module mpas_io_streams use mpas_attlist use mpas_grid_types use mpas_timekeeping use mpas_io type field_list_type integer :: field_type logical :: isDecomposed integer :: totalDimSize ! Total size of outer dimension across all blocks for decomposed fields logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable => null() ! Used for reading super-arrays where one or more ! constitutent arrays may not be present in the input file type (field0dInteger), pointer :: int0dField => null() type (field1dInteger), pointer :: int1dField => null() type (field2dInteger), pointer :: int2dField => null() type (field3dInteger), pointer :: int3dField => null() type (field0dReal), pointer :: real0dField => null() type (field1dReal), pointer :: real1dField => null() type (field2dReal), pointer :: real2dField => null() type (field3dReal), pointer :: real3dField => null() type (field4dReal), pointer :: real4dField => null() type (field5dReal), pointer :: real5dField => null() type (field0dChar), pointer :: char0dField => null() type (field1dChar), pointer :: char1dField => null() type (field_list_type), pointer :: next => null() end type field_list_type type MPAS_Stream_type logical :: isInitialized = .false. integer :: ioFormat integer :: ioDirection integer :: framesPerFile type (MPAS_IO_Handle_type) :: fileHandle type (att_list_type), pointer :: attList => null() type (field_list_type), pointer :: fieldList => null() end type MPAS_Stream_type interface MPAS_streamAddField module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_0dInteger module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_1dInteger module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_2dInteger module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_3dInteger module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_0dReal module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_1dReal module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_2dReal module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_3dReal module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_4dReal module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_5dReal module procedure MPAS_streamAddField_0dChar end interface MPAS_streamAddField interface MPAS_readStreamAtt module procedure MPAS_readStreamAtt_0dInteger module procedure MPAS_readStreamAtt_1dInteger module procedure MPAS_readStreamAtt_0dReal module procedure MPAS_readStreamAtt_1dReal module procedure MPAS_readStreamAtt_text end interface MPAS_readStreamAtt interface MPAS_writeStreamAtt module procedure MPAS_writeStreamAtt_0dInteger module procedure MPAS_writeStreamAtt_1dInteger module procedure MPAS_writeStreamAtt_0dReal module procedure MPAS_writeStreamAtt_1dReal module procedure MPAS_writeStreamAtt_text end interface MPAS_writeStreamAtt integer, parameter :: MPAS_STREAM_EXACT_TIME = 100, & MPAS_STREAM_NEAREST = 101, & MPAS_STREAM_LATEST_BEFORE = 102, & MPAS_STREAM_EARLIEST_AFTER = 103 ! Error codes integer, parameter :: MPAS_STREAM_NOERR = 0, & MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED = -1, & MPAS_IO_ERR = -2 integer, parameter :: FIELD_0D_INT = 1, & FIELD_1D_INT = 2, & FIELD_2D_INT = 3, & FIELD_3D_INT = 4, & FIELD_0D_REAL = 5, & FIELD_1D_REAL = 6, & FIELD_2D_REAL = 7, & FIELD_3D_REAL = 8, & FIELD_4D_REAL = 9, & FIELD_5D_REAL = 10, & FIELD_0D_CHAR = 11, & FIELD_1D_CHAR = 12 private mergeArrays contains subroutine MPAS_createStream(stream, fileName, ioFormat, ioDirection, framesPerFile, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(out) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: fileName integer, intent(in) :: ioFormat integer, intent(in) :: ioDirection integer, intent(in) :: framesPerFile integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR stream % fileHandle = MPAS_io_open(fileName, ioDirection, ioFormat, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if stream % ioDirection = ioDirection stream % ioFormat = ioFormat stream % framesPerFile = framesPerFile stream % isInitialized = .true. end subroutine MPAS_createStream integer function MPAS_seekStream(stream, seekTime, seekPosition, actualTime, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: seekTime integer, intent(in) :: seekPosition character (len=*), intent(out) :: actualTime integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: timeDim character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: xtimes character (len=StrKIND) :: strTemp type (MPAS_Time_type) :: sliceTime, startTime type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: timeDiff, minTimeDiff ! write(0,*) 'Called MPAS_seekStream' ! ! Initialize output arguments ! if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR MPAS_seekStream = 0 ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if call MPAS_io_inq_dim(stream % fileHandle, 'Time', timeDim, io_err) if (timeDim <= 0 .or. io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if !write(0,*) 'Found ', timeDim, ' times in file' call MPAS_io_inq_var(stream % fileHandle, 'xtime', ierr=io_err) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if !write(0,*) 'Found xtime variable' allocate(xtimes(timeDim)) do i=1,timeDim call MPAS_io_set_frame(stream % fileHandle, i, io_err) call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, 'xtime', xtimes(i), io_err) !write(0,*) '... just read in xtime='//xtimes(i) end do if (len(seekTime) > 32) then write(strTemp, '(a)') seekTime(1:32) else write(strTemp, '(a)') trim(seekTime) end if call mpas_set_timeInterval(interval=minTimeDiff, DD=10000) call mpas_set_time(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=strTemp) do i=1,timeDim write(strTemp, '(a)') trim(xtimes(i)(1:32)) !write(0,*) '... converted strTemp='//strTemp call mpas_set_time(curr_time=sliceTime, dateTimeString=strTemp) if (seekPosition == MPAS_STREAM_EXACT_TIME) then if (sliceTime == startTime) then minTimeDiff = timeDiff MPAS_seekStream = i end if else if (seekPosition == MPAS_STREAM_NEAREST) then timeDiff = abs(sliceTime - startTime) if (timeDiff < minTimeDiff) then minTimeDiff = timeDiff MPAS_seekStream = i end if else if (seekPosition == MPAS_STREAM_LATEST_BEFORE) then if (sliceTime <= startTime) then timeDiff = abs(sliceTime - startTime) if (timeDiff < minTimeDiff) then minTimeDiff = timeDiff MPAS_seekStream = i end if end if else if (seekPosition == MPAS_STREAM_EARLIEST_AFTER) then if (sliceTime >= startTime) then timeDiff = abs(sliceTime - startTime) if (timeDiff < minTimeDiff) then minTimeDiff = timeDiff MPAS_seekStream = i end if end if else write(0,*) 'Error in MPAS_seekStream: unrecognized seekPosition' deallocate(xtimes) if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if end do if (MPAS_seekStream == 0) then deallocate(xtimes) if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if write(actualTime, '(a)') trim(xtimes(MPAS_seekStream)(1:32)) deallocate(xtimes) end function MPAS_seekStream subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_0dInteger(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field0DInteger), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field0dInteger), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNames integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices integer, dimension(:), pointer :: dimSizes type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = 0 !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! idim = ndims allocate(indices(0)) allocate(dimSizes(0)) allocate(dimNames(0)) isDecomposed = .false. globalDimSize = 0 totalDimSize = 0 call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_INT, dimNames, dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) deallocate(indices) deallocate(dimSizes) deallocate(dimNames) if (io_err /= MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_0D_INT new_field_list_node % int0dField => field !write(0,*) '... done adding field' end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_0dInteger subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_1dInteger(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field1DInteger), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field1dInteger), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq character (len=StrKIND), dimension(0) :: dimNames0 integer, dimension(0) :: dimSizes0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node logical :: any_success logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = size(field % dimSizes) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! #include "" any_success = .false. if (field % isSuperArray) then allocate(isAvailable(size(field % constituentNames))) isAvailable(:) = .false. do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_INT, dimNames0, & dimSizes0, field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then isAvailable(i) = .true. any_success = .true. end if end do else nullify(isAvailable) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_INT, field % dimNames, field % dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then any_success = .true. end if end if deallocate(indices) if (.not. any_success) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_1D_INT new_field_list_node % int1dField => field new_field_list_node % isAvailable => isAvailable !write(0,*) '... done adding field' end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_1dInteger subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_2dInteger(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field2DInteger), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field2dInteger), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node logical :: any_success logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = size(field % dimSizes) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! #include "" any_success = .false. if (field % isSuperArray) then allocate(isAvailable(size(field % constituentNames))) isAvailable(:) = .false. do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_INT, field % dimNames(2:ndims), & field % dimSizes(2:ndims), field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then isAvailable(i) = .true. any_success = .true. end if end do else nullify(isAvailable) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_INT, field % dimNames, field % dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then any_success = .true. end if end if deallocate(indices) if (.not. any_success) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_2D_INT new_field_list_node % int2dField => field new_field_list_node % isAvailable => isAvailable !write(0,*) '... done adding field' end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_2dInteger subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_3dInteger(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field3DInteger), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field3dInteger), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node logical :: any_success logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = size(field % dimSizes) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! #include "" any_success = .false. if (field % isSuperArray) then allocate(isAvailable(size(field % constituentNames))) isAvailable(:) = .false. do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_INT, field % dimNames(2:ndims), & field % dimSizes(2:ndims), field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then isAvailable(i) = .true. any_success = .true. end if end do else nullify(isAvailable) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_INT, field % dimNames, field % dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then any_success = .true. end if end if deallocate(indices) if (.not. any_success) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_3D_INT new_field_list_node % int3dField => field new_field_list_node % isAvailable => isAvailable !write(0,*) '... done adding field' end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_3dInteger subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_0dReal(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field0DReal), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field0dReal), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNames integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices integer, dimension(:), pointer :: dimSizes type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = 0 !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! idim = ndims allocate(indices(0)) allocate(dimSizes(0)) allocate(dimNames(0)) isDecomposed = .false. globalDimSize = 0 totalDimSize = 0 call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, dimNames, dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) deallocate(indices) deallocate(dimSizes) deallocate(dimNames) if (io_err /= MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_0D_REAL new_field_list_node % real0dField => field !write(0,*) '... done adding field' end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_0dReal subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_1dReal(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field1DReal), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field1dReal), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq character (len=StrKIND), dimension(0) :: dimNames0 integer, dimension(0) :: dimSizes0 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node logical :: any_success logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = size(field % dimSizes) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! #include "" any_success = .false. if (field % isSuperArray) then allocate(isAvailable(size(field % constituentNames))) isAvailable(:) = .false. do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, dimNames0, & dimSizes0, field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then isAvailable(i) = .true. any_success = .true. end if end do else nullify(isAvailable) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames, field % dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then any_success = .true. end if end if deallocate(indices) if (.not. any_success) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_1D_REAL new_field_list_node % real1dField => field new_field_list_node % isAvailable => isAvailable !write(0,*) '... done adding field' end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_1dReal subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_2dReal(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field2DReal), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field2dReal), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node logical :: any_success logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = size(field % dimSizes) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! #include "" any_success = .false. if (field % isSuperArray) then allocate(isAvailable(size(field % constituentNames))) isAvailable(:) = .false. do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames(2:ndims), & field % dimSizes(2:ndims), field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then isAvailable(i) = .true. any_success = .true. end if end do else nullify(isAvailable) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames, field % dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then any_success = .true. end if end if deallocate(indices) if (.not. any_success) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_2D_REAL new_field_list_node % real2dField => field new_field_list_node % isAvailable => isAvailable !write(0,*) '... done adding field' end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_2dReal subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_3dReal(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field3DReal), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field3dReal), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node logical :: any_success logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = size(field % dimSizes) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! #include "" any_success = .false. if (field % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we are adding a super-array' allocate(isAvailable(size(field % constituentNames))) isAvailable(:) = .false. do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames(2:ndims), & field % dimSizes(2:ndims), field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then isAvailable(i) = .true. any_success = .true. end if end do else nullify(isAvailable) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames, field % dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then any_success = .true. end if end if deallocate(indices) if (.not. any_success) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_3D_REAL new_field_list_node % real3dField => field new_field_list_node % isAvailable => isAvailable !write(0,*) '... done adding field' !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : Finished adding 3d real field '//trim(field % fieldName) end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_3dReal subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_4dReal(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field4DReal), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field4dReal), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node logical :: any_success logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = size(field % dimSizes) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! #include "" any_success = .false. if (field % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we are adding a super-array' allocate(isAvailable(size(field % constituentNames))) isAvailable(:) = .false. do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames(2:ndims), & field % dimSizes(2:ndims), field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then isAvailable(i) = .true. any_success = .true. end if end do else nullify(isAvailable) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames, field % dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then any_success = .true. end if end if deallocate(indices) if (.not. any_success) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_4D_REAL new_field_list_node % real4dField => field new_field_list_node % isAvailable => isAvailable !write(0,*) '... done adding field' !