<div>hello everyone:<br>
I tried the <b>precompiled
NCL </b>ncl_ncarg-5.0.0.Linux_x86_64_gcc4.tar.gz and ncl_ncarg-5.0.0.Linux_x86_64_opendap_gcc3.tar.gz,<br>
set the envrionment variable ,and type 'ncl -v',then appeared 'cannot execute binary file'<br> my op is fedora core 7<br>
gcc 4.1.2<br>
icc 9.1<br>
ifort 9.1<br>
I don't know why ,my mate use the former tar file,his op is fc 10,and it works well.I think the only<br>
difference is the op ,because it need no compiled. BUT WHY ? PLease Help!Thanks!<br>
bianH </div><br><!-- footer --><br>
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