<div dir="ltr"><div>Deal all,<br><br></div>I would like to produce a
map for one month (July 2010), out of data of 110 years. The data
which I used is called Climate Reseacrh Unit (CRU) data than contain
information from the year of 1901-2011. <br><div><br></div><div>Somehow, no map occur. Moreover, no error message shown. I had attached the ncl's script. Can anyone help me with this? <br><br></div><div>Your help is highly appreciated.<br><br></div><div>best regards<br></div><div>Steven<br></div><br><br><br>Link of data:<br><a href="http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/browse/badc/cru/data/cru_ts/cru_ts_3.20/data/cld" target="_blank">http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/browse/badc/cru/data/cru_ts/cru_ts_3.20/data/cld</a></div>