[NARCCAP-discuss] NARCCAP NetCDFs and gdal_translate redux

Audrey Rager ahrager at gmail.com
Fri May 4 14:40:06 MDT 2012

Hello everyone,

For some reason, my question didn't post. So, I'm trying it again.

I'm new to using the NARCCAP data.  I'm following along with "Downloading
and processing NARCCAP climate data" by P. Delamater and A. Finley to try
to import some data into an *.img format.  I'm working with WRFC, CGCM3
current, table 1 data.

When I try to follow the gdal_translate example on page 5 with the
following command (I had to change some of the command because these data
are in Lamber Conformal Conic):

gdal_translate -of HFA -b 1 -a_ullr -25000 5425000 6675000 -25000 -a_srs
'+proj=lcc +lat_2=60 +lat_0=47.5 +lat0=-97 +x_0=3325000 +y_0=2700000
+no_defs +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +to_meter=1'
NETCDF:"tasmax_WRFG_cgcm3_1968010106.nc" tasmax_WRFG_cgcm3_1968010106.img

I get this error message:

ERROR 1: Failed to parse NETCDF: prefix string into expected three fields.
GDALOpen failed - 1
Failed to parse NETCDF: prefix string into expected three fields.

I've tried searching google to get some clues as to what I'm doing wrong,
but I can't find anything.  Any suggestions?


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