<p><b>laura@ucar.edu</b> 2012-10-22 15:28:01 -0600 (Mon, 22 Oct 2012)</p><p>mpas_atm_interp_diagnostics interpolates dynamics fields (temperature, height, zonal wind, meridional wind, vertical velocity, and relative vorticity to fixed (200hPa, 500hPa, and 850hPa) pressure levels.<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Added: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_interp_diagnostics.F
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_interp_diagnostics.F         (rev 0)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_interp_diagnostics.F        2012-10-22 21:28:01 UTC (rev 2249)
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ module mpas_atm_interp_diagnostics
+ use mpas_kind_types
+ use mpas_grid_types
+ use mpas_constants
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public:: interp_diagnostics
+ contains
+ subroutine interp_diagnostics(mesh,state,diag)
+!input arguments:
+ type(mesh_type),intent(in) :: mesh
+ type(state_type),intent(in):: state
+!inout arguments:
+ type(diag_type),intent(inout):: diag
+!local variables:
+ integer:: i1,i2
+ integer:: iCell,iVert,iVertD,k,kk
+ integer:: nCells,nVertLevels,nVertLevelsP1,nVertices,VertexDegree
+ integer,dimension(:,:),pointer:: cellsOnVertex
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:),pointer:: areaTriangle
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: kiteAreasOnVertex
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: exner,height
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: pressure_b,pressure_p
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: qvapor,theta_m,vorticity
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: umeridional,uzonal,vvel
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: pressure,pressure2,pressure_v,temperature
+!local interpolated fields:
+ integer:: nIntP
+ real(kind=RKIND):: w1,w2,z0,z1,z2
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: field_in,press_in
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: field_interp,press_interp
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,*) '--- enter subroutine interp_diagnostics:'
+ nCells = mesh % nCellsSolve
+ nVertLevels = mesh % nVertLevels
+!nVertLevelsP1 = mesh % nVertLevelsP1
+ nVertices = mesh % nVertices
+ VertexDegree = mesh % vertexDegree
+ nVertLevelsP1 = nVertLevels + 1
+ cellsOnVertex => mesh % cellsOnVertex % array
+ areaTriangle => mesh % areaTriangle % array
+ kiteAreasOnVertex => mesh % kiteAreasOnVertex % array
+ height => mesh % zgrid % array
+ vvel => state % w % array
+ theta_m => state % theta_m % array
+ qvapor => state % scalars % array(state%index_qv,:,:)
+ exner => diag % exner % array
+ pressure_b => diag % pressure_base % array
+ pressure_p => diag % pressure_p % array
+ vorticity => diag % vorticity % array
+ umeridional => diag % uReconstructMeridional % array
+ uzonal => diag % uReconstructZonal % array
+ if(.not.allocated(pressure) ) allocate(pressure(nVertLevels,nCells) )
+ if(.not.allocated(pressure2) ) allocate(pressure2(nVertLevelsP1,nCells) )
+ if(.not.allocated(pressure_v) ) allocate(pressure_v(nVertLevels,nVertices))
+ if(.not.allocated(temperature)) allocate(temperature(nVertLevels,nCells) )
+!calculation of total pressure at cell centers (at mass points):
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ pressure(k,iCell) = (pressure_p(k,iCell) + pressure_b(k,iCell)) / 100._RKIND
+ enddo
+ enddo
+!calculation of total pressure at cell centers (at vertical velocity points):
+ k = nVertLevelsP1
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ z0 = height(k,iCell)
+ z1 = 0.5*(height(k,iCell)+height(k-1,iCell))
+ z2 = 0.5*(height(k-1,iCell)+height(k-2,iCell))
+ w1 = (z0-z2)/(z1-z2)
+ w2 = 1.-w1
+ !use log of pressure to avoid occurrences of negative top-of-the-model pressure.
