<p><b>dwj07@fsu.edu</b> 2013-01-08 15:22:11 -0700 (Tue, 08 Jan 2013)</p><p><br>
        -- BRANCH COMMIT --<br>
        Fixing coupling interval stuff with CESM.<br>
        Adding seaLevelPressure to pressure field.<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/Registry
--- branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/Registry        2013-01-07 21:47:07 UTC (rev 2377)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/Registry        2013-01-08 22:22:11 UTC (rev 2378)
@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@
var persistent real windSrressReconstructMeridional ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o windStressReconstructMeridional state - -
var persistent real MontPot ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - MontPot state - -
var persistent real pressure ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - pressure state - -
+var persistent real seaLevelPressure ( nCells Time ) 2 - seaLevelPressure state - -
var persistent real wTop ( nVertLevelsP1 nCells Time ) 2 - wTop state - -
var persistent real rhoDisplaced ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - rhoDisplaced state - -
var persistent real viscosity ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 o viscosity state - -
@@ -351,7 +352,6 @@
var persistent real iceRunoffFlux ( nCells Time ) 2 - iceRunoffFlux state - -
var persistent real shortWaveHeatFlux ( nCells Time ) 2 - shortWaveHeatFlux state - -
var persistent real rainFlux ( nCells Time ) 2 - rainFlux state - -
-var persistent real seaLevelPressure ( nCells Time ) 2 - seaLevelPressure state - -
var persistent real iceFraction ( nCells Time ) 2 - iceFraction state - -
var persistent real prognosticCO2 ( nCells Time ) 2 - prognosticCO2 state - -
var persistent real diagnosticCO2 ( nCells Time ) 2 - diagnosticCO2 state - -
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F        2013-01-07 21:47:07 UTC (rev 2377)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F        2013-01-08 22:22:11 UTC (rev 2378)
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
integer, parameter :: outputAlarmID = 1
integer, parameter :: restartAlarmID = 2
integer, parameter :: statsAlarmID = 3
+ integer, parameter :: coupleAlarmID = 4
type (timer_node), pointer :: globalDiagTimer, timeIntTimer
type (timer_node), pointer :: initDiagSolveTimer
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F        2013-01-07 21:47:07 UTC (rev 2377)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F        2013-01-08 22:22:11 UTC (rev 2378)
@@ -438,9 +438,9 @@
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), allocatable:: pTop
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: &
- bottomDepth, fVertex, dvEdge, dcEdge, areaCell, areaTriangle, ssh
+ bottomDepth, fVertex, dvEdge, dcEdge, areaCell, areaTriangle, ssh, seaLevelPressure
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: &
- weightsOnEdge, kiteAreasOnVertex, h_edge, h, u, v, pressure,&
+ weightsOnEdge, kiteAreasOnVertex, h_edge, h, u, v, pressure, &
circulation, vorticity, ke, ke_edge, MontPot, wTop, zMid, &
Vor_edge, Vor_vertex, Vor_cell, gradVor_n, gradVor_t, divergence, &
rho, temperature, salinity, kev, kevc, uBolusGM, uTransport
@@ -469,6 +469,7 @@
rho => s % rho % array
MontPot => s % MontPot % array
pressure => s % pressure % array
+ seaLevelPressure => s % seaLevelPressure % array
zMid => s % zMid % array
ssh => s % ssh % array
tracers => s % tracers % array
@@ -817,7 +818,7 @@
do iCell=1,nCells
! pressure for generalized coordinates
! assume atmospheric pressure at the surface is zero for now.
