module mpas_io_input use mpas_grid_types use mpas_dmpar use mpas_block_decomp use mpas_block_creator use mpas_sort use mpas_configure use mpas_timekeeping use mpas_io_streams #ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN use mpas_zoltan_interface #endif integer, parameter :: STREAM_INPUT=1, STREAM_SFC=2, STREAM_RESTART=3 type io_input_object character (len=StrKIND) :: filename integer :: rd_ncid integer :: stream integer :: time type (MPAS_Stream_type) :: io_stream end type io_input_object integer :: readCellStart, readCellEnd, nReadCells integer :: readEdgeStart, readEdgeEnd, nReadEdges integer :: readVertexStart, readVertexEnd, nReadVertices contains subroutine mpas_input_state_for_domain(domain)!{{{ implicit none type (domain_type), pointer :: domain type (block_type), pointer :: block_ptr type (block_type), pointer :: readingBlock integer :: i, j, k type (io_input_object) :: input_obj #include "" character (len=StrKIND) :: c_on_a_sphere real (kind=RKIND) :: r_sphere_radius integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:), pointer :: readIndices type (MPAS_IO_Handle_type) :: inputHandle type (field1dInteger), pointer :: indexToCellIDField type (field1dInteger), pointer :: indexToEdgeIDField type (field1dInteger), pointer :: indexToVertexIDField type (field1dInteger), pointer :: nEdgesOnCellField type (field2dInteger), pointer :: cellsOnCellField type (field2dInteger), pointer :: edgesOnCellField type (field2dInteger), pointer :: verticesOnCellField type (field2dInteger), pointer :: cellsOnEdgeField type (field2dInteger), pointer :: cellsOnVertexField type (field1dReal), pointer :: xCellField, yCellField, zCellField type (field1dReal), pointer :: xEdgeField, yEdgeField, zEdgeField type (field1dReal), pointer :: xVertexField, yVertexField, zVertexField type (field1DChar) :: xtime type (field1dInteger), pointer :: nCellsSolveField type (field1dInteger), pointer :: nVerticesSolveField type (field1dInteger), pointer :: nEdgesSolveField type (field1DInteger), pointer :: indexToCellID_Block type (field1DInteger), pointer :: nEdgesOnCell_Block type (field2DInteger), pointer :: cellsOnCell_Block type (field2DInteger), pointer :: verticesOnCell_Block type (field2DInteger), pointer :: edgesOnCell_Block type (field1DInteger), pointer :: indexToVertexID_Block type (field2DInteger), pointer :: cellsOnVertex_Block type (field1DInteger), pointer :: indexToEdgeID_Block type (field2DInteger), pointer :: cellsOnEdge_Block type (field1DReal), pointer :: xCell, yCell, zCell type (field1DReal), pointer :: xEdge, yEdge, zEdge type (field1DReal), pointer :: xVertex, yVertex, zVertex integer, dimension(:), pointer :: local_cell_list integer, dimension(:), pointer :: block_id, block_start, block_count type (graph) :: partial_global_graph_info type (MPAS_Time_type) :: startTime character(len=StrKIND) :: timeStamp, restartTimeStamp character(len=StrKIND) :: filename integer :: nHalos nHalos = config_num_halos if (config_do_restart) then ! this get followed by set is to ensure that the time is in standard format if(trim(config_start_time) == 'file') then open(22,file='restart_timestamp',form='formatted',status='old') read(22,*) restartTimeStamp close(22) else restartTimeStamp = config_start_time end if write(0,*) 'RestartTimeStamp ', trim(restartTimeStamp) call mpas_set_time(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=restartTimeStamp) call mpas_get_time(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp) call mpas_insert_string_suffix(trim(config_restart_name), timeStamp, filename) input_obj % filename = trim(filename) input_obj % stream = STREAM_RESTART else input_obj % filename = trim(config_input_name) input_obj % stream = STREAM_INPUT end if inputHandle = MPAS_io_open(trim(input_obj % filename), MPAS_IO_READ, MPAS_IO_PNETCDF, ierr) if (ierr /= MPAS_IO_NOERR) then write(0,*) ' ' if (input_obj % stream == STREAM_RESTART) then write(0,*) 'Error opening restart file ''', trim(input_obj % filename), '''' else if (input_obj % stream == STREAM_INPUT) then write(0,*) 'Error opening input file ''', trim(input_obj % filename), '''' else if (input_obj % stream == STREAM_SFC) then write(0,*) 'Error opening sfc file ''', trim(input_obj % filename), '''' end if write(0,*) ' ' call mpas_dmpar_abort(domain % dminfo) end if ! ! Read global number of cells/edges/vertices ! #include "" ! ! Determine the range of cells/edges/vertices that a processor will initially read ! from the input file ! call mpas_dmpar_get_index_range(domain % dminfo, 1, nCells, readCellStart, readCellEnd) nReadCells = readCellEnd - readCellStart + 1 call mpas_dmpar_get_index_range(domain % dminfo, 1, nEdges, readEdgeStart, readEdgeEnd) nReadEdges = readEdgeEnd - readEdgeStart + 1 call mpas_dmpar_get_index_range(domain % dminfo, 1, nVertices, readVertexStart, readVertexEnd) nReadVertices = readVertexEnd - readVertexStart + 1 allocate(readingBlock) readingBlock % domain => domain readingBlock % blockID = domain % dminfo % my_proc_id readingBlock % localBlockID = 0 ! ! Allocate and read fields