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : Finished adding 4d real field '//trim(field % fieldName) end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_4dReal subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_5dReal(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field5DReal), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field5dReal), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node logical :: any_success logical, dimension(:), pointer :: isAvailable if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = size(field % dimSizes) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! #include "" any_success = .false. if (field % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we are adding a super-array' allocate(isAvailable(size(field % constituentNames))) isAvailable(:) = .false. do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames(2:ndims), & field % dimSizes(2:ndims), field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then isAvailable(i) = .true. any_success = .true. end if end do else nullify(isAvailable) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_DOUBLE, field % dimNames, field % dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) if (io_err == MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then any_success = .true. end if end if deallocate(indices) if (.not. any_success) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_5D_REAL new_field_list_node % real5dField => field new_field_list_node % isAvailable => isAvailable !write(0,*) '... done adding field' !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : Finished adding 3d real field '//trim(field % fieldName) end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_5dReal subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_0dChar(stream, field, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream type (field0DChar), intent(in), target :: field integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: totalDimSize, globalDimSize logical :: isDecomposed integer :: ndims type (field0dChar), pointer :: field_ptr character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNames character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq integer, dimension(:), pointer :: dimSizes integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indices type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if !write(0,*) '... Adding field '//trim(field % fieldName)//' to stream' ndims = 1 !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' ! ! Determine whether the field is decomposed, the indices that are owned by this task's blocks, ! and the total number of outer-indices owned by this task ! idim = ndims allocate(indices(0)) allocate(dimSizes(1)) dimSizes(1) = 64 dimNames(1) = 'StrLen' isDecomposed = .false. globalDimSize = 64 totalDimSize = 64 if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), MPAS_IO_CHAR, dimNames(1:1), & dimSizes, field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, & indices, io_err) end do else call MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, trim(field % fieldName), MPAS_IO_CHAR, dimNames(1:1), dimSizes, & field % hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, io_err) end if deallocate(indices) deallocate(dimSizes) if (io_err /= MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if if (field % isSuperArray) then do i=1,size(field % constituentNames) call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % constituentNames(i)), field % attList) end do else call put_get_field_atts(stream % fileHandle, stream % ioDirection, trim(field % fieldname), field % attList) end if ! ! Set field pointer and type in fieldList ! new_field_list_node => stream % fieldList do while (associated(new_field_list_node % next)) new_field_list_node => new_field_list_node % next end do new_field_list_node % field_type = FIELD_0D_CHAR new_field_list_node % char0dField => field !write(0,*) '... done adding field' end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_0dChar subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_generic(stream, fieldName, fieldType, dimNames, dimSizes, hasTimeDimension, isDecomposed, & totalDimSize, globalDimSize, indices, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: fieldName integer, intent(in) :: fieldType character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), intent(in) :: dimNames integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dimSizes logical, intent(in) :: hasTimeDimension logical, intent(in) :: isDecomposed integer, intent(in) :: totalDimSize integer, intent(in) :: globalDimSize integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i integer :: idim integer :: ndims integer :: dimTemp character (len=StrKIND), dimension(5) :: dimNamesLocal character (len=StrKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dimNamesInq integer, dimension(:), pointer :: dimSizesInq type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_list_cursor type (field_list_type), pointer :: new_field_list_node if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ndims = size(dimNames) !write(0,*) '... field has ', ndims, ' dimensions' allocate(new_field_list_node) nullify(new_field_list_node % next) if (stream % ioDirection == MPAS_IO_WRITE) then !write(0,*) '... defining field' ! ! Define inner dimensions ! do idim = 1, ndims-1 !write(0,*) '... defining dimension ', trim(dimNames(idim)), dimSizes(idim) write(dimNamesLocal(idim),'(a)') dimNames(idim) call MPAS_io_def_dim(stream % fileHandle, trim(dimNames(idim)), dimSizes(idim), io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR deallocate(new_field_list_node) return end if end do ! ! Define outer-most dimension ! idim = ndims if (idim > 0) write(dimNamesLocal(idim),'(a)') dimNames(idim) if (isDecomposed) then new_field_list_node % totalDimSize = totalDimSize else new_field_list_node % totalDimSize = globalDimSize end if new_field_list_node % isDecomposed = isDecomposed if (ndims > 0) then !write(0,*) '... defining dimension ', trim(dimNames(idim)), globalDimSize call MPAS_io_def_dim(stream % fileHandle, trim(dimNames(idim)), globalDimSize, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR deallocate(new_field_list_node) return end if end if ! ! Define time dimension if necessary ! if (hasTimeDimension) then !write(0,*) '... defining Time dimension ' call MPAS_io_def_dim(stream % fileHandle, 'Time', MPAS_IO_UNLIMITED_DIM, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR deallocate(new_field_list_node) return end if ndims = ndims + 1 write(dimNamesLocal(ndims),'(a)') 'Time' end if ! ! Define variable to low-level interface ! !write(0,*) '... defining var to low-level interface with ndims ', ndims call MPAS_io_def_var(stream % fileHandle, trim(fieldName), fieldType, dimNamesLocal(1:ndims), io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR deallocate(new_field_list_node) return end if else if (stream % ioDirection == MPAS_IO_READ) then !write(0,*) '... inquiring about' call MPAS_io_inq_var(stream % fileHandle, trim(fieldName), dimnames=dimNamesInq, dimsizes=dimSizesInq, ierr=io_err) ! If the field does not exist in the input file, we should handle this situation gracefully at higher levels ! without printing disconcerting error messages !call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR deallocate(new_field_list_node) return end if ! Here, we should probably do a check to make sure the file agrees with what MPAS expects for the field do i=1,ndims !write(0,*) 'Comparing '//trim(dimNames(i))//' '//trim(dimNamesInq(i)) if (trim(dimNames(i)) /= trim(dimNamesInq(i))) then !write(0,*) 'Mismatched dimension name in field' if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR deallocate(new_field_list_node) deallocate(dimNamesInq) deallocate(dimSizesInq) return end if if (i < ndims) then dimTemp = dimSizes(i) else if (trim(dimNamesInq(i)) == 'nCells' .or. & trim(dimNamesInq(i)) == 'nEdges' .or. & trim(dimNamesInq(i)) == 'nVertices' & ) then dimTemp = globalDimSize else dimTemp = dimSizes(i) end if end if !write(0,*) 'Comparing ', dimTemp, ' ', dimSizesInq(i) if (dimTemp /= dimSizesInq(i)) then !write(0,*) 'Mismatched dimension size in field' if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR deallocate(new_field_list_node) deallocate(dimNamesInq) deallocate(dimSizesInq) return end if end do ! Set outer dimension sizes depending on whether the field is decomposed if (isDecomposed) then new_field_list_node % totalDimSize = totalDimSize else new_field_list_node % totalDimSize = globalDimSize end if new_field_list_node % isDecomposed = isDecomposed deallocate(dimNamesInq) deallocate(dimSizesInq) end if ! ! Set variable indices ! if (ndims > 0) then call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(stream % fileHandle, trim(fieldName), indices, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR deallocate(new_field_list_node) return end if end if ! ! Add field pointer to the list ! if (.not. associated(stream % fieldList)) then !write(0,*) 'Adding field to the head of the list' stream % fieldList => new_field_list_node else !write(0,*) 'Adding field to the tail of the list' field_list_cursor => stream % fieldList do while (associated(field_list_cursor % next)) field_list_cursor => field_list_cursor % next end do field_list_cursor % next => new_field_list_node end if end subroutine MPAS_streamAddField_generic