- pressure(1,iCell) = rho(1,iCell)*gravity &
+ pressure(1,iCell) = seaLevelPressure(iCell) + rho(1,iCell)*gravity &
* 0.5*h(1,iCell)
do k=2,maxLevelCell(iCell)
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/ocean_cesm_driver/ocn_comp_mct.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/ocean_cesm_driver/ocn_comp_mct.F        2013-01-07 21:47:07 UTC (rev 2377)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/generic_forcing/src/ocean_cesm_driver/ocn_comp_mct.F        2013-01-08 22:22:11 UTC (rev 2378)
@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@
cpl_diag_transp, &! flag id for computing diagnostics
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: SBUFF_SUM ! accumulated sum of send buffer quantities
- ! for averaging before being sent
real (kind=RKIND) :: tlast_coupled
integer :: nsend, nrecv
@@ -83,7 +81,7 @@
type (dm_info), pointer :: dminfo
type (domain_type), pointer :: domain
type (io_output_object), save :: output_obj
- integer :: output_frame
+ integer :: output_frame, itimestep
! type (MPAS_Clock_type) :: clock
@@ -139,6 +137,9 @@
integer :: lbnum
+ type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: alarmStartTime
+ type (MPAS_TimeInterval_Type) :: alarmTimeStep
! set cdata pointers
@@ -290,17 +291,11 @@
call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData(EClock, dtime=ocn_cpl_dt)
call convert_seconds_to_timestamp(ocn_cpl_dt, coupleTimeStamp)
-! get intial state from driver
+ ! set coupling alarm
+ call mpas_set_timeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=coupleTimeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+ alarmStartTime = currTime
+ call mpas_add_clock_alarm(clock, coupleAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
- call ocn_import_mct(x2o_o, errorCode)
- if (errorCode /= 0) then
- call mpas_dmpar_global_abort('ERROR in ocn_import_mct')
- endif
! send intial state to driver
@@ -322,6 +317,17 @@
! call seq_infodata_PutData( infodata, ocn_nx = nx_global , ocn_ny = ny_global)
call seq_infodata_PutData( infodata, ocn_prognostic=.true., ocnrof_prognostic=.true.)
+! get intial state from driver
+ call ocn_import_mct(x2o_o, errorCode)
+ if (errorCode /= 0) then
+ call mpas_dmpar_global_abort('ERROR in ocn_import_mct')
+ endif
! Reset shr logging to original values
@@ -368,6 +374,14 @@
call mpas_output_state_init(output_obj, domain, "OUTPUT")
end if
+ call mpas_advance_clock(clock)
+ currTime = mpas_get_clock_time(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+ call mpas_get_time(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+ write(0,*) 'Initial time ', trim(timeStamp)
+ call ocn_write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
+ itimestep = 0
@@ -439,7 +453,8 @@
! integer :: lbnum
- integer :: itimestep
+ integer :: ymd, tod, ihour, iminute, isecond
+ integer :: iyear, imonth, iday, curr_ymd, curr_tod
real (kind=RKIND) :: dt
type (block_type), pointer :: block_ptr
@@ -447,40 +462,34 @@
type (MPAS_TimeInterval_Type) :: alarmTimeStep
character(len=StrKIND) :: timeStamp
integer :: ierr
- integer, parameter :: couplingAlarmID = 4
! Eventually, dt should be domain specific
dt = config_dt
currTime = mpas_get_clock_time(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
- call mpas_get_time(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)
- write(0,*) 'Initial time ', trim(timeStamp)
+! call mpas_get_time(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+! write(0,*) 'Initial time ', trim(timeStamp)
- ! set coupling alarm
- call mpas_set_timeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=coupleTimeStamp, ierr=ierr)
- alarmStartTime = currTime
- call mpas_add_clock_alarm(clock, couplingAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+! call ocn_write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
- call ocn_write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
block_ptr => domain % blocklist
do while(associated(block_ptr))
call ocn_time_average_init(block_ptr % state % time_levs(1) % state)
block_ptr => block_ptr % next
end do
+ call ocn_import_mct(x2o_o, ierr)
! During integration, time level 1 stores the model state at the beginning of the
! time step, and time level 2 stores the state advanced dt in time by timestep(...)
- itimestep = 0
- do while (.not. mpas_is_clock_stop_time(clock))
+ do while (.not. mpas_is_alarm_ringing(clock,coupleAlarmID, ierr=ierr))
itimestep = itimestep + 1
call mpas_advance_clock(clock)
currTime = mpas_get_clock_time(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
call mpas_get_time(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)
write(0,*) 'Doing timestep ', trim(timeStamp)
block_ptr => domain % blocklist
do while(associated(block_ptr))
call ocn_build_forcing_arrays(currTime, block_ptr % mesh, block_ptr % state % time_levs(2) % state, ierr)
@@ -497,12 +506,6 @@
call mpas_shift_time_levels_state(block_ptr % state)
block_ptr => block_ptr % next
end do
- if (mpas_is_alarm_ringing(clock, couplingAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
- call mpas_reset_clock_alarm(clock, couplingAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
- call ocn_import_mct(x2o_o, ierr)
- call ocn_export_mct(o2x_o, ierr)
- end if
if (mpas_is_alarm_ringing(clock, outputAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
call mpas_reset_clock_alarm(clock, outputAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
@@ -535,119 +538,27 @@
call mpas_output_state_for_domain(restart_obj, domain, 1)
call mpas_output_state_finalize(restart_obj, domain % dminfo)
end if
+ end do
- end do
-!#if (defined _MEMTRACE)
-! if(my_task == 0 ) then
-! lbnum=1
-! call memmon_dump_fort('memmon.out',SubName//':start::',lbnum)
-! endif
-!! start up the main timer
-! call mpas_timer_start('total time')
-!! reset shr logging to my log file
-! errorCode = POP_Success
-! call shr_file_getLogUnit (shrlogunit)
-! call shr_file_getLogLevel(shrloglev)
-! call shr_file_setLogUnit (stdout)
-! call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_o, infodata=infodata)
-!! restart flag (rstwr) will assume only an eod restart for now
-! call seq_infodata_GetData( infodata, info_debug=info_debug)
-! if (info_debug >= 2) then
-! ldiag_cpl = .true.