that we will need in order to ultimately work out ! which cells/edges/vertices are owned by each block, and which are ghost ! call mpas_io_setup_cell_block_fields(inputHandle, nreadCells, readCellStart, readingBlock, maxEdges, indexTocellIDField, xCellField, & yCellField, zCellField, nEdgesOnCellField, cellsOnCellField, edgesOnCellField, verticesOnCellField) call mpas_io_setup_edge_block_fields(inputHandle, nReadEdges, readEdgeStart, readingBlock, indexToEdgeIDField, xEdgeField, yEdgeField, zEdgeField, cellsOnEdgeField) call mpas_io_setup_vertex_block_fields(inputHandle, nReadVertices, readVertexStart, readingBlock, vertexDegree, indexToVertexIDField, & xVertexField, yVertexField, zVertexField, cellsOnVertexField) ! ! Set up a graph derived data type describing the connectivity for the cells ! that were read by this process ! A partial description is passed to the block decomp module by each process, ! and the block decomp module returns with a list of global cell indices ! that belong to the block on this process ! partial_global_graph_info % nVertices = nReadCells partial_global_graph_info % nVerticesTotal = nCells partial_global_graph_info % maxDegree = maxEdges partial_global_graph_info % ghostStart = nVertices+1 allocate(partial_global_graph_info % vertexID(nReadCells)) allocate(partial_global_graph_info % nAdjacent(nReadCells)) allocate(partial_global_graph_info % adjacencyList(maxEdges, nReadCells)) partial_global_graph_info % vertexID(:) = indexToCellIDField % array(:) partial_global_graph_info % nAdjacent(:) = nEdgesOnCellField % array(:) partial_global_graph_info % adjacencyList(:,:) = cellsOnCellField % array(:,:) ! TODO: Ensure (by renaming or exchanging) that initial cell range on each proc is contiguous ! This situation may occur when reading a restart file with cells/edges/vertices written ! in a scrambled order ! Determine which cells are owned by this process call mpas_block_decomp_cells_for_proc(domain % dminfo, partial_global_graph_info, local_cell_list, block_id, block_start, block_count) deallocate(partial_global_graph_info % vertexID) deallocate(partial_global_graph_info % nAdjacent) deallocate(partial_global_graph_info % adjacencyList) call mpas_block_creator_setup_blocks_and_0halo_cells(domain, indexToCellID_Block, local_cell_list, block_id, block_start, block_count) call mpas_block_creator_build_0halo_cell_fields(indexToCellIDField, nEdgesOnCellField, cellsOnCellField, verticesOnCellField, edgesOnCellField, indexToCellID_Block, nEdgesOnCell_Block, cellsOnCell_Block, verticesOnCell_Block, edgesOnCell_Block) call mpas_block_creator_build_0_and_1halo_edge_fields(indexToEdgeIDField, cellsOnEdgeField, indexToCellID_Block, nEdgesOnCell_Block, edgesOnCell_Block, indexToEdgeID_Block, cellsOnEdge_Block, nEdgesSolveField) call mpas_block_creator_build_0_and_1halo_edge_fields(indexToVertexIDField, cellsOnVertexField, indexToCellID_Block, nEdgesOnCell_Block, verticesOnCell_Block, indexToVertexID_Block, cellsOnVertex_Block, nVerticesSolveField) call mpas_block_creator_build_cell_halos(indexToCellID_Block, nEdgesOnCell_Block, cellsOnCell_Block, verticesOnCell_Block, edgesOnCell_Block, nCellsSolveField) call mpas_block_creator_build_edge_halos(indexToCellID_Block, nEdgesOnCell_Block, nCellsSolveField, edgesOnCell_Block, indexToEdgeID_Block, cellsOnEdge_Block, nEdgesSolveField) call mpas_block_creator_build_edge_halos(indexToCellID_Block, nEdgesOnCell_Block, nCellsSolveField, verticesOnCell_Block, indexToVertexID_Block, cellsOnVertex_Block, nVerticesSolveField) ! Allocate blocks, and copy indexTo arrays into blocks call mpas_block_creator_finalize_block_init(domain % blocklist, & #include "" , nCellsSolveField, nEdgesSolveField, nVerticesSolveField, indexToCellID_Block, indexToEdgeID_Block, indexToVertexID_Block) call mpas_io_input_init(input_obj, domain % blocklist, domain % dminfo) call MPAS_readStreamAtt(input_obj % io_stream, 'sphere_radius', r_sphere_radius, ierr) if (ierr /= MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then write(0,*) 'Warning: Attribute sphere_radius not found in '//trim(input_obj % filename) write(0,*) ' Setting sphere_radius to 1.0' domain % blocklist % mesh % sphere_radius = 1.0 else domain % blocklist % mesh % sphere_radius = r_sphere_radius end if call MPAS_readStreamAtt(input_obj % io_stream, 'on_a_sphere', c_on_a_sphere, ierr) if (ierr /= MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then write(0,*) 'Warning: Attribute on_a_sphere not found in '//trim(input_obj % filename) write(0,*) ' Setting on_a_sphere to ''YES''' domain % blocklist % mesh % on_a_sphere = .true. else if (index(c_on_a_sphere, 'YES') /= 0) then domain % blocklist % mesh % on_a_sphere = .true. else domain % blocklist % mesh % on_a_sphere = .false. end if end if block_ptr => domain % blocklist % next do while (associated(block_ptr)) block_ptr % mesh % sphere_radius = domain % blocklist % mesh % sphere_radius block_ptr % mesh % on_a_sphere = domain % blocklist % mesh % on_a_sphere ! Link the sendList and recvList pointers in each field