load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" f = addfile("cVeg_CanESM2_1time.nc", "r") ; 47 and 38 correspond to the lat and lon indices respectively for site1=(lat=42.5 and lon=-72.2) and were obtained manually y = f->cVeg(:,47,38) printVarSummary(y) system("/bin/rm -f cVeg_CanESM2_site1.nc") fout = addfile("cVeg_CanESM2_site1.nc", "c") fout@title = "cVeg in site1 grid from the model CanESM2 in CMIP5, for December 2005" fout->cVeg = y ; How to simoultaneously extract grids for more than one site (site1, site2 and site3)? ; For instance site1=(lat=42.5 and lon=-72.2), site2=(lat=25.4 and lon=-81.1) and site3=(35.9 and lon=-84.3) ; How to deal with models with different spatial resolution? For instance, extract site1, site2 and site3 from files "cVeg_CanESM2_1time.nc" and "cVeg_NorESM1-M_1time.nc"