-! else
-! ldiag_cpl = .false.
-! endif
-! rstwr = seq_timemgr_RestartAlarmIsOn(EClock)
-!! advance the model in time over coupling interval
-!! write restart dumps and archiving
-! ! Note that all ocean time flags are evaluated each timestep in time_manager
-! ! ocn_import_mct is analogous to pop_unpack_fluxes_from_coupler in cpl6
-! ! ocn_export_mct is analogous to prepare_send_to_coupler in cpl6
-! ! tlast_coupled is set to zero at the end of ocn_export_mct
-! itimestep = 0
-! timestep: do
-! ! obtain import state from driver
-! if (check_time_flag(cpl_ts) .or. nsteps_run == 0) then
-! call ocn_import_mct(x2o_o, errorCode)
-! if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then
-! call POP_ErrorPrint(errorCode)
-! call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'ERROR in step')
-! endif
-! !DWJ Need to write on mpas side
-!! call pop_set_coupled_forcing
-! end if
-! end do timestep
-! advance: do
-! call step(errorCode)
-! if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then
-! call POP_ErrorPrint(errorCode)
-! call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'ERROR in step')
-! endif
-! if (check_KE(100.0_r8)) then
-! !*** exit if energy is blowing
-! call output_driver
-! call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: k.e. > 100 ')
-! endif
-! call output_driver
-! ! return export state to driver
-! call pop_sum_buffer()
-! if (check_time_flag(cpl_ts)) then
-! call ocn_export_mct(o2x_o, errorCode)
-! if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then
-! call POP_ErrorPrint(errorCode)
-! call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'ERROR in ocn_export_mct')
-! endif
-! exit advance
-! end if
-! enddo advance
-! if ( lsend_precip_fact ) then
-! precadj = precip_fact * 1.0e6_r8
-! call seq_infodata_PutData( infodata, precip_fact=precadj )
-! end if
+ if (mpas_is_alarm_ringing(clock, coupleAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+ call ocn_export_mct(o2x_o, ierr)
+ call mpas_reset_clock_alarm(clock, coupleAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
+ end if
+ currTime = mpas_get_clock_time(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+ call mpas_get_time(curr_time=currTime, YYYY=iyear, MM=imonth, DD=iday, H=ihour, M=iminute, S=isecond, ierr=ierr)
+ call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData(EClock, curr_ymd=curr_ymd, curr_tod=curr_tod)
+ ymd = iyear * 10000 + imonth*100 + iday
+ tod = ihour * 3600 + iminute * 60 + isecond
+ if (.not. seq_timemgr_EClockDateInSync( EClock, ymd, tod)) then
+ write(0,*) 'MPAS ymd=',ymd,' MPAS tod=', tod
+ write(0,*) 'sync ymd=',curr_ymd,' sync tod=', curr_tod
+ write(0,*) 'Internal mpas clock not in sync with sync clock'
+ end if
!! check that internal clock is in sync with master clock
@@ -666,24 +577,7 @@
! ":: Internal pop2 clock not in sync with Sync Clock")
! end if
-!! Reset shr logging to original values
-! call shr_file_setLogUnit (shrlogunit)
-! call shr_file_setLogLevel(shrloglev)
-! call mpas_timer_stop('total time')
-!#if (defined _MEMTRACE)
-! if(my_task == 0) then
-! lbnum=1
-! call memmon_dump_fort('memmon.out',SubName//':end::',lbnum)
-! call memmon_reset_addr()
-! endif