type to the appropriate lists ! in parinfo, e.g., cellsToSend and cellsToRecv; in future, it can also be extended to ! link blocks of fields to eachother call mpas_create_field_links(block_ptr) block_ptr => block_ptr % next end do if (.not. config_do_restart) then input_obj % time = 1 else ! ! If doing a restart, we need to decide which time slice to read from the ! restart file ! input_obj % time = MPAS_seekStream(input_obj % io_stream, restartTimeStamp, MPAS_STREAM_EXACT_TIME, timeStamp, ierr) if (ierr == MPAS_IO_ERR) then write(0,*) 'Error: restart file '//trim(filename)//' did not contain time '//trim(restartTimeStamp) call mpas_dmpar_abort(domain % dminfo) end if ! input_obj % time = MPAS_seekStream(input_obj % io_stream, config_start_time, MPAS_STREAM_EXACT_TIME, timeStamp, ierr) ! if (ierr == MPAS_IO_ERR) then ! write(0,*) 'Error: restart file '//trim(filename)//' did not contain time '//trim(config_start_time) ! call mpas_dmpar_abort(domain % dminfo) ! end if !write(0,*) 'MGD DEBUGGING time = ', input_obj % time write(0,*) 'Restarting model from time ', trim(timeStamp) end if !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Do the actual work of reading all fields in from the input or restart file ! For each field: ! 1) Each process reads a contiguous range of cell/edge/vertex indices, which ! may not correspond with the cells/edges/vertices that are owned by the ! process ! 2) All processes then send the global indices that were read to the ! processes that own those indices based on ! {send,recv}{Cell,Edge,Vertex}List !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call mpas_read_and_distribute_fields(input_obj) call mpas_io_input_finalize(input_obj, domain % dminfo) call MPAS_io_close(inputHandle, ierr) ! ! Exchange halos for all of the fields that were read from the input file ! call mpas_exch_input_field_halos(domain, input_obj) call mpas_block_creator_reindex_block_fields(domain % blocklist) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToCellIDField % sendList) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToCellIDField % recvList) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToCellIDField % copyList) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToEdgeIDField % sendList) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToEdgeIDField % recvList) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToEdgeIDField % copyList) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToVertexIDField % sendList) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToVertexIDField % recvList) call mpas_dmpar_destroy_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToVertexIDField % copyList) call mpas_deallocate_field(indexToCellIDField) call mpas_deallocate_field(indexToEdgeIDField) call mpas_deallocate_field(indexToVertexIDField) call mpas_deallocate_field(cellsOnCellField) call mpas_deallocate_field(edgesOnCellField) call mpas_deallocate_field(verticesOnCellField) call mpas_deallocate_field(cellsOnEdgeField) call mpas_deallocate_field(cellsOnVertexField) call mpas_deallocate_field(indexToCellID_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(nEdgesOnCell_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(cellsOnCell_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(verticesOnCell_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(edgesOnCell_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(indexToVertexID_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(cellsOnVertex_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(indexToEdgeID_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(cellsOnEdge_Block) call mpas_deallocate_field(nCellsSolveField) call mpas_deallocate_field(nVerticesSolveField) call mpas_deallocate_field(nEdgesSolveField) #ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN call mpas_deallocate_field(xCellField) call mpas_deallocate_field(yCellField) call mpas_deallocate_field(zCellField) call mpas_deallocate_field(xVertexField) call mpas_deallocate_field(yVertexField) call mpas_deallocate_field(zVertexField) call mpas_deallocate_field(xEdgeField) call mpas_deallocate_field(yEdgeField) call mpas_deallocate_field(zEdgeField) call mpas_deallocate_field(xCell) call mpas_deallocate_field(yCell) call mpas_deallocate_field(zCell) call mpas_deallocate_field(xVertex) call mpas_deallocate_field(yVertex) call mpas_deallocate_field(zVertex) call mpas_deallocate_field(xEdge) call mpas_deallocate_field(yEdge) call mpas_deallocate_field(zEdge) #endif deallocate(local_cell_list) deallocate(block_id) deallocate(block_start) deallocate(block_count) deallocate(readingBlock) !#ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN !#ifdef _MPI ! allocate(xCell(size(local_cell_list))) ! allocate(yCell(size(local_cell_list))) ! allocate(zCell(size(local_cell_list))) ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, xCellField % array, xCell, & ! size(xCellField % array), size(local_cell_list), & ! sendCellList, recvCellList) ! ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, yCellField % array, yCell, & ! size(yCellField % array), size(local_cell_list), & ! sendCellList, recvCellList) ! ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, zCellField % array, zCell, & ! size(zCellField % array), size(local_cell_list), & ! sendCellList, recvCellList) !#endif !#endif !#ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN !#ifdef _MPI ! !! For now, only use Zoltan with MPI ! !! Zoltan initialization ! call mpas_zoltan_start() ! ! !! Zoltan hook for cells ! call mpas_zoltan_order_loc_hsfc_cells(block_graph_2Halo%nVertices,block_graph_2Halo%VertexID,3,xCell,yCell,zCell) !#endif !#endif ! ! !#ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN !#ifdef _MPI ! allocate(xEdge(nlocal_edges)) ! allocate(yEdge(nlocal_edges)) ! allocate(zEdge(nlocal_edges)) ! allocate(xVertex(nlocal_vertices)) ! allocate(yVertex(nlocal_vertices)) ! allocate(zVertex(nlocal_vertices)) !#endif !#endif ! !#ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN !#ifdef _MPI ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, xEdgeField % array, xEdge, & ! size(xEdgeField % array), nlocal_edges, & ! sendEdgeList, recvEdgeList) ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, yEdgeField % array, yEdge, & ! size(yEdgeField % array), nlocal_edges, & ! sendEdgeList, recvEdgeList) ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, zEdgeField % array, zEdge, & ! size(zEdgeField % array), nlocal_edges, & ! sendEdgeList, recvEdgeList) ! ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, xVertexField % array, xVertex, & ! size(xVertexField % array), nlocal_vertices, & ! sendVertexList, recvVertexList) ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, yVertexField % array, yVertex, & ! size(yVertexField % array), nlocal_vertices, & ! sendVertexList, recvVertexList) ! call mpas_dmpar_alltoall_field(domain % dminfo, zVertexField % array, zVertex, & ! size(zVertexField % array), nlocal_vertices, & ! sendVertexList, recvVertexList) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !! Reorder edges ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! call mpas_zoltan_order_loc_hsfc_edges(nOwnEdges,local_edge_list,3,xEdge,yEdge,zEdge) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !! Reorder vertices ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! call mpas_zoltan_order_loc_hsfc_verts(nOwnVertices,local_vertex_list,3,xVertex,yVertex,zVertex) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! deallocate(sendEdgeList % list) ! deallocate(sendEdgeList) ! deallocate(recvEdgeList % list) ! deallocate(recvEdgeList) ! ! deallocate(sendVertexList % list) ! deallocate(sendVertexList) ! deallocate(recvVertexList % list) ! deallocate(recvVertexList) ! ! ! ! ! Knowing which edges/vertices are owned by this block and which are actually read ! ! from the input or restart file, we can build exchange lists to perform ! ! all-to-all field exchanges from process that reads a field to the processes that ! ! need them ! ! ! call mpas_dmpar_get_owner_list(domain % dminfo, & ! size(indexToEdgeIDField % array), nlocal_edges, & ! indexToEdgeIDField % array, local_edge_list, & ! sendEdgeList, recvEdgeList) ! ! call mpas_dmpar_get_owner_list(domain % dminfo, & ! size(indexToVertexIDField % array), nlocal_vertices, & ! indexToVertexIDField % array, local_vertex_list, & ! sendVertexList, recvVertexList) ! !#endif !#endif ! ! ! ! ! Deallocate fields, graphs, and other memory ! ! !#ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN !#ifdef _MPI ! deallocate(xCellField % ioinfo) ! deallocate(xCellField % array) ! deallocate(yCellField % ioinfo) ! deallocate(yCellField % array) ! deallocate(zCellField % ioinfo) ! deallocate(zCellField % array) !#endif !#endif !#ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN !#ifdef _MPI ! deallocate(xCell) ! deallocate(yCell) ! deallocate(zCell) !#endif !#endif end subroutine mpas_input_state_for_domain!}}} !CR:TODO: an identical subroutine is found in module_io_output - merge subroutine mpas_insert_string_suffix(stream, suffix, filename)!{{{ implicit none character (len=*), intent(in) :: stream character (len=*), intent(in) :: suffix character (len=*), intent(out) :: filename integer :: length, i filename = trim(stream) // '.' // trim(suffix) length = len_trim(stream) do i=length-1,1,-1 if(stream(i:i) == '.') then filename = trim(stream(:i)) // trim(suffix) // trim(stream(i:)) exit end if end do do i=1,len_trim(filename) if (filename(i:i) == ':') filename(i:i) = '.' end do end subroutine mpas_insert_string_suffix!}}} subroutine mpas_read_and_distribute_fields(input_obj)!{{{ implicit none type (io_input_object), intent(inout) :: input_obj integer :: ierr call MPAS_readStream(input_obj % io_stream, input_obj % time, ierr) end subroutine mpas_read_and_distribute_fields!}}} subroutine mpas_io_input_init(input_obj, blocklist, dminfo)!