<p><b>dwj07@fsu.edu</b> 2013-04-03 14:45:55 -0600 (Wed, 03 Apr 2013)</p><p><br>
        -- BRANCH COMMIT --<br>
        Renaming namelist options:<br>
        Updating all namelist options that reference u or h.<br>
        u -> vel<br>
        h -> thick<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/Registry.xml
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/Registry.xml        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/Registry.xml        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
                 description="number of iterations of the velocity corrector step in stage 2"
                 possible_values="any positive integer, but typically 1, 2, or 3"
-                <nml_option name="config_u_correction" type="logical" default_value=".true." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_vel_correction" type="logical" default_value=".true." units="unitless"
                 description="If true, the velocity correction term is included in the horizontal advection of thickness and tracers"
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
                 description="Barotropic subcycles proceed from $t$ to $t+n\Delta t$, where $n$ is this configuration option."
                 possible_values="Any positive integer, but typically 1 or 2"
-                <nml_option name="config_btr_gam1_uWt1" type="real" default_value="0.5" units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_btr_gam1_velWt1" type="real" default_value="0.5" units="unitless"
                 description="Weighting of velocity in the SSH predictor step in stage 2. When zero, previous subcycle time is used; when one, new subcycle time is used."
                 possible_values="between 0 and 1"
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
                 description="Weighting of SSH in the velocity corrector step in stage 2. When zero, previous subcycle time is used; when one, new subcycle time is used."
                 possible_values="between 0 and 1"
-                <nml_option name="config_btr_gam3_uWt2" type="real" default_value="1.0" units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_btr_gam3_velWt2" type="real" default_value="1.0" units="unitless"
                 description="Weighting of velocity in the SSH corrector step in stage 2. When zero, previous subcycle time is used; when one, new subcycle time is used."
                 possible_values="between 0 and 1"
@@ -501,43 +501,43 @@
                 description="Enables a change on tracer monotonicity at the end of the monotonic advection routine. Only used if config_monotonic is set to .true."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_h_all_tend" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_thick_all_tend" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disables all tendencies on the thickness field."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_h_hadv" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_thick_hadv" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disable tendencies on the thickness field from horizontal advection."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_h_vadv" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_thick_vadv" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disables tendencies on the thickness field from vertical advection."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_u_all_tend" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_vel_all_tend" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disables all tendencies on the velocity field."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_u_coriolis" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_vel_coriolis" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Diables tendencies on the velocity field from the Coriolis force."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_u_pgrad" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_vel_pgrad" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disables tendencies on the velocity field from the horizontal pressure gradient."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_u_hmix" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_vel_hmix" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disables tendencies on the velocity field from horizontal mixing."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_u_windstress" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_vel_windstress" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disables tendencies on the velocity field from horizontal wind stress."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_u_vmix" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_vel_vmix" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disables tendencies on the velocity field from vertical mixing."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
-                <nml_option name="config_disable_u_vadv" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
+                <nml_option name="config_disable_vel_vadv" type="logical" default_value=".false." units="unitless"
                 description="Disables tendencies on the velocity field from vertical advection."
                 possible_values=".true. or .false."
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
tend_layerThickness = 0.0
- if(config_disable_h_all_tend) return
+ if(config_disable_thick_all_tend) return
! height tendency: horizontal advection term -</font>
<font color="gray">abla\cdot ( hu)
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
tend_normalVelocity(:,:) = 0.0
- if(config_disable_u_all_tend) return
+ if(config_disable_vel_all_tend) return
! velocity tendency: nonlinear Coriolis term and grad of kinetic energy
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_thick_hadv.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_thick_hadv.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_thick_hadv.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
thickHadvOn = .true.
- if(config_disable_h_hadv) thickHadvOn = .false.
+ if(config_disable_thick_hadv) thickHadvOn = .false.
err = 0
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_thick_vadv.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_thick_vadv.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_thick_vadv.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
thickVadvOn = .true.
- if(config_disable_h_vadv) thickVadvOn = .false.
+ if(config_disable_thick_vadv) thickVadvOn = .false.
