[ncl-install] NCL 6.1, Batch Jobs, and Plot Problems

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Mon Dec 10 13:34:57 MST 2012

Hi Walter,

Sorry you're having problems with V6.1. I don't think it has to do with your differing versions of gcc.

I think this is likely due to the new changes we made to the graphics in V6.1.

Can you provide a sample script (and data) so we can try running it here to reproduce the problem? You can use our ftp:


Also, when you say "interactive prompt", do you mean the UNIX prompt or the NCL prompt?

That is, are you typing "ncl" to get into NCL's interactive mode, and then cutting-and-pasting the script to run it, or do you run it from the UNIX command line with something like:

    ncl myscript.ncl


On Dec 10, 2012, at 12:54 PM, Walter Kolczynski wrote:

> All,
> I recently tried to update from NCL 6.0 to NCL 6.1 because I needed some 
> of the new List functionality. However, when trying to create a panel 
> plot using the new version as a batch (PBS) job using qsub, I get the 
> following error:
> cro_Text: can only retrieve current color for solid patterns
> The error repeats for each panel on the page. The output workstation (a 
> postscript file) is created, but is empty. When I try to create a 
> non-panel plot, there is still no plot but no error is printed.
>  However, this only happens in batch mode. If I run the same script 
> using the interactive prompt, it runs without error. The same script 
> also works correctly in non-interactive batch mode using NCL 6.0.
> I am using the pre-compiled, non-OPenDAP RedHat binaries for both 6.0 
> and 6.1:
> ncl_ncarg-6.0.0.Linux_RedHat_x86_64_nodap_gcc412.tar.gz
> ncl_ncarg-6.1.0.Linux_RedHat_x86_64_nodap_gcc444.tar.gz
> The operating system is actually SUSE Linux, but as I said the RedHat 
> binaries have worked in the past. The gcc version is 4.3.4, so the 
> problem may be related to the fact that the 6.1 binary is compiled with 
> a more recent version.
> Any suggestions?
> - Walter Kolczynski, Jr.
> NRC Post-Doctoral Researcher
> Naval Postgraduate School Dept. of Meteorology
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