{{{ implicit none type (io_input_object), intent(inout) :: input_obj type (block_type), intent(in) :: blocklist type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo integer :: nferr call MPAS_createStream(input_obj % io_stream, trim(input_obj % filename), MPAS_IO_PNETCDF, MPAS_IO_READ, 1, nferr) if (nferr /= MPAS_STREAM_NOERR) then write(0,*) ' ' if (input_obj % stream == STREAM_RESTART) then write(0,*) 'Error opening restart file ''', trim(input_obj % filename), '''' else if (input_obj % stream == STREAM_INPUT) then write(0,*) 'Error opening input file ''', trim(input_obj % filename), '''' else if (input_obj % stream == STREAM_SFC) then write(0,*) 'Error opening sfc file ''', trim(input_obj % filename), '''' end if write(0,*) ' ' call mpas_dmpar_abort(dminfo) end if #include "" end subroutine mpas_io_input_init!}}} subroutine mpas_io_input_get_dimension(input_obj, dimname, dimsize)!{{{ implicit none type (io_input_object), intent(in) :: input_obj character (len=*), intent(in) :: dimname integer, intent(out) :: dimsize !include "" end subroutine mpas_io_input_get_dimension!}}} subroutine mpas_io_input_get_att_real(input_obj, attname, attvalue)!{{{ implicit none type (io_input_object), intent(in) :: input_obj character (len=*), intent(in) :: attname real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: attvalue integer :: nferr end subroutine mpas_io_input_get_att_real!}}} subroutine mpas_io_input_get_att_text(input_obj, attname, attvalue)!{{{ implicit none type (io_input_object), intent(in) :: input_obj character (len=*), intent(in) :: attname character (len=*), intent(out) :: attvalue integer :: nferr end subroutine mpas_io_input_get_att_text!}}} subroutine mpas_exch_input_field_halos(domain, input_obj)!{{{ implicit none type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain type (io_input_object), intent(inout) :: input_obj #include "" #include "" end subroutine mpas_exch_input_field_halos!}}} subroutine mpas_io_input_finalize(input_obj, dminfo)!{{{ implicit none type (io_input_object), intent(inout) :: input_obj type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo integer :: nferr call MPAS_closeStream(input_obj % io_stream, nferr) end subroutine mpas_io_input_finalize!}}} subroutine mpas_io_setup_cell_block_fields(inputHandle, nReadCells, readCellStart, readingBlock, maxEdges, indexToCellID, xCell, yCell, zCell, nEdgesOnCell, cellsOnCell, edgesOnCell, verticesOnCell)!{{{ type (MPAS_IO_Handle_type) :: inputHandle integer, intent(in) :: nReadCells integer, intent(in) :: readCellStart integer, intent(in) :: maxEdges type (block_type), pointer :: readingBlock type (field1dInteger), pointer :: indexToCellID type (field1dReal), pointer :: xCell type (field1dReal), pointer :: yCell type (field1dReal), pointer :: zCell type (field1dInteger), pointer :: nEdgesOnCell type (field2dInteger), pointer :: cellsOnCell type (field2dInteger), pointer :: edgesOnCell type (field2dInteger), pointer :: verticesOnCell integer :: i, nHalos integer, dimension(:), pointer :: readIndices nHalos = config_num_halos ! ! Allocate and read fields that we will need in order to ultimately work out ! which cells/edges/vertices are owned by each block, and which are ghost ! ! Global cell indices allocate(indexToCellID) allocate(indexToCellID % ioinfo) indexToCellID % ioinfo % fieldName = 'indexToCellID' indexToCellID % ioinfo % start(1) = readCellStart indexToCellID % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadCells allocate(indexToCellID % array(nReadCells)) allocate(readIndices(nReadCells)) do i=1,nReadCells readIndices(i) = i + readCellStart - 1 end do call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'indexToCellID', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'indexToCellID', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'indexToCellID', indexToCellID % array, ierr) indexToCellID % dimSizes(1) = nReadCells indexToCellID % block => readingBlock call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToCellID % sendList, nHalos) call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToCellID % recvList, nHalos) call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToCellID % copyList, nHalos) nullify(indexToCellID % next) #ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN #ifdef _MPI ! Cell x-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(xCell) allocate(xCell % ioinfo) xCell % ioinfo % fieldName = 'xCell' xCell % ioinfo % start(1) = readCellStart xCell % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadCells allocate(xCell % array(nReadCells)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'xCell', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'xCell', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'xCell', xCell % array, ierr) xCell % dimSizes(1) = nReadCells xCell % block => readingBlock xCell % sendList => indexToCellID % sendList xCell % recvList => indexToCellID % recvList xCell % copyList => indexToCellID % copyList nullify(xCell % next) ! Cell y-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(yCell) allocate(yCell % ioinfo) yCell % ioinfo % fieldName = 'yCell' yCell % ioinfo % start(1) = readCellStart yCell % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadCells allocate(yCell % array(nReadCells)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'yCell', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'yCell', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'yCell', yCell % array, ierr) yCell % sendList => indexToCellID % sendList yCell % recvList => indexToCellID % recvList yCell % copyList => indexToCellID % copyList yCell % dimSizes(1) = nReadCells yCell % block => readingBlock nullify(yCell % next) ! Cell z-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(zCell) allocate(zCell % ioinfo) zCell % ioinfo % fieldName = 'zCell' zCell % ioinfo % start(1) = readCellStart zCell % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadCells allocate(zCell % array(nReadCells)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'zCell', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'zCell', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'zCell', zCell % array, ierr) zCell % dimSizes(1) = nReadCells zCell % block => readingBlock zCell % sendList => indexToCellID % sendList zCell % recvList => indexToCellID % recvList zCell % copyList => indexToCellID % copyList nullify(zCell % next) #endif #endif ! Number of cell/edges/vertices adjacent to each cell allocate(nEdgesOnCell) allocate(nEdgesOnCell % ioinfo) nEdgesOnCell % ioinfo % fieldName = 'nEdgesOnCell' nEdgesOnCell % ioinfo % start(1) = readCellStart nEdgesOnCell % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadCells allocate(nEdgesOnCell % array(nReadCells)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'nEdgesOnCell', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'nEdgesOnCell', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'nEdgesOnCell', nEdgesOnCell % array, ierr) nEdgesOnCell % dimSizes(1) = nReadCells nEdgesOnCell % block => readingBlock nEdgesOnCell % sendList => indexToCellID % sendList nEdgesOnCell % recvList => indexToCellID % recvList nEdgesOnCell % copyList => indexToCellID % copyList nullify(nEdgesOnCell % next) ! Global indices of cells adjacent to each cell allocate(cellsOnCell) allocate(cellsOnCell % ioinfo) cellsOnCell % ioinfo % fieldName = 'cellsOnCell' cellsOnCell % ioinfo % start(1) = 1 cellsOnCell % ioinfo % start(2) = readCellStart cellsOnCell % ioinfo % count(1) = maxEdges cellsOnCell % ioinfo % count(2) = nReadCells allocate(cellsOnCell % array(maxEdges,nReadCells)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'cellsOnCell', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'cellsOnCell', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'cellsOnCell', cellsOnCell % array, ierr) cellsOnCell % dimSizes(1) = maxEdges cellsOnCell % dimSizes(2) = nReadCells cellsOnCell % block => readingBlock cellsOnCell % sendList => indexToCellID % sendList cellsOnCell % recvList => indexToCellID % recvList cellsOnCell % copyList => indexToCellID % copyList nullify(cellsOnCell % next) ! Global indices of edges adjacent to each cell allocate(edgesOnCell) allocate(edgesOnCell % ioinfo) edgesOnCell % ioinfo % fieldName = 'edgesOnCell' edgesOnCell % ioinfo % start(1) = 1 edgesOnCell % ioinfo % start(2) = readCellStart edgesOnCell % ioinfo % count(1) = maxEdges edgesOnCell % ioinfo % count(2) = nReadCells allocate(edgesOnCell % array(maxEdges,nReadCells)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'edgesOnCell', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'edgesOnCell', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'edgesOnCell', edgesOnCell % array, ierr) edgesOnCell % dimSizes(1) = maxEdges edgesOnCell % dimSizes(2) = nReadCells edgesOnCell % block => readingBlock edgesOnCell % sendList => indexToCellID % sendList edgesOnCell % recvList => indexToCellID % recvList edgesOnCell % copyList => indexToCellID % copyList nullify(edgesOnCell % next) ! Global indices of vertices adjacent to each cell allocate(verticesOnCell) allocate(verticesOnCell % ioinfo) verticesOnCell % ioinfo % fieldName = 'verticesOnCell' verticesOnCell % ioinfo % start(1) = 1 verticesOnCell % ioinfo % start(2) = readCellStart verticesOnCell % ioinfo % count(1) = maxEdges verticesOnCell % ioinfo % count(2) = nReadCells allocate(verticesOnCell % array(maxEdges,nReadCells)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'verticesOnCell', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'verticesOnCell', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'verticesOnCell', verticesOnCell % array, ierr) verticesOnCell % dimSizes(1) = maxEdges verticesOnCell % dimSizes(2) = nReadCells verticesOnCell % block => readingBlock verticesOnCell % sendList => indexToCellID % sendList verticesOnCell % recvList => indexToCellID % recvList verticesOnCell % copyList => indexToCellID % copyList nullify(verticesOnCell % next) deallocate(readIndices) end subroutine mpas_io_setup_cell_block_fields!}}} subroutine mpas_io_setup_edge_block_fields(inputHandle, nReadEdges, readEdgeStart, readingBlock, indexToEdgeID, xEdge, yEdge, zEdge, cellsOnEdge)!