[ncl-install] installation error: "Resource directory does not exist"

Ralf Hand rhand at geomar.de
Tue Feb 14 07:07:39 MST 2012

Dear all,

I'm NooB to NCL and just tried to install it on my computer, following
the install instructions at the NCL webpage. I have an older version of
SuSe as OS and chose the precompiled binaries from the file
ncl_ncarg-5.1.1.Linux_x86_64_gcc432.tar for installation. It seems, af
if the unpacking of the file was successful, so I setted my environment
variables NCARG_ROOT, DISPLAY and PATH and tried to run "ng4ex gsun01n"
for testing as recommended on the installation web page. For some reason
that I don't understand, this exits with the following error message:

/"Resource directory </usr/share/ncarg/resfiles> does not exist."/

Since I don't have root access to my office PC, my installation should
be in a subdirectory of my home directory. Thus I wonder, why NCL tries
to search for files in /usr/share.

Thanks for any help with this,

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