<p><b>mpetersen@lanl.gov</b> 2013-04-03 09:39:41 -0600 (Wed, 03 Apr 2013)</p><p>user's guide: add to global statistics, change front page font<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: trunk/documents/users_guide/mpas_ocean_users_guide.tex
--- trunk/documents/users_guide/mpas_ocean_users_guide.tex        2013-04-02 21:33:22 UTC (rev 2712)
+++ trunk/documents/users_guide/mpas_ocean_users_guide.tex        2013-04-03 15:39:41 UTC (rev 2713)
@@ -46,15 +46,13 @@
-\title{MPAS-Ocean Model User's Guide \\ Version: \version}
+\Huge MPAS-Ocean Model User's Guide \\
+\LARGE Version: \version}
-\author{MPAS-Ocean Developement Team:\\Doug Jacobsen, Mark Petersen, Todd Ringer
-\\Los Alamos National Laboratory
-\\with contributions by Qingshan Chen, more
-\\Los Alamos National Laboratory
-\\Michael Duda, list more
-\\The National Center for Atmospheric Research
+\LARGE Climate, Ocean, Sea-Ice Modeling Team\\ \\
+\LARGE Los Alamos National Laboratory
\date{June 3, 2013}
Added: trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/figures/gnuplot.png
(Binary files differ)
Index: trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/figures/gnuplot.png
--- trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/figures/gnuplot.png        2013-04-02 21:33:22 UTC (rev 2712)
+++ trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/figures/gnuplot.png        2013-04-03 15:39:41 UTC (rev 2713)
Property changes on: trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/figures/gnuplot.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/foreword.tex
--- trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/foreword.tex        2013-04-02 21:33:22 UTC (rev 2712)
+++ trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/foreword.tex        2013-04-03 15:39:41 UTC (rev 2713)
@@ -3,3 +3,11 @@
{\color{red}TBA: write foreword}
+MPAS-Ocean Developement Team:\\Doug Jacobsen, Mark Petersen, Todd Ringer
+\\Los Alamos National Laboratory
+\\with contributions by Qingshan Chen, more
+\\Los Alamos National Laboratory
+\\Michael Duda, list more
+\\The National Center for Atmospheric Research
Modified: trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/global_statistics.tex
--- trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/global_statistics.tex        2013-04-02 21:33:22 UTC (rev 2712)
+++ trunk/documents/users_guide/ocean/global_statistics.tex        2013-04-03 15:39:41 UTC (rev 2713)
@@ -1,18 +1,51 @@
\chapter{Global Statistics}
-MPAS-Ocean simulations create global statistics in the following files:
+MPAS-Ocean simulations create global statistics text files that are accessible during the simulation, as described in Table \ref{oceanTable:global statistics}. These are useful to check the health and progress of a simulation, and to compare the history of global statistics amongst similar simulations. Frequency is controlled by \verb|_stats_| flags in the namelist. The files are simply text files formatted in columns and rows, where each row is a particular time, written to \verb|stats_time.txt|, and each column is a variable, described in \verb|stats_readme.txt|.
+A chain of simple unix commands may be used to access a specific part of the data. For example, to view the last three values of column seven in the global average, use
+cat stats_avg.txt | awk '{print $7}' | tail -n3
-Frequency is controlled by \verb|_stats_| flags in the namelist. The files are simply text files formatted in columns and rows, where each row is a particular time, written to \verb|stats_time.txt|, and each column is a variable, described in \verb|stats_readme.txt|.
+Gnuplot is a simple plotting tool available on Linux systems that can easily plot columns in text files. In this example, two MPAS-Ocean simulations were executed, in directories \verb|run1| and \verb|run2|. Begin Gnuplot with the \verb|gnuplot| command at the unix prompt. Plot column seven from both runs using points with
+plot 'run1/stats_avg.txt' u 7 w p, 'run2/stats_avg.txt' u 7 w p
+and with lines using
+plot 'run1/stats_avg.txt' u 7 w l, 'run2/stats_avg.txt' u 7 w l
+Plot on a vertical log scale and add legend text with
+set logscale y
+plot 'run1/stats_avg.txt' u 7 w l t 'run 1', 'run2/stats_avg.txt' u 7 w l t 'run 2'
+It is often useful to view the difference between the global statistics of two simulations. This can be done with the paste command, which concatenates the two files horizontally. In this example, each file has 18 columns, so \$25 refers to column 7 of the second file:
+plot '<paste run1/stats_avg.txt run2/stats_avg.txt' u ($7-$25)
-{\color{red}TBA: put stats files above into a table with description of each. stats\_readme.txt is not yet in code. Add a longer description here about how to use cut, awk, and gnuplot to view data.}
+\caption{Global statistics output files.}
+\vspace{0.5cm} \centering
+\hline\hline file name & description \\
+\verb|stats_time.txt| & time stamp, rows correspond to rows of other stats files \\
+\verb|stats_readme.txt| & list of variables in columns of other stats files \\
+\verb|stats_min.txt| & minimum over the global domain \\
+\verb|stats_max.txt| & maximum over the global domain \\
+\verb|stats_sum.txt| & volume-weighted summation over the global domain \\
+\verb|stats_avg.txt| & volume-weighted average over the global domain \\
+\verb|stats_colmin.txt| & minimum column sum over the global domain \\
+\verb|stats_colmax.txt| & maximum column sum over the global domain \\
+\end{tabular} \label{oceanTable:global statistics}
+        \centering
+        \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{ocean/figures/gnuplot.png}
+        \caption{Example of plot of global statistics created with gnuplot.}
+        \label{fig:gnuplot}