[ncl-install] Error compiling Ictranc

Tristan Le Toullec tristan.letoullec at univ-brest.fr
Thu Apr 17 07:42:28 MDT 2008

Thank you,
    I 'd correct error,  with    "CTOFLIBS  = 
-L/opt/linux/intel_fc_10.1/ia32/lib -lifcore -lm"  ictrans compiling 
correctly, but...
...when test's time appeared

g010a ~/tmp/temp > which idt ictrans
/local/archive/1/tletou/ncarg//bin/ictrans       [Right!]

g010a ~/tmp/temp > tgks0a                           [Ok]

g010a ~/tmp/temp > idt gmeta
reading stdout of translator: Illegal seek
Translator aborted                                            [Show idt 
windows but nothing to see here]

g010a ~/tmp/temp > ictrans -V
ictrans - Version 5.0.0
g010a ~/tmp/temp > ictrans -d X11 gmeta
ictrans: FATAL - 
ictrans: FATAL - Can't initialize 
device(/local/archive/1/tletou/ncarg/lib/ncarg/graphcaps/##### [ 
open(/local/archive/1/tletou/ncarg/lib/ncarg/graphcaps/#####O_RDONLY) ]

I'm owning /local/archive/1/tletou/ncarg/lib/ncarg/graphcaps and files 
are writable for me.

Thank you,
Tristan Le Toullec

Rick Grubin a écrit :
> Hi Tristan
>> I 'm trying to compile NCL 5.0 with Intel Fortan & C compiler.  Idt 
>> doesn't display anything (just say "translator aborted"). Seem that's
>> something wrong about 'ictrans'.
>> Indeed ictrans's compilation crash with "(.text+0x6eb5): undefined 
>> reference to `for_cpystr`"
> 'for_cpystr' is a symbol from the Intel Fortran compiler's library 
> 'libifcore'
>> Intel(R) C Compiler for applications running on IA-32, Version 10.1
>> Build 20070913 Package ID: l_cc_p_10.1.008
>> Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for applications running on IA-32, Version
>> 10.1    Build 20070913 Package ID: l_fc_p_10.1.008
>> [...]
>> icc -mp -ansi  -O    -o ictrans main.o
>> [...] -L/opt/1/intel_cc_10.1/ia32/lib -lcxa -lifcore -lcprts -lm
>> ../../../.././ncarview/src/lib/libictrans/libictrans.o: In function
>> `giargs_':
>> (.text+0x6eb5): undefined reference to `for_cpystr'
>> [...]
>> CTOFLIBS    = -L/opt/1/intel_cc_10.1/ia32/lib -lcxa -lifcore -lcprts -lm
> It would appear that you've done this, based on the output from the 
> compilation and your Makefile.  Could you
> please send along your 'LINUX' config file, located in:  
> /path/to/ncl_source_code/ncarg/config/LINUX ?
> Also, as was pointed out to me by a user, strictly speaking, the 
> references to libraries 'cxa' and 'cprts' are not
> necessary, but shouldn't hurt either.
> One other thing to verify, as we cannot duplicate your host here, is 
> that there is indeed a 'libifcore.a' located
> in  /opt1/intel_cc_10.1/ia32/lib  --  that directory seems, by its 
> name, to refer to the Intel C compiler library, and
> 'libifcore.a' is an Intel Fortran compiler library.  Is there a 
> directory similarly named that refers to the Fortran compiler
> present in /opt1 ?
> ----   
> Rick Grubin      NCAR/TDD/CISL/VETS
> Visualization + Enabling Technologies
> grubin at ucar.edu             303.497.1832

Tristan Le Toullec - Administrateur Système & Réseau
Laboratoire de Physique des Océans (CNRS/Ifremer/IRD/UBO)
Bureau F310 - 6 avenue Le Gorgeu, 29200 Brest
Tél: 02 98 01 65 08

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