err = 0
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_time_integration_split.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_time_integration_split.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_time_integration_split.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
! Barotropic subcycle: VELOCITY PREDICTOR STEP
- if (config_btr_gam1_uWt1>1.0e-12) then ! only do this part if it is needed in next SSH solve
+ if (config_btr_gam1_velWt1>1.0e-12) then ! only do this part if it is needed in next SSH solve
uPerpTime = oldBtrSubcycleTime
block => domain % blocklist
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
call mpas_timer_start("se halo normalBarotropicVelocity", .false., timer_halo_normalBarotropicVelocity)
call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field(domain % blocklist % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle)
call mpas_timer_stop("se halo normalBarotropicVelocity", timer_halo_normalBarotropicVelocity)
- endif ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1>1.0e-12
+ endif ! config_btr_gam1_velWt1>1.0e-12
! Barotropic subcycle: SSH PREDICTOR STEP
@@ -416,10 +416,10 @@
FBtr_coeff = 1.0
- ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1 sets the forward weighting of velocity in the SSH computation
- ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1= 1 flux = normalBarotropicVelocityNew*H
- ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1=0.5 flux = 1/2*(normalBarotropicVelocityNew+normalBarotropicVelocityOld)*H
- ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1= 0 flux = normalBarotropicVelocityOld*H
+ ! config_btr_gam1_velWt1 sets the forward weighting of velocity in the SSH computation
+ ! config_btr_gam1_velWt1= 1 flux = normalBarotropicVelocityNew*H
+ ! config_btr_gam1_velWt1=0.5 flux = 1/2*(normalBarotropicVelocityNew+normalBarotropicVelocityOld)*H
+ ! config_btr_gam1_velWt1= 0 flux = normalBarotropicVelocityOld*H
do iCell = 1, block % mesh % nCells
do i = 1, block % mesh % nEdgesOnCell % array(iCell)
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
! + block % mesh % bottomDepth % array(cell2) )
- flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam1_uWt1) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- + config_btr_gam1_uWt1 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
+ flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam1_velWt1) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ + config_btr_gam1_velWt1 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
* thicknessSum
block % tend % ssh % array(iCell) = block % tend % ssh % array(iCell) + block % mesh % edgeSignOncell % array(i, iCell) * flux &
@@ -473,8 +473,8 @@
!thicknessSum = sshEdge + 0.5 *( block % mesh % bottomDepth % array(cell1) &
! + block % mesh % bottomDepth % array(cell2) )
- flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam1_uWt1) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- + config_btr_gam1_uWt1 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
+ flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam1_velWt1) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ + config_btr_gam1_velWt1 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
* thicknessSum
block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) &
@@ -555,10 +555,10 @@
do while (associated(block))
block % tend % ssh % array(:) = 0.0
- ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2 sets the forward weighting of velocity in the SSH computation
- ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2= 1 flux = normalBarotropicVelocityNew*H
- ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2=0.5 flux = 1/2*(normalBarotropicVelocityNew+normalBarotropicVelocityOld)*H
- ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2= 0 flux = normalBarotropicVelocityOld*H
+ ! config_btr_gam3_velWt2 sets the forward weighting of velocity in the SSH computation
+ ! config_btr_gam3_velWt2= 1 flux = normalBarotropicVelocityNew*H
+ ! config_btr_gam3_velWt2=0.5 flux = 1/2*(normalBarotropicVelocityNew+normalBarotropicVelocityOld)*H
+ ! config_btr_gam3_velWt2= 0 flux = normalBarotropicVelocityOld*H
do iCell = 1, block % mesh % nCells
do i = 1, block % mesh % nEdgesOnCell % array(iCell)
@@ -588,8 +588,8 @@
! + block % mesh % bottomDepth % array(cell2) )
- flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam3_uWt2) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- + config_btr_gam3_uWt2 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
+ flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam3_velWt2) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ + config_btr_gam3_velWt2 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
* thicknessSum
block % tend % ssh % array(iCell) = block % tend % ssh % array(iCell) + block % mesh % edgeSignOnCell % array(i, iCell) * flux &
@@ -621,8 +621,8 @@
!thicknessSum = sshEdge + 0.5 *( block % mesh % bottomDepth % array(cell1) &
! + block % mesh % bottomDepth % array(cell2) )
- flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam3_uWt2) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- + config_btr_gam3_uWt2 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
+ flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam3_velWt2) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ + config_btr_gam3_velWt2 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % normalBarotropicVelocitySubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
* thicknessSum
block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) + flux
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@
! - \sum_{k=1}^{N^{edge}} h_{k,*}^{edge} {\bf u}_k^{avg} \right)
! \left/ \sum_{k=1}^{N^{edge}} h_{k,*}^{edge} \right.
- if (config_u_correction) then
+ if (config_vel_correction) then
ucorr_coef = 1
ucorr_coef = 0
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_coriolis.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_coriolis.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_coriolis.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
coriolisOn = .true.
- if(config_disable_u_coriolis) coriolisOn = .false.
+ if(config_disable_vel_coriolis) coriolisOn = .false.
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_forcing_windstress.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_forcing_windstress.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_forcing_windstress.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
windStressOn = .true.
- if(config_disable_u_windstress) windStressOn = .false.
+ if(config_disable_vel_windstress) windStressOn = .false.
err = 0
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
err = ior(ior(err1, err2),err3)
- if(config_disable_u_hmix) hmixOn = .false.
+ if(config_disable_vel_hmix) hmixOn = .false.
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
gdensity0Inv = gravity/config_density0
end if
- if(config_disable_u_pgrad) pgradOn = .false.
+ if(config_disable_vel_pgrad) pgradOn = .false.
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
velVadvOn = .true.
end if
- if(config_disable_u_vadv) velVadvOn = .false.
+ if(config_disable_vel_vadv) velVadvOn = .false.
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vmix.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vmix.F        2013-04-03 17:46:01 UTC (rev 2720)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/variable_name_change/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vmix.F        2013-04-03 20:45:55 UTC (rev 2721)
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
velVmixOn = .true.
tracerVmixOn = .true.
- if(config_disable_u_vmix) velVmixOn = .false.
+ if(config_disable_vel_vmix) velVmixOn = .false.
if(config_disable_tr_vmix) tracerVmixOn = .false.
call ocn_vmix_coefs_const_init(err1)