{{{ type (MPAS_IO_Handle_type) :: inputHandle integer, intent(in) :: nReadEdges integer, intent(in) :: readEdgeStart type (block_type), pointer :: readingBlock type (field1dInteger), pointer :: indexToEdgeID type (field1dReal), pointer :: xEdge type (field1dReal), pointer :: yEdge type (field1dReal), pointer :: zEdge type (field2dInteger), pointer :: cellsOnEdge integer :: i, nHalos integer, dimension(:), pointer :: readIndices nHalos = config_num_halos ! ! Allocate and read fields that we will need in order to ultimately work out ! which cells/edges/vertices are owned by each block, and which are ghost ! allocate(readIndices(nReadEdges)) ! Global edge indices allocate(indexToEdgeID) allocate(indexToEdgeID % ioinfo) indexToEdgeID % ioinfo % fieldName = 'indexToEdgeID' indexToEdgeID % ioinfo % start(1) = readEdgeStart indexToEdgeID % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadEdges allocate(indexToEdgeID % array(nReadEdges)) allocate(indexToEdgeID % array(nReadEdges)) do i=1,nReadEdges readIndices(i) = i + readEdgeStart - 1 end do call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'indexToEdgeID', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'indexToEdgeID', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'indexToEdgeID', indexToEdgeID % array, ierr) indexToEdgeID % dimSizes(1) = nREadEdges indexToEdgeID % block => readingBlock call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToEdgeID % sendList, nHalos+1) call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToEdgeID % recvList, nHalos+1) call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToEdgeID % copyList, nHalos+1) nullify(indexToEdgeID % next) #ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN #ifdef _MPI ! Edge x-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(xEdge) allocate(xEdge % ioinfo) xEdge % ioinfo % fieldName = 'xEdge' xEdge % ioinfo % start(1) = readEdgeStart xEdge % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadEdges allocate(xEdge % array(nReadEdges)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'xEdge', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'xEdge', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'xEdge', xEdge % array, ierr) xEdge % dimSizes(1) = nReadEdges xEdge % block => readingBlock xEdge % sendList => indexToEdgeID % sendList xEdge % recvList => indexToEdgeID % recvList xEdge % copyList => indexToEdgeID % copyList nullify(xEdge % next) ! Edge y-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(yEdge) allocate(yEdge % ioinfo) yEdge % ioinfo % fieldName = 'yEdge' yEdge % ioinfo % start(1) = readEdgeStart yEdge % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadEdges allocate(yEdge % array(nReadEdges)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'yEdge', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'yEdge', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'yEdge', yEdge % array, ierr) yEdge % dimSizes(1) = nReadEdges yEdge % block => readingBlock yEdge % sendList => indexToEdgeID % sendList yEdge % recvList => indexToEdgeID % recvList yEdge % copyList => indexToEdgeID % copyList nullify(yEdge % next) ! Edge z-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(zEdge) allocate(zEdge % ioinfo) zEdge % ioinfo % fieldName = 'zEdge' zEdge % ioinfo % start(1) = readEdgeStart zEdge % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadEdges allocate(zEdge % array(nReadEdges)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'zEdge', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'zEdge', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'zEdge', zEdge % array, ierr) zEdge % dimSizes(1) = nReadEdges zEdge % block => readingBlock zEdge % sendList => indexToEdgeID % sendList zEdge % recvList => indexToEdgeID % recvList zEdge % copyList => indexToEdgeID % copyList nullify(zEdge % next) #endif #endif ! Global indices of cells adjacent to each edge ! used for determining which edges are owned by a block, where ! iEdge is owned iff cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge) is an owned cell allocate(cellsOnEdge) allocate(cellsOnEdge % ioinfo) cellsOnEdge % ioinfo % fieldName = 'cellsOnEdge' cellsOnEdge % ioinfo % start(1) = 1 cellsOnEdge % ioinfo % start(2) = readEdgeStart cellsOnEdge % ioinfo % count(1) = 2 cellsOnEdge % ioinfo % count(2) = nReadEdges allocate(cellsOnEdge % array(2,nReadEdges)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'cellsOnEdge', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'cellsOnEdge', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'cellsOnEdge', cellsOnEdge % array, ierr) cellsOnEdge % dimSizes(1) = 2 cellsOnEdge % dimSizes(2) = nReadEdges cellsOnEdge % block => readingBlock cellsOnEdge % sendList => indexToEdgeID % sendList cellsOnEdge % recvList => indexToEdgeID % recvList cellsOnEdge % copyList => indexToEdgeID % copyList nullify(cellsOnEdge % next) deallocate(readIndices) end subroutine mpas_io_setup_edge_block_fields!}}} subroutine mpas_io_setup_vertex_block_fields(inputHandle, nReadVertices, readVertexStart, readingBlock, vertexDegree, indexToVertexID, xVertex, yVertex, zVertex, cellsOnVertex)!