = v6_sum + v(k) count6 = count6 + 1 if (z(k) - hsfc .le. 500.0 .and. z(k) .ge. hsfc) then u05_sum = u05_sum + u(k) v05_sum = v05_sum + v(k) count05 = count05 + 1 end if if ((z(k) - hsfc .ge. 5500.0) .and. (z(k) - hsfc .le. 6000.0)) then u55_sum = u55_sum + u(k) v55_sum = v55_sum + v(k) count55 = count55 + 1 end if else if (z(k) - hsfc .gt. 6000.0) break end if end if end do u6_mean = u6_sum/count6 v6_mean = v6_sum/count6 ; make sure we don't get INFs for the narrow mean winds that have no values in a 500 m thick layer if (count05 .eq. 0) then u05_mean = u10 v05_mean = v10 else u05_mean = u05_sum/count05 v05_mean = v05_sum/count05 end if if (count55 .eq. 0) then ; I hope this never happens because to account for it, i'll have to allow u6000 and v6000 to be computed ; for every model type, and that consumes time u55_mean = u6000 v55_mean = v6000 else u55_mean = u55_sum/count55 v55_mean = v55_sum/count55 end if ; next, find the shear between the mean 0-0.5 km wind and the 5.5-6 km wnid ushear05 = u55_mean - u05_mean vshear05 = v55_mean - v05_mean ; Now determine storm motion by moving 7.5 m/s away from the shear vector at the ; location of the mean wind CONST = sqrt(ushear05*ushear05+vshear05*vshear05) uadd = 7.5*vshear05 / CONST vadd = -7.5*ushear05 / CONST ustm = u6_mean + uadd vstm = v6_mean + vadd end if ; Compute storm relative helicity for models that don't already have it nz = dimsizes(u) curve = new((/50/),float,0.0) DZ = new((/50/),float,0.0) i = 0 do k = 0,nz(0)-1 if (z(k) .ge. hsfc .and. z(k) .lt. 3000.0+hsfc) then DZ(k) = z(k+1)-z(k) dudz = (u(k+1)-u(k)) / DZ(k) dvdz= (v(k+1)-v(k)) / DZ(k) u_sr = u(k) - ustm v_sr = v(k) - vstm curve(i) = -u_sr*dvdz + v_sr*dudz i = i + 1 else if (z(k) .gt. 3000.0+hsfc) then DZ(k) = z(k+1)-z(k) dudz = (u(k+1)-u(k)) / DZ(k) dvdz= (v(k+1)-v(k)) / DZ(k) u_sr = u(k) - ustm v_sr = v(k) - vstm curve(i) = -u_sr*dvdz + v_sr*dudz break end if end if end do SRH_sum = 0.0 i = 0 do k = 0,nz(0)-1 if (z(k) .ge. hsfc .and. z(k) .lt. 1000.0+hsfc) then SRH_sum = SRH_sum + 0.5*DZ(k)*(curve(i)+curve(i+1)) i = i + 1 else if (z(k) .gt. 1000.0+hsfc) then srh01 = SRH_sum break end if end if end do delete(SRH_sum) SRH_sum = 0.0 i = 0 do k = 0,nz(0)-1 if (z(k) .ge. hsfc .and. z(k) .lt. 3000.0+hsfc) then SRH_sum = SRH_sum + 0.5*DZ(k)*(curve(i)+curve(i+1)) i = i + 1 else if (z(k) .gt. 3000.0+hsfc) then srh03 = SRH_sum break end if end if end do srh01 = toint(srh01) srh03 = toint(srh03) ;Truncate data to levels above the surface nz = dimsizes(z) count = 0 do k = 0,nz-1 if (z(k) .ge. hsfc) then count = count + 1 end if end do new_tc = new(count,float) new_tdc = new(count,float) new_z = new(count,float) new_spd = new(count,float) new_dir = new(count,float) new_p_mb = new(count,float) new_q = new(count,float) new_rh = new(count,float) do k = 0,count if (z(k) .ge. hsfc) then new_tc(k) = tc(k) new_tdc(k) = tdc(k) new_z(k) = z(k)-hsfc new_spd(k) = Uspd1(k) new_dir(k) = Udir1(k) new_p_mb(k) = p_mb(k) new_q(k) = q(k) new_rh(k) = rh(k) end if end do print (new_rh) print (new_p_mb) ;Find850 nz = dimsizes(new_z) count = 0 do k = 0,nz-2 if (.not.ismissing(new_p_mb(count))) if (new_p_mb(count).eq.850) eight5p = count break end if end if count = count + 1 end do print (eight5p) ;Find700 nz = dimsizes(new_z) count = 0 do k = 0,nz-2 if (.not.ismissing(new_p_mb(count))) if (new_p_mb(count).eq.700) sevenp = count break end if end if count = count + 1 end do print (sevenp) ;Find500 nz = dimsizes(new_z) count = 0 do k = 0,nz-2 if (.not.ismissing(new_p_mb(count))) if (new_p_mb(count).eq.500) fivep = count break end if end if count = count + 1 end do print (fivep) ;display surface temp t2mc = t2m-273.15 t2mf = 32+(t2mc*9)/5 t2mf = decimalPlaces(t2mf,1,True) sevenfivelrlong = 1000*((new_tc(sevenp)-new_tc(fivep))/((new_z(fivep)-new_z(sevenp)))) eightfiftyfivelrlong = 1000*((new_tc(eight5p)-new_tc(fivep))/((new_z(fivep)-new_z(eight5p)))) sevenfivelrround = decimalPlaces(sevenfivelrlong,2,True) eightfiftyfivelrround = decimalPlaces(eightfiftyfivelrlong,2,True) ;Formatting - AFTER shear and storm motion are calculated SMspd = tointeger(1.94384449*sqrt(ustm*ustm + vstm*vstm)) SMdir = tointeger(atan2(ustm, vstm) * r2d + 180.0) SMdir_string = sprinti("%0.3i",SMdir) shear01 = tointeger(1.94384449*sqrt(ushr01*ushr01 + vshr01*vshr01)) shear06 = tointeger(1.94384449*sqrt(ushr06*ushr06 + vshr06*vshr06)) itime = a2 uscore = "_" space = " " skewtOpts@tiMainString = str_sub_str(a1,uscore,space)+" | Valid "+str_sub_str(a2,uscore,space)+" | ("+lat(0)+","+lon(0)+")" ;Lets setup all these wind barb settings first wmsetp("wbt", 0.40) ; 0.33 is the default wmsetp("blw", 2.0) ; 2.0 is our default ;set up our image output wks_type = "png" wks_type@wkWidth = 685 wks_type@wkHeight = 650 ;each location will have a different file name wks = gsn_open_wks (wks_type, "skewt_"+a1+"_"+a2+"_f"+a5+"_"+lat+"_"+lon) skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts) skewt_data = skewT_PlotData(wks, skewt_bkgd, new_p_mb, new_tc, new_tdc, new_z, new_spd, new_dir, dataOpts) draw(skewt_data) draw(skewt_bkgd) ;Add convective temperature needed stuff ppa = new_p_mb*100 tk3 = new_tc + 273.15 e = ((new_q)*(ppa))/.622 es = (e*100)/new_rh ws = 621.97*(es/(ppa-es)) new_q = new_q*1000 es2m = (e*100)/rh2m w2m = mixhum_ptrh (psfc,t2m,rh2m,-1) ;invert stuff for top down calc ws = ws(::-1) pinv = ppa(::-1) tinv = new_tc(::-1) ;Find CCL nz = dimsizes(new_z) count = 0 do k = 0,nz-2 if (.not.ismissing(new_z(count))) if ((ws(count)-w2m).ge.0) ccl = count break end if end if count = count + 1 end do print (count) ;Find Tc, given CCL tccl = new_tc(ccl) tccl = tccl + 273.15 ;Use Poisson's to calculate conv. temp ctemp = tccl*((psfc)/ppa(ccl))^.286 ;Convert to F ctemp = ctemp - 273.15 ctemp = ((ctemp*9)/5)+32 ;Make ctemp 1 decimal ctemp = decimalPlaces(ctemp,1,True) print (ctemp) ; Draw the inset info box background ; bpRes = True bpRes@tmXBOn = False bpRes@tmXBBorderOn = False bpRes@tmXTOn = False bpRes@tmXTBorderOn = False bpRes@tmYROn = False bpRes@tmYRBorderOn = False bpRes@tmYLOn = False bpRes@tmYLBorderOn = False bpRes@gsnFrame = False infobox = gsn_blank_plot(wks,bpRes) setvalues infobox "vpXF" : 0.567 "vpYF" : 0.9245 "vpWidthF" : 0.195 "vpHeightF" : 0.284 end setvalues gsRes = True gsRes@gsFillColor = "Gray" gsn_polygon(wks,infobox,(/0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0/),(/1.0,1.0,0.20,0.20/),gsRes) ; ; Draw the inset info box text ; txidcape = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "Sounding Information" "txFontHeightF" : 0.017 "txFontThicknessF" : 2.0 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidcape) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": -0.06 "amOrthogonalPosF": -0.08 end setvalues txidcape = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "CAPE: "+cape+" J/kg" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidcape) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.01 end setvalues ; txidcin = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "CIN: "+cin+" J/kg" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidcin) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.07 end setvalues ; ;no mu values for now ;txidmucape = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks ;"txFuncCode" : "~" ;"txString" : "MUCAPE: "+mucape+" J/kg" ;"txFontHeightF" : 0.012 ;"txFontColor" : "black" ;end create ;ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidmucape) ;setvalues ianno ;"amTrackData": False ;"amZone": 1 ;"amSide": "top" ;"amJust": "topleft" ;"amParallelPosF": 0.05 ;"amOrthogonalPosF": 0.13 ;end setvalues ; ;txidmucin = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks ;"txFuncCode" : "~" ;"txString" : "MUCIN: "+mucin+" J/kg" ;"txFontHeightF" : 0.012 ;"txFontColor" : "black" ;end create ;ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidmucin) ;setvalues ianno ;"amTrackData": False ;"amZone": 1 ;"amSide": "top" ;"amJust": "topleft" ;"amParallelPosF": 0.05 ;"amOrthogonalPosF": 0.19 ;end setvalues ; txidli = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "LI: "+li+" C" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidli) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.13 end setvalues txidlcl = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "LCL: "+plcls+" mb" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidlcl) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.19 end setvalues ; if (False) then txidlpl = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "LPL: "+lpl+" mb" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidlpl) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.19 end setvalues end if ; txid75lr = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "H7-H5 LR: "+sevenfivelrround+" C/km" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txid75lr) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.25 end setvalues ; txid85lr = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "H85-H5 LR: "+eightfiftyfivelrround+" C/km" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txid85lr) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.31 end setvalues ; txidt2mf = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "2m Temp: "+t2mf+" F" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidt2mf) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.37 end setvalues ; txidctemp = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "Conv Temp: F" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidctemp) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.43 end setvalues ; txidsrh03 = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "0-3km SRH: "+srh03+" m~S~2~N~/s~S~2~E~ " "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidsrh03) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.49 end setvalues ; txidsrh01 = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "0-1km SRH: "+srh01+" m~S~2~N~/s~S~2~E~ " "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidsrh01) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.55 end setvalues ; txidshear06 = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "0-6km Shear: "+shear06+" kt" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidshear06) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.61 end setvalues ; txidshear01 = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "0-1km Shear: "+shear01+" kt" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidshear01) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.67 end setvalues ; txidcell = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "Motion: "+SMdir_string+"@"+SMspd+" kt" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidcell) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.73 end setvalues ; txidpw = create "TextItems" textItemClass wks "txFuncCode" : "~" "txString" : "PW: "+pws+" in" "txFontHeightF" : 0.012 "txFontColor" : "black" end create ; ianno = NhlAddAnnotation(infobox,txidpw) setvalues ianno "amTrackData": False "amZone": 1 "amSide": "top" "amJust": "topleft" "amParallelPosF": 0.05 "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.79 end setvalues ; draw(infobox) ; ; Draw the hodograph on the sounding ; hodores = True hodores@gsnDraw = False hodores@gsnFrame = False hodo1 = plot_hodo(wks, u, v, z, ustm,vstm, hodores) ; setvalues hodo1 "vpXF" : 0.07 "vpYF" : 0.925 "vpWidthF" : 0.27 "vpHeightF" : 0.27 end setvalues ; draw(hodo1) ; frame(wks)