load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" begin wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","weather_sym") mpres = True mpres@gsnFrame = False mpres@gsnMaximize = True mpres@mpFillAreaSpecifiers = (/"Water","Land"/) mpres@mpSpecifiedFillColors = (/"cyan","gray"/) mpres@mpLimitMode = "LatLon" mpres@mpMinLonF = -103.0 mpres@mpMaxLonF = -94.0 mpres@mpMinLatF = 35 mpres@mpMaxLatF = 41.5 mpres@mpCenterLatF = 35.0 mpres@mpCenterLonF = -97.0 mpres@mpPerimOn = True mpres@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "USStates" mpres@mpUSStateLineThicknessF = 1.25 mpres@tiMainFont = "Helvetica-Bold" mpres@mpFillOn = False mpres@tiMainString = "UNT = 0" map = gsn_map(wks,"Satellite",mpres) ;---Draw an array of vertical wind barbs over the above map. lat = new((/3,2,5/),float) lon = new((/3,2,5/),float) u = new((/3,2,5/),float) v = new((/3,2,5/),float) lat(0,:,:) = 65 lat(1,:,:) = 70 lat(2,:,:) = 75 lon0 = -40.+ispan(0,4,1)*5. lon1 = -15.+ispan(0,4,1)*5. lon(:,0,:) = conform(lon(:,0,:),lon0,1) lon(:,1,:) = conform(lon(:,1,:),lon1,1) u = 0. v = 90. wmsetp("wbs", .035) ; Increase the size of the barb. wmsetp("ezf",1) ; Flag for barbs over a map wmsetp("col", 1) ; Draw in the foreground color. lats = (/ 39.10, 36.13, 35.48, 37.69, 36.43, 39.35, 38.88/) lons = (/ -94.67, -95.94, -97.53, -97.34, -99.40, -101.71, -99.32/) imdat= (/ "11721700181008020050300004983052026604007289086925", \ "11060032571033020380300004033056030610507808089258", \ "11854813511029020330300004025054016609507726087036", \ "11000022751126021360300004955054054600007757087712", \ "11515500121004020000300004975050034603017207084703", \ "11751718481027020310300004021053012609017685086925", \ "11206227031102021040300004963056046601517084081470" /) wmsetp("unt", 0) wmstnm(wks,lats,lons,imdat) frame(wks) mpres@tiMainString = "UNT = 1" map = gsn_map(wks,"Satellite",mpres) wmsetp("unt", 1) wmstnm(wks,lats,lons,imdat) frame(wks) end