[NARCCAP-discuss] epsg value for CRCM-cgcm3 model

Oleksandr Huziy guziy.sasha at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 11:25:54 MST 2013

Try using this one:

'+lon_0=263.0 +lat_ts=90.0 +R=6370997.0 +proj=stere +x_0=10691802.4659
+units=m +y_0=10691802.4659 +lat_0=90.0 '

This one was plotted using the above projection.
[image: Images intégrées 1]

2013/11/12 Oleksandr Huziy <guziy.sasha at gmail.com>

> Ah, no, sorry, I've messed up, the one there is not latlon, it is rotated
> north polar stereographic (smth like that)...
> sorry for the confusion...
> Cheers
> 2013/11/12 Oleksandr Huziy <guziy.sasha at gmail.com>
>> Hi Jianhua:
>> It is rotated lat/lon, the proj4string is smth like this:
>> +o_proj=longlat +lon_0=<your true pole longitude in this crs>-180
>> +o_lat_p=<your true pole latitude> +R=6370997.0 +proj=ob_tran +units=m
>> +o_lon_p=<longitude of the rotated pole in the true lat/lon>
>> those things in <> could be found in the header of the netcdf file.
>> Can you show me your plotting code? I've never done it in R, though
>> tried, and abandoned, seems to complicated))
>> It would be great to have a working example code with data attached to it
>> (just one field for one time step)
>> thanks
>> Cheers
>> 2013/11/11 Jianhua Huang <jh.eco.cas at gmail.com>
>>> Hi:
>>> I am trying to plot the netcdf file from CRCM-cgcm3 in R. There are some
>>> gaps between the grid cells when I used "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" as
>>> projection. When I transfer the projection with the following function,
>>> it
>>> improves a little.
>>> sp.grid.proj <- spTransform(sp.grid, CRS('+init=epsg:3979'))
>>> Unfortunately, I don't know the exact epsg value I should for the
>>> CRCM-cgcm3
>>> model. Thank for any suggestion.
>>> Jianhua
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>> --
>> Sasha
> --
> Sasha

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