subroutine MPAS_readStream(stream, frame, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream integer, intent(in) :: frame integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i, j integer :: ncons integer :: ownedSize type (field0dInteger), pointer :: field_0dint_ptr type (field1dInteger), pointer :: field_1dint_ptr type (field2dInteger), pointer :: field_2dint_ptr type (field3dInteger), pointer :: field_3dint_ptr type (field0dReal), pointer :: field_0dreal_ptr type (field1dReal), pointer :: field_1dreal_ptr type (field2dReal), pointer :: field_2dreal_ptr type (field3dReal), pointer :: field_3dreal_ptr type (field4dReal), pointer :: field_4dreal_ptr type (field5dReal), pointer :: field_5dreal_ptr type (field0dChar), pointer :: field_0dchar_ptr type (field1dChar), pointer :: field_1dchar_ptr type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_cursor integer :: int0d_temp integer, dimension(:), pointer :: int1d_temp integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: int2d_temp integer, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: int3d_temp real (kind=RKIND) :: real0d_temp real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: real1d_temp real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: real2d_temp real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: real3d_temp real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: real4d_temp real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: real5d_temp if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if ! ! Set time frame to real ! call MPAS_io_set_frame(stream % fileHandle, frame, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if ! ! Loop over fields in the stream ! field_cursor => stream % fieldList do while (associated(field_cursor)) if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_0D_INT) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % int0dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) 'Reading in field '//trim(field_cursor % int0dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) ' > is the field decomposed? ', field_cursor % isDecomposed !write(0,*) ' > outer dimension size ', field_cursor % totalDimSize !write(0,*) 'MGD calling MPAS_io_get_var now...' call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int0dField % fieldName, int0d_temp, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if !write(0,*) 'Distributing and Copying field to other blocks' call mpas_dmpar_bcast_int(field_cursor % int0dField % block % domain % dminfo, int0d_temp) field_0dint_ptr => field_cursor % int0dField do while (associated(field_0dint_ptr)) field_0dint_ptr % scalar = int0d_temp field_0dint_ptr => field_0dint_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_1D_INT) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % int1dField % fieldName) if (field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % int1dField % constituentNames) else ncons = 1 allocate(int1d_temp(field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then if (.not. field_cursor % isAvailable(j)) cycle call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int1dField % constituentNames(j), int0d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int1dField % fieldName, int1d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR if (.not. field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int1d_temp) end if return end if if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Distribute field to multiple blocks field_1dint_ptr => field_cursor % int1dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_1dint_ptr)) if (trim(field_1dint_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_1dint_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_1dint_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_1dint_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_1dint_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_1dint_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_1dint_ptr % dimSizes(1) end if if (field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then field_1dint_ptr % array(j) = int0d_temp else field_1dint_ptr % array(1:ownedSize) = int1d_temp(i:i+ownedSize-1) end if i = i + ownedSize field_1dint_ptr => field_1dint_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then call mpas_dmpar_bcast_int(field_cursor % int1dField % block % domain % dminfo, int0d_temp) field_1dint_ptr => field_cursor % int1dField do while (associated(field_1dint_ptr)) field_1dint_ptr % array(j) = int0d_temp field_1dint_ptr => field_1dint_ptr % next end do else call mpas_dmpar_bcast_ints(field_cursor % int1dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(int1d_temp), int1d_temp(:)) field_1dint_ptr => field_cursor % int1dField do while (associated(field_1dint_ptr)) field_1dint_ptr % array(:) = int1d_temp(:) field_1dint_ptr => field_1dint_ptr % next end do end if end if end do if (.not. field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int1d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_2D_INT) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % int2dField % fieldName) if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % int2dField % constituentNames) allocate(int1d_temp(field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(int2d_temp(field_cursor % int2dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then if (.not. field_cursor % isAvailable(j)) cycle call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int2dField % constituentNames(j), int1d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int2dField % fieldName, int2d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int1d_temp) else deallocate(int2d_temp) end if return end if if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Distribute field to multiple blocks field_2dint_ptr => field_cursor % int2dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_2dint_ptr)) if (trim(field_2dint_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_2dint_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_2dint_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_2dint_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_2dint_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_2dint_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_2dint_ptr % dimSizes(2) end if if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then field_2dint_ptr % array(j,1:ownedSize) = int1d_temp(i:i+ownedSize-1) else field_2dint_ptr % array(:,1:ownedSize) = int2d_temp(:,i:i+ownedSize-1) end if i = i + ownedSize field_2dint_ptr => field_2dint_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then call mpas_dmpar_bcast_ints(field_cursor % int2dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(int1d_temp), int1d_temp(:)) field_2dint_ptr => field_cursor % int2dField do while (associated(field_2dint_ptr)) field_2dint_ptr % array(j,:) = int1d_temp(:) field_2dint_ptr => field_2dint_ptr % next end do else call mpas_dmpar_bcast_ints(field_cursor % int2dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(int2d_temp), int2d_temp(:,1)) field_2dint_ptr => field_cursor % int2dField do while (associated(field_2dint_ptr)) field_2dint_ptr % array(:,:) = int2d_temp(:,:) field_2dint_ptr => field_2dint_ptr % next end do end if end if end do if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int1d_temp) else deallocate(int2d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_3D_INT) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % int3dField % fieldName) if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % int3dField % constituentNames) allocate(int2d_temp(field_cursor % int3dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(int3d_temp(field_cursor % int3dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % int3dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then if (.not. field_cursor % isAvailable(j)) cycle call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int3dField % constituentNames(j), int2d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int3dField % fieldName, int3d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int2d_temp) else deallocate(int3d_temp) end if return end if if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Distribute field to multiple blocks field_3dint_ptr => field_cursor % int3dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_3dint_ptr)) if (trim(field_3dint_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_3dint_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_3dint_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_3dint_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_3dint_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_3dint_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_3dint_ptr % dimSizes(3) end if if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then field_3dint_ptr % array(j,:,1:ownedSize) = int2d_temp(:,i:i+ownedSize-1) else field_3dint_ptr % array(:,:,1:ownedSize) = int3d_temp(:,:,i:i+ownedSize-1) end if i = i + ownedSize field_3dint_ptr => field_3dint_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then call mpas_dmpar_bcast_ints(field_cursor % int3dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(int2d_temp), int2d_temp(:,1)) field_3dint_ptr => field_cursor % int3dField do while (associated(field_3dint_ptr)) field_3dint_ptr % array(j,:,:) = int2d_temp(:,:) field_3dint_ptr => field_3dint_ptr % next end do else call mpas_dmpar_bcast_ints(field_cursor % int3dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(int3d_temp), int3d_temp(:,1,1)) field_3dint_ptr => field_cursor % int3dField do while (associated(field_3dint_ptr)) field_3dint_ptr % array(:,:,:) = int3d_temp(:,:,:) field_3dint_ptr => field_3dint_ptr % next end do end if end if end do if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int2d_temp) else deallocate(int3d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_0D_REAL) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % real0dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) 'Reading in field '//trim(field_cursor % real0dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) ' > is the field decomposed? ', field_cursor % isDecomposed !write(0,*) ' > outer dimension size ', field_cursor % totalDimSize !write(0,*) 'MGD calling MPAS_io_get_var now...' call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real0dField % fieldName, real0d_temp, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if !write(0,*) 'Distributing and Copying field to other blocks' call mpas_dmpar_bcast_real(field_cursor % real0dField % block % domain % dminfo, real0d_temp) field_0dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real0dField do while (associated(field_0dreal_ptr)) field_0dreal_ptr % scalar = real0d_temp field_0dreal_ptr => field_0dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_1D_REAL) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % real1dField % fieldName) if (field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % real1dField % constituentNames) else ncons = 1 allocate(real1d_temp(field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then if (.not. field_cursor % isAvailable(j)) cycle call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real1dField % constituentNames(j), real0d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real1dField % fieldName, real1d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR if (.not. field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real1d_temp) end if return end if if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Distribute field to multiple blocks field_1dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real1dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_1dreal_ptr)) if (trim(field_1dreal_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_1dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_1dreal_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_1dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_1dreal_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_1dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_1dreal_ptr % dimSizes(1) end if if (field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then field_1dreal_ptr % array(j) = real0d_temp else field_1dreal_ptr % array(1:ownedSize) = real1d_temp(i:i+ownedSize-1) end if i = i + ownedSize field_1dreal_ptr => field_1dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then call mpas_dmpar_bcast_real(field_cursor % real1dField % block % domain % dminfo, real0d_temp) field_1dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real1dField do while (associated(field_1dreal_ptr)) field_1dreal_ptr % array(j) = real0d_temp field_1dreal_ptr => field_1dreal_ptr % next end do else call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real1dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real1d_temp), real1d_temp(:)) field_1dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real1dField do while (associated(field_1dreal_ptr)) field_1dreal_ptr % array(:) = real1d_temp(:) field_1dreal_ptr => field_1dreal_ptr % next end do end if end if end do if (.not. field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real1d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_2D_REAL) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % real2dField % fieldName) if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % real2dField % constituentNames) allocate(real1d_temp(field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(real2d_temp(field_cursor % real2dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then if (.not. field_cursor % isAvailable(j)) cycle call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real2dField % constituentNames(j), real1d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real2dField % fieldName, real2d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real1d_temp) else deallocate(real2d_temp) end if return end if if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Distribute field to multiple blocks field_2dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real2dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_2dreal_ptr)) if (trim(field_2dreal_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_2dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_2dreal_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_2dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_2dreal_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_2dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_2dreal_ptr % dimSizes(2) end if if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then field_2dreal_ptr % array(j,1:ownedSize) = real1d_temp(i:i+ownedSize-1) else field_2dreal_ptr % array(:,1:ownedSize) = real2d_temp(:,i:i+ownedSize-1) end if i = i + ownedSize field_2dreal_ptr => field_2dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real2dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real1d_temp), real1d_temp(:)) field_2dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real2dField do while (associated(field_2dreal_ptr)) field_2dreal_ptr % array(j,:) = real1d_temp(:) field_2dreal_ptr => field_2dreal_ptr % next end do else call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real2dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real2d_temp), real2d_temp(:,1)) field_2dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real2dField do while (associated(field_2dreal_ptr)) field_2dreal_ptr % array(:,:) = real2d_temp(:,:) field_2dreal_ptr => field_2dreal_ptr % next end do end if end if end do if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real1d_temp) else deallocate(real2d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_3D_REAL) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % real3dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : reading a 3d real array' if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : reading a 3d real super-array' ncons = size(field_cursor % real3dField % constituentNames) allocate(real2d_temp(field_cursor % real3dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(real3d_temp(field_cursor % real3dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % real3dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then if (.not. field_cursor % isAvailable(j)) cycle !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : calling get_var for a constitutent' call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real3dField % constituentNames(j), real2d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real3dField % fieldName, real3d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real2d_temp) else deallocate(real3d_temp) end if return end if if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Distribute field to multiple blocks field_3dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real3dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_3dreal_ptr)) if (trim(field_3dreal_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_3dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_3dreal_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_3dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_3dreal_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_3dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_3dreal_ptr % dimSizes(3) end if if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : copying the temporary array' field_3dreal_ptr % array(j,:,1:ownedSize) = real2d_temp(:,i:i+ownedSize-1) else field_3dreal_ptr % array(:,:,1:ownedSize) = real3d_temp(:,:,i:i+ownedSize-1) end if i = i + ownedSize field_3dreal_ptr => field_3dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real3dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real2d_temp), real2d_temp(:,1)) field_3dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real3dField do while (associated(field_3dreal_ptr)) field_3dreal_ptr % array(j,:,:) = real2d_temp(:,:) field_3dreal_ptr => field_3dreal_ptr % next end do else call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real3dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real3d_temp), real3d_temp(:,1,1)) field_3dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real3dField do while (associated(field_3dreal_ptr)) field_3dreal_ptr % array(:,:,:) = real3d_temp(:,:,:) field_3dreal_ptr => field_3dreal_ptr % next end do end if end if end do if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real2d_temp) else deallocate(real3d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_4D_REAL) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % real3dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : reading a 4d real array' if (field_cursor % real4dField % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : reading a 4d real super-array' ncons = size(field_cursor % real4dField % constituentNames) allocate(real3d_temp(field_cursor % real4dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % real4dField % dimSizes(3), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(real4d_temp(field_cursor % real4dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % real4dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % real4dField % dimSizes(3), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % real4dField % isSuperArray) then if (.not. field_cursor % isAvailable(j)) cycle !