{{{ type (MPAS_IO_Handle_type) :: inputHandle integer, intent(in) :: nReadVertices integer, intent(in) :: readVertexStart integer, intent(in) :: vertexDegree type (block_type), pointer :: readingBlock type (field1dInteger), pointer :: indexToVertexID type (field1dReal), pointer :: xVertex type (field1dReal), pointer :: yVertex type (field1dReal), pointer :: zVertex type (field2dInteger), pointer :: cellsOnVertex integer :: i, nHalos integer, dimension(:), pointer :: readIndices nHalos = config_num_halos ! Global vertex indices allocate(indexToVertexID) allocate(indexToVertexID % ioinfo) indexToVertexID % ioinfo % fieldName = 'indexToVertexID' indexToVertexID % ioinfo % start(1) = readVertexStart indexToVertexID % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadVertices allocate(indexToVertexID % array(nReadVertices)) allocate(readIndices(nReadVertices)) do i=1,nReadVertices readIndices(i) = i + readVertexStart - 1 end do call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'indexToVertexID', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'indexToVertexID', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'indexToVertexID', indexToVertexID % array, ierr) indexToVertexID % dimSizes(1) = nReadVertices indexToVertexID % block => readingBlock call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToVertexID % sendList, nHalos+1) call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToVertexID % recvList, nHalos+1) call mpas_dmpar_init_mulithalo_exchange_list(indexToVertexID % copyList, nHalos+1) nullify(indexToVertexID % next) #ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN #ifdef _MPI ! Vertex x-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(xVertex) allocate(xVertex % ioinfo) xVertex % ioinfo % fieldName = 'xVertex' xVertex % ioinfo % start(1) = readVertexStart xVertex % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadVertices allocate(xVertex % array(nReadVertices)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'xVertex', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'xVertex', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'xVertex', xVertex % array, ierr) xVertex % dimSizes(1) = nReadVertices xVertex % block => readingBlock xVertex % sendList => indexToVertexID % sendList xVertex % recvList => indexToVertexID % recvList xVertex % copyList => indexToVertexID % copyList nullify(xVertex % next) ! Vertex y-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(yVertex) allocate(yVertex % ioinfo) yVertex % ioinfo % fieldName = 'yVertex' yVertex % ioinfo % start(1) = readVertexStart yVertex % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadVertices allocate(yVertex % array(nReadVertices)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'yVertex', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'yVertex', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'yVertex', yVertex % array, ierr) yVertex % dimSizes(1) = nReadVertices yVertex % block => readingBlock yVertex % sendList => indexToVertexID % sendList yVertex % recvList => indexToVertexID % recvList yVertex % copyList => indexToVertexID % copyList nullify(yVertex % next) ! Vertex z-coordinates (in 3d Cartesian space) allocate(zVertex) allocate(zVertex % ioinfo) zVertex % ioinfo % fieldName = 'zVertex' zVertex % ioinfo % start(1) = readVertexStart zVertex % ioinfo % count(1) = nReadVertices allocate(zVertex % array(nReadVertices)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'zVertex', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'zVertex', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'zVertex', zVertex % array, ierr) zVertex % dimSizes(1) = nReadVertices zVertex % block => readingBlock zVertex % sendList => indexToVertexID % sendList zVertex % recvList => indexToVertexID % recvList zVertex % copyList => indexToVertexID % copyList nullify(zVertex % next) #endif #endif ! Global indices of cells adjacent to each vertex ! used for determining which vertices are owned by a block, where ! iVtx is owned iff cellsOnVertex(1,iVtx) is an owned cell allocate(cellsOnVertex) allocate(cellsOnVertex % ioinfo) cellsOnVertex % ioinfo % fieldName = 'cellsOnVertex' cellsOnVertex % ioinfo % start(1) = 1 cellsOnVertex % ioinfo % start(2) = readVertexStart cellsOnVertex % ioinfo % count(1) = vertexDegree cellsOnVertex % ioinfo % count(2) = nReadVertices allocate(cellsOnVertex % array(vertexDegree,nReadVertices)) call MPAS_io_inq_var(inputHandle, 'cellsOnVertex', ierr=ierr) call MPAS_io_set_var_indices(inputHandle, 'cellsOnVertex', readIndices, ierr=ierr) call mpas_io_get_var(inputHandle, 'cellsOnVertex', cellsOnVertex % array, ierr) cellsOnVertex % dimSizes(1) = vertexDegree cellsOnVertex % dimSizes(2) = nReadVertices cellsOnVertex % block => readingBlock cellsOnVertex % sendList => indexToVertexID % sendList cellsOnVertex % recvList => indexToVertexID % recvList cellsOnVertex % copyList => indexToVertexID % copyList nullify(cellsOnVertex % next) deallocate(readIndices) end subroutine mpas_io_setup_vertex_block_fields!}}} end module mpas_io_input