[ncl-install] unlimited stacksize on osx

Jared Pierce Whitehead jaredwh at umich.edu
Mon Aug 17 12:22:03 MDT 2009

I am trying to install ncl on my macbook pro (with osx 10.5, intel dual
processors).  When I do, everything runs fine and I am able to run ncl, but
get a segmentation fault when I try to do anything.

Following the instructions on the website I have tried to set the stacksize
to unlimited, but I have recently found that mac osx restricts the hard
limit for the stacksize to 64Mb (which I thought would have been plenty). 
Evidently setting the soft limit to unlimited isn't good enough either. 
Following is what I get when I try to run the test suggested on the install

Running NCL...
 Copyright (C) 1995-2004 - All Rights Reserved   
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research   
 NCAR Command Language Version 4.2.0.a032   
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See http://ngwww.ucar.edu/ncl/ for more details.
warning:New: Could not coerce missing value parameter into appropriate
type, using default
Segmentation fault

ncl failed.

Just to make sure I set the stacksize to its maximum...

bash-3.2$ ulimit -s
bash-3.2$ ulimit -S

Any suggestions would be appreciated...is this really a stacksize problem,
or am I missing something else entirely?


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