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : calling get_var for a constitutent' call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real4dField % constituentNames(j), real3d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real4dField % fieldName, real4d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR if (field_cursor % real4dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real3d_temp) else deallocate(real4d_temp) end if return end if if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Distribute field to multiple blocks field_4dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real4dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_4dreal_ptr)) if (trim(field_4dreal_ptr % dimNames(4)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_4dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_4dreal_ptr % dimNames(4)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_4dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_4dreal_ptr % dimNames(4)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_4dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_4dreal_ptr % dimSizes(4) end if if (field_cursor % real4dField % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : copying the temporary array' field_4dreal_ptr % array(j, :,:,1:ownedSize) = real3d_temp(:,:,i:i+ownedSize-1) else field_4dreal_ptr % array(:,:,:,1:ownedSize) = real4d_temp(:,:,:,i:i+ownedSize-1) end if i = i + ownedSize field_4dreal_ptr => field_4dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real4dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real3d_temp), real3d_temp(:,1,1)) field_4dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real4dField do while (associated(field_4dreal_ptr)) field_4dreal_ptr % array(j,:,:,:) = real3d_temp(:,:,:) field_4dreal_ptr => field_4dreal_ptr % next end do else call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real4dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real4d_temp), real4d_temp(:,1,1,1)) field_4dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real4dField do while (associated(field_4dreal_ptr)) field_4dreal_ptr % array(:,:,:,:) = real4d_temp(:,:,:,:) field_4dreal_ptr => field_4dreal_ptr % next end do end if end if end do if (field_cursor % real4dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real3d_temp) else deallocate(real4d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_5D_REAL) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : *************** '//trim(field_cursor % real3dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : reading a 4d real array' if (field_cursor % real5dField % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : reading a 4d real super-array' ncons = size(field_cursor % real5dField % constituentNames) allocate(real4d_temp(field_cursor % real5dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % real5dField % dimSizes(3), & field_cursor % real5dField % dimSizes(4), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(real5d_temp(field_cursor % real5dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % real5dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % real5dField % dimSizes(3), & field_cursor % real5dField % dimSizes(4), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % real5dField % isSuperArray) then if (.not. field_cursor % isAvailable(j)) cycle !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : calling get_var for a constitutent' call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real5dField % constituentNames(j), real4d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real5dField % fieldName, real5d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR if (field_cursor % real5dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real4d_temp) else deallocate(real5d_temp) end if return end if if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Distribute field to multiple blocks field_5dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real5dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_5dreal_ptr)) if (trim(field_5dreal_ptr % dimNames(5)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_5dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_5dreal_ptr % dimNames(5)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_5dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_5dreal_ptr % dimNames(5)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_5dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_5dreal_ptr % dimSizes(5) end if if (field_cursor % real5dField % isSuperArray) then !write(0,*) 'DEBUGGING : copying the temporary array' field_5dreal_ptr % array(j,:,:,:,1:ownedSize) = real4d_temp(:,:,:,i:i+ownedSize-1) else field_5dreal_ptr % array(:,:,:,:,1:ownedSize) = real5d_temp(:,:,:,:,i:i+ownedSize-1) end if i = i + ownedSize field_5dreal_ptr => field_5dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % real5dField % isSuperArray) then call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real5dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real4d_temp), real4d_temp(:,1,1,1)) field_5dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real5dField do while (associated(field_5dreal_ptr)) field_5dreal_ptr % array(j,:,:,:,:) = real4d_temp(:,:,:,:) field_5dreal_ptr => field_5dreal_ptr % next end do else call mpas_dmpar_bcast_reals(field_cursor % real5dField % block % domain % dminfo, size(real5d_temp), real5d_temp(:,1,1,1,1)) field_5dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real5dField do while (associated(field_5dreal_ptr)) field_5dreal_ptr % array(:,:,:,:,:) = real5d_temp(:,:,:,:,:) field_5dreal_ptr => field_5dreal_ptr % next end do end if end if end do if (field_cursor % real5dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real4d_temp) else deallocate(real5d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_0D_CHAR) then !write(0,*) 'Reading in field '//trim(field_cursor % char0dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) ' > is the field decomposed? ', field_cursor % isDecomposed !write(0,*) ' > outer dimension size ', field_cursor % totalDimSize !write(0,*) 'MGD calling MPAS_io_get_var now...' call MPAS_io_get_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % char0dField % fieldName, field_cursor % char0dField % scalar, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if !write(0,*) 'Distributing and Copying field to other blocks' call mpas_dmpar_bcast_char(field_cursor % char0dField % block % domain % dminfo, field_cursor % char0dField % scalar) field_0dchar_ptr => field_cursor % char0dField do while (associated(field_0dchar_ptr)) field_0dchar_ptr % scalar = field_cursor % char0dField % scalar field_0dchar_ptr => field_0dchar_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_1D_CHAR) then end if field_cursor => field_cursor % next end do !write(0,*) 'Finished fieldlist loop...' end subroutine MPAS_readStream subroutine MPAS_writeStream(stream, frame, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream integer, intent(in) :: frame integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err integer :: i, j integer :: ncons integer :: ownedSize type (field0dInteger), pointer :: field_0dint_ptr type (field1dInteger), pointer :: field_1dint_ptr type (field2dInteger), pointer :: field_2dint_ptr type (field3dInteger), pointer :: field_3dint_ptr type (field0dReal), pointer :: field_0dreal_ptr type (field1dReal), pointer :: field_1dreal_ptr type (field2dReal), pointer :: field_2dreal_ptr type (field3dReal), pointer :: field_3dreal_ptr type (field0dChar), pointer :: field_0dchar_ptr type (field1dChar), pointer :: field_1dchar_ptr type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_cursor integer :: int0d_temp integer, dimension(:), pointer :: int1d_temp integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: int2d_temp integer, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: int3d_temp real (kind=RKIND) :: real0d_temp real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: real1d_temp real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: real2d_temp real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: real3d_temp if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if ! ! Set time frame to write ! call MPAS_io_set_frame(stream % fileHandle, frame, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR return end if ! ! Loop over fields in the stream ! field_cursor => stream % fieldList do while (associated(field_cursor)) if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_0D_INT) then !write(0,*) 'Writing out field '//trim(field_cursor % int0dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) ' > is the field decomposed? ', field_cursor % isDecomposed !write(0,*) ' > outer dimension size ', field_cursor % totalDimSize !write(0,*) 'Copying field from first block' int0d_temp = field_cursor % int0dField % scalar !write(0,*) 'MGD calling MPAS_io_put_var now...' call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int0dField % fieldName, int0d_temp, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_1D_INT) then if (field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % int1dField % constituentNames) else ncons = 1 allocate(int1d_temp(field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Gather field from across multiple blocks field_1dint_ptr => field_cursor % int1dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_1dint_ptr)) if (trim(field_1dint_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_1dint_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_1dint_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_1dint_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_1dint_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_1dint_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_1dint_ptr % dimSizes(1) end if if (field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then ! I suspect we will never hit this code, as it doesn't make sense, really int0d_temp = field_1dint_ptr % array(j) else int1d_temp(i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_1dint_ptr % array(1:ownedSize) end if i = i + ownedSize field_1dint_ptr => field_1dint_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then int0d_temp = field_cursor % int1dField % array(j) else int1d_temp(:) = field_cursor % int1dField % array(:) end if end if if (field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int1dField % constituentNames(j), int0d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int1dField % fieldName, int1d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end do if (.not. field_cursor % int1dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int1d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_2D_INT) then if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % int2dField % constituentNames) allocate(int1d_temp(field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(int2d_temp(field_cursor % int2dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Gather field from across multiple blocks field_2dint_ptr => field_cursor % int2dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_2dint_ptr)) if (trim(field_2dint_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_2dint_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_2dint_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_2dint_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_2dint_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_2dint_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_2dint_ptr % dimSizes(2) end if if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then int1d_temp(i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_2dint_ptr % array(j,1:ownedSize) else int2d_temp(:,i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_2dint_ptr % array(:,1:ownedSize) end if i = i + ownedSize field_2dint_ptr => field_2dint_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then int1d_temp(:) = field_cursor % int2dField % array(j,:) else int2d_temp(:,:) = field_cursor % int2dField % array(:,:) end if end if if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int2dField % constituentNames(j), int1d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int2dField % fieldName, int2d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end do if (field_cursor % int2dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int1d_temp) else deallocate(int2d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_3D_INT) then if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % int3dField % constituentNames) allocate(int2d_temp(field_cursor % int3dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(int3d_temp(field_cursor % int3dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % int3dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Gather field from across multiple blocks field_3dint_ptr => field_cursor % int3dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_3dint_ptr)) if (trim(field_3dint_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_3dint_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_3dint_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_3dint_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_3dint_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_3dint_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_3dint_ptr % dimSizes(3) end if if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then int2d_temp(:,i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_3dint_ptr % array(j,:,1:ownedSize) else int3d_temp(:,:,i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_3dint_ptr % array(:,:,1:ownedSize) end if i = i + ownedSize field_3dint_ptr => field_3dint_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then int2d_temp(:,:) = field_cursor % int3dField % array(j,:,:) else int3d_temp(:,:,:) = field_cursor % int3dField % array(:,:,:) end if end if if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int3dField % constituentNames(j), int2d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % int3dField % fieldName, int3d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end do if (field_cursor % int3dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(int2d_temp) else deallocate(int3d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_0D_REAL) then !write(0,*) 'Writing out field '//trim(field_cursor % real0dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) ' > is the field decomposed? ', field_cursor % isDecomposed !write(0,*) ' > outer dimension size ', field_cursor % totalDimSize !write(0,*) 'Copying field from first block' real0d_temp = field_cursor % real0dField % scalar !write(0,*) 'MGD calling MPAS_io_put_var now...' call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real0dField % fieldName, real0d_temp, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_1D_REAL) then if (field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % real1dField % constituentNames) else ncons = 1 allocate(real1d_temp(field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Gather field from across multiple blocks field_1dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real1dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_1dreal_ptr)) if (trim(field_1dreal_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_1dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_1dreal_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_1dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_1dreal_ptr % dimNames(1)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_1dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_1dreal_ptr % dimSizes(1) end if if (field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then ! I suspect we will never hit this code, as it doesn't make sense, really real0d_temp = field_1dreal_ptr % array(j) else real1d_temp(i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_1dreal_ptr % array(1:ownedSize) end if i = i + ownedSize field_1dreal_ptr => field_1dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then real0d_temp = field_cursor % real1dField % array(j) else real1d_temp(:) = field_cursor % real1dField % array(:) end if end if if (field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real1dField % constituentNames(j), real0d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real1dField % fieldName, real1d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end do if (.not. field_cursor % real1dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real1d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_2D_REAL) then if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % real2dField % constituentNames) allocate(real1d_temp(field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(real2d_temp(field_cursor % real2dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Gather field from across multiple blocks field_2dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real2dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_2dreal_ptr)) if (trim(field_2dreal_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_2dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_2dreal_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_2dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_2dreal_ptr % dimNames(2)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_2dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_2dreal_ptr % dimSizes(2) end if if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then real1d_temp(i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_2dreal_ptr % array(j,1:ownedSize) else real2d_temp(:,i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_2dreal_ptr % array(:,1:ownedSize) end if i = i + ownedSize field_2dreal_ptr => field_2dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then real1d_temp(:) = field_cursor % real2dField % array(j,:) else real2d_temp(:,:) = field_cursor % real2dField % array(:,:) end if end if if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real2dField % constituentNames(j), real1d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real2dField % fieldName, real2d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end do if (field_cursor % real2dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real1d_temp) else deallocate(real2d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_3D_REAL) then if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then ncons = size(field_cursor % real3dField % constituentNames) allocate(real2d_temp(field_cursor % real3dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) else ncons = 1 allocate(real3d_temp(field_cursor % real3dField % dimSizes(1), & field_cursor % real3dField % dimSizes(2), & field_cursor % totalDimSize)) end if do j=1,ncons if (field_cursor % isDecomposed) then ! Gather field from across multiple blocks field_3dreal_ptr => field_cursor % real3dField i = 1 do while (associated(field_3dreal_ptr)) if (trim(field_3dreal_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nCells') then ownedSize = field_3dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nCellsSolve else if (trim(field_3dreal_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nEdges') then ownedSize = field_3dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nEdgesSolve else if (trim(field_3dreal_ptr % dimNames(3)) == 'nVertices') then ownedSize = field_3dreal_ptr % block % mesh % nVerticesSolve else ownedSize = field_3dreal_ptr % dimSizes(3) end if if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then real2d_temp(:,i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_3dreal_ptr % array(j,:,1:ownedSize) else real3d_temp(:,:,i:i+ownedSize-1) = field_3dreal_ptr % array(:,:,1:ownedSize) end if i = i + ownedSize field_3dreal_ptr => field_3dreal_ptr % next end do else if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then real2d_temp(:,:) = field_cursor % real3dField % array(j,:,:) else real3d_temp(:,:,:) = field_cursor % real3dField % array(:,:,:) end if end if if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real3dField % constituentNames(j), real2d_temp, io_err) else call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % real3dField % fieldName, real3d_temp, io_err) end if call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end do if (field_cursor % real3dField % isSuperArray) then deallocate(real2d_temp) else deallocate(real3d_temp) end if else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_0D_CHAR) then !write(0,*) 'Writing out field '//trim(field_cursor % char0dField % fieldName) !write(0,*) ' > is the field decomposed? ', field_cursor % isDecomposed !write(0,*) ' > outer dimension size ', field_cursor % totalDimSize !write(0,*) 'Copying field from first block' !write(0,*) 'MGD calling MPAS_io_put_var now...' call MPAS_io_put_var(stream % fileHandle, field_cursor % char0dField % fieldName, field_cursor % char0dField % scalar, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR else if (field_cursor % field_type == FIELD_1D_CHAR) then end if field_cursor => field_cursor % next end do ! ! Sync all fields with disk ! call MPAS_io_sync(stream % fileHandle) end subroutine MPAS_writeStream subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_0dInteger(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName integer, intent(out) :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_get_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_0dInteger subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_1dInteger(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName integer, dimension(:), pointer :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_get_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_1dInteger subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_0dReal(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_get_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_0dReal subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_1dReal(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_get_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_1dReal subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_text(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName character (len=*), intent(out) :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_get_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_readStreamAtt_text subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_0dInteger(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName integer, intent(in) :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_put_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_0dInteger subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_1dInteger(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_put_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_1dInteger subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_0dReal(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_put_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_0dReal subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_1dReal(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), intent(in) :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_put_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_1dReal subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_text(stream, attName, attValue, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: attName character (len=*), intent(in) :: attValue integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_put_att(stream % fileHandle, attName, attValue, ierr=io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR end subroutine MPAS_writeStreamAtt_text subroutine MPAS_closeStream(stream, ierr) implicit none type (MPAS_Stream_type), intent(inout) :: stream integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: io_err type (field_list_type), pointer :: field_cursor if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOERR ! ! Sanity checks ! if (.not. stream % isInitialized) then if (present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_STREAM_NOT_INITIALIZED return end if call MPAS_io_close(stream % fileHandle, io_err) call MPAS_io_err_mesg(io_err, .false.) if (io_err /= MPAS_IO_NOERR .and. present(ierr)) ierr = MPAS_IO_ERR !write(0,*) 'Deallocating global attribute list' call mpas_deallocate_attlist(stream % attList) !write(0,*) 'Deallocating field list' field_cursor => stream % fieldList do while (associated(field_cursor)) if (associated(field_cursor % isAvailable)) then deallocate(field_cursor % isAvailable) !write(0,*) 'Deallocating isAvailable array' end if stream % fieldList => stream % fieldList % next deallocate(field_cursor) field_cursor => stream % fieldList end do stream % isInitialized = .false. end subroutine MPAS_closeStream subroutine mergeArrays(array1, array2) implicit none integer, dimension(:), pointer :: array1 integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array2 integer :: n1, n2 integer, dimension(:), pointer :: newArray n1 = size(array1) n2 = size(array2) allocate(newArray(n1+n2)) newArray(1:n1) = array1(:) newArray(n1+1:n1+n2) = array2(:) deallocate(array1) array1 => newArray end subroutine mergeArrays subroutine put_get_field_atts(handle, ioDirection, fieldname, attList) implicit none type (MPAS_IO_Handle_type), intent(inout) :: handle integer, intent(in) :: ioDirection character (len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname type (att_list_type), pointer :: attList type (att_list_type), pointer :: att_cursor if (.not. associated(attList)) return att_cursor => attList if (ioDirection == MPAS_IO_WRITE) then do while (associated(att_cursor)) select case (att_cursor % attType) case (ATT_INT) call MPAS_io_put_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueInt, fieldname) case (ATT_INTA) call MPAS_io_put_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueIntA, fieldname) case (ATT_REAL) call MPAS_io_put_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueReal, fieldname) case (ATT_REALA) call MPAS_io_put_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueRealA, fieldname) case (ATT_TEXT) call MPAS_io_put_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueText, fieldname) end select att_cursor => att_cursor % next end do else do while (associated(att_cursor)) select case (att_cursor % attType) case (ATT_INT) call MPAS_io_get_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueInt, fieldname) case (ATT_INTA) call MPAS_io_get_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueIntA, fieldname) case (ATT_REAL) call MPAS_io_get_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueReal, fieldname) case (ATT_REALA) call MPAS_io_get_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueRealA, fieldname) case (ATT_TEXT) call MPAS_io_get_att(handle, trim(att_cursor % attName), att_cursor % attValueText, fieldname) end select att_cursor => att_cursor % next end do end if end subroutine put_get_field_atts end module mpas_io_streams