[ncl-install] Fwd: Problem Installing NCL on Windows 10 Linux Bash

SILVANA BOLAÑOS CHAVARRÍA silvana.bolanos at udea.edu.co
Wed Aug 29 15:54:12 MDT 2018

It worked. Thanks

El mié., 29 ago. 2018 a las 16:27, Kevin Hallock (<hallock at ucar.edu>)

> Hi Silvana,
> You should be able to edit those files from the Bash shell using any text
> editor:
> vi ~/.bashrc
> nano ~/.bashrc
> gedit ~/.bashrc
> If you’re uncomfortable in a command line environment, “gedit” might be
> the easiest text editor to use, but you might need to install it first
> using “sudo apt install gedit”.
> I hope this helps!
> Kevin
> On Aug 29, 2018, at 3:16 PM, SILVANA BOLAÑOS CHAVARRÍA via ncl-install <
> ncl-install at ucar.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> About the problem that I have installing and running NCL on Windows 10
> Linux Bash shell, when I search the files "~/.profile" or "~/.bashrc", this
> message appears "Could not read the contents of rootfs" (image attached).
> So, what can I do?
> <error.PNG>
> Thank you for your attention.
> El lun., 27 ago. 2018 a las 17:15, SILVANA BOLAÑOS CHAVARRÍA (<
> silvana.bolanos at udea.edu.co>) escribió:
>> Hi, I tried to add those lines since Linux bash shell program, but I
>> don't know how to find those files, .profile or bashrc files, where are
>> those files?
>> El jue., 9 ago. 2018 a las 17:03, Mary Haley (<haley at ucar.edu>) escribió:
>>> Silvana,
>>> Did you get NCL to work on your system?
>>> I think it is much easier to actually run the Linux bash shell program
>>> on your Windows system and then use a UNIX editor like "vi" to add those
>>> lines to the .profile or .bashrc file, then trying to do it through the
>>> Windows interface.
>>> --Mary
>>> 2018-08-01 13:25 GMT-06:00 SILVANA BOLAÑOS CHAVARRÍA via ncl-install <
>>> ncl-install at ucar.edu>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Thanks !! that's worked, but I have another question, where I find
>>>> these files:   ~/.profile or ~/.bashrce ?, because since
>>>> firefox window using the Linux shell I don't know where are, but since
>>>> windows I find these files follow these instructions:
>>>> https://www.howtogeek.com/261383/how-to-access-your-ubuntu-bash-files-in-windows-and-your-windows-system-drive-in-bash/
>>>> So, if I add the lines
>>>>     export NCARG_ROOT=/usr/local/ncl-6.5.0
>>>>     export PATH=$NCARG_ROOT/bin:$PATH
>>>> and export DISPLAY=:0, since windows, ncl doesn't work, but if I try to search the same files since Ubuntu or firefox using Linux bash, I can't because it says 'Permission denied'.
>>>> So what can I do ?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> El mar., 31 jul. 2018 a las 2:51, Folorunsho Akinleye (<
>>>> folorunshoakinleye at gmail.com>) escribió:
>>>>> Try sudo mkdir 'usr/local/ncl version '
>>>>> The sudo should grant it the permission to access the diresctory
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2018, 01:08 SILVANA BOLAÑOS CHAVARRÍA via ncl-install <
>>>>> ncl-install at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have a problem installing NCL through Linux bash Shell window,
>>>>>> I’ve done everything until the part to say Install NCL in the tutorial, but
>>>>>> after to download NCL since a browser window (Firefox) using the Linux
>>>>>> Shell,  I can’t do the commands
>>>>>>     mkdir /usr/local/ncl-6.5.0
>>>>>>     tar -zxf
>>>>>> ~/Downloads/ncl_ncarg-6.5.0-Debian7.11_64bit_gnu472.tar.gz -C
>>>>>> /usr/local/ncl-6.5.0
>>>>>> because when I try it, if firefox is running I can't do anything
>>>>>> since Ubuntu (Linux bash shell window), but if I stop the firefox and I
>>>>>> write the commands, these message appears:
>>>>>>      mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/usr/local/ncl-6.5.0’:
>>>>>> Permission denied
>>>>>> So I don't understand what I should do.
>>>>>> Thank you, I'll be attentive
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>>>> Silvana Bolaños Chavarría
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>> Silvana Bolaños Chavarría
>> Ingeniera Ambiental
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>> Silvana Bolaños Chavarría
>> Ingeniera Ambiental
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> Silvana Bolaños Chavarría
> Ingeniera Ambiental
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Silvana Bolaños Chavarría
Ingeniera Ambiental
Universidad de Antioquia

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