+ pressure2(k,iCell) = exp(w1*log(pressure(k-1,iCell))+w2*log(pressure(k-2,iCell)))
+ enddo
+ do k = 2, nVertLevels
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ w1 = (height(k,iCell)-height(k-1,iCell)) / (height(k+1,iCell)-height(k-1,iCell))
+ w2 = (height(k+1,iCell)-height(k,iCell)) / (height(k+1,iCell)-height(k-1,iCell))
+ pressure2(k,iCell) = w1*pressure(k,iCell) + w2*pressure(k-1,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ k = 1
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ z0 = height(k,iCell)
+ z1 = 0.5*(height(k,iCell)+height(k+1,iCell))
+ z2 = 0.5*(height(k+1,iCell)+height(k+2,iCell))
+ w1 = (z0-z2)/(z1-z2)
+ w2 = 1.-w1
+ pressure2(k,iCell) = w1*pressure(k,iCell)+w2*pressure(k+1,iCell)
+ enddo
+!calculation of total pressure at cell vertices (at mass points):
+ do iVert = 1, nVertices
+ pressure_v(:,iVert) = 0._RKIND
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ do iVertD = 1, vertexDegree
+ pressure_v(k,iVert) = pressure_v(k,iVert) \
+ + kiteAreasOnVertex(iVertD,iVert)*pressure(k,cellsOnVertex(iVertD,iVert))
+ enddo
+ pressure_v(k,iVert) = pressure_v(k,iVert) / areaTriangle(iVert)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+!calculation of temperature at cell centers:
+ do iCell = 1,nCells
+ do k = 1,nVertLevels
+ temperature(k,iCell) = (theta_m(k,iCell)/(1._RKIND+rvord*qvapor(k,iCell)))*exner(k,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+!interpolation to fixed pressure levels for fields located at cells centers and at mass points:
+ nIntP = 3
+ if(.not.allocated(field_interp)) allocate(field_interp(nCells,nIntP) )
+ if(.not.allocated(press_interp)) allocate(press_interp(nCells,nIntP) )
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ press_interp(iCell,1) = 200.0_RKIND
+ press_interp(iCell,2) = 500.0_RKIND
+ press_interp(iCell,3) = 850.0_RKIND
+ enddo
+ if(.not.allocated(press_in)) allocate(press_in(nCells,nVertLevels))
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ kk = nVertLevels+1-k
+ press_in(iCell,kk) = pressure(k,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(.not.allocated(field_in)) allocate(field_in(nCells,nVertLevels))
+!... temperature:
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ kk = nVertLevels+1-k
+ field_in(iCell,kk) = temperature(k,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call interp_tofixed_pressure(nCells,nVertLevels,nIntP,press_in,field_in,press_interp,field_interp)
+ diag % temperature_200hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,1)
+ diag % temperature_500hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,2)
+ diag % temperature_850hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,3)
+ write(0,*) '--- end interpolate temperature:'
+!... u zonal wind:
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ kk = nVertLevels+1-k
+ field_in(iCell,kk) = uzonal(k,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call interp_tofixed_pressure(nCells,nVertLevels,nIntP,press_in,field_in,press_interp,field_interp)
+ diag % uzonal_200hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,1)
+ diag % uzonal_500hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,2)
+ diag % uzonal_850hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,3)
+ write(0,*) '--- end interpolate zonal wind:'
+!... u meridional wind:
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ kk = nVertLevels+1-k
+ field_in(iCell,kk) = uzonal(k,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call interp_tofixed_pressure(nCells,nVertLevels,nIntP,press_in,field_in,press_interp,field_interp)
+ diag % umeridional_200hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,1)
+ diag % umeridional_500hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,2)
+ diag % umeridional_850hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,3)
+ write(0,*) '--- end interpolate meridional wind:'
+ if(allocated(field_in)) deallocate(field_in)
+ if(allocated(press_in)) deallocate(press_in)
+!interpolation to fixed pressure levels for fields located at cells centers and at vertical
+!velocity points:
+ if(.not.allocated(press_in)) allocate(press_in(nCells,nVertLevelsP1))
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevelsP1
+ kk = nVertLevelsP1+1-k
+ press_in(iCell,kk) = pressure2(k,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(.not.allocated(field_in)) allocate(field_in(nCells,nVertLevelsP1))
+ !... height:
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevelsP1
+ kk = nVertLevelsP1+1-k
+ field_in(iCell,kk) = height(k,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call interp_tofixed_pressure(nCells,nVertLevelsP1,nIntP,press_in,field_in,press_interp,field_interp)
+ diag % height_200hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,1)
+ diag % height_500hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,2)
+ diag % height_850hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,3)
+ write(0,*) '--- end interpolate height:'
+!... vertical velocity
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do k = 1, nVertLevelsP1
+ kk = nVertLevelsP1+1-k
+ field_in(iCell,kk) = vvel(k,iCell)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call interp_tofixed_pressure(nCells,nVertLevelsP1,nIntP,press_in,field_in,press_interp,field_interp)
+ diag % w_200hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,1)
+ diag % w_500hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,2)
+ diag % w_850hPa % array(1:nCells) = field_interp(1:nCells,3)
+ write(0,*) '--- end interpolate vertical velocity:'
+ if(allocated(field_interp)) deallocate(field_interp)
+ if(allocated(press_interp)) deallocate(press_interp)
+!interpolation to fixed pressure levels for fields located at cell vertices and at mass points:
+ nIntP = 3
+ if(.not.allocated(field_interp)) allocate(field_interp(nVertices,nIntP) )
+ if(.not.allocated(press_interp)) allocate(press_interp(nVertices,nIntP) )
+ do iVert = 1, nVertices
+ press_interp(iVert,1) = 200.0_RKIND
+ press_interp(iVert,2) = 500.0_RKIND
+ press_interp(iVert,3) = 850.0_RKIND
+ enddo
+ if(allocated(field_in)) deallocate(field_in)
+ if(allocated(press_in)) deallocate(press_in)
+ if(.not.allocated(press_in)) allocate(press_in(nVertices,nVertLevels))
+ do iVert = 1, nVertices
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ kk = nVertLevels+1-k
+ press_in(iVert,kk) = pressure_v(k,iVert)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ if(.not.allocated(field_in)) allocate(field_in(nVertices,nVertLevels))
+!... relative vorticity:
+ do iVert = 1, nVertices
+ do k = 1, nVertLevels
+ kk = nVertLevels+1-k
+ field_in(iVert,kk) = vorticity(k,iVert)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ call interp_tofixed_pressure(nVertices,nVertLevels,nIntP,press_in,field_in,press_interp,field_interp)
+ diag % vorticity_200hPa % array(1:nVertices) = field_interp(1:nVertices,1)
+ diag % vorticity_500hPa % array(1:nVertices) = field_interp(1:nVertices,2)
+ diag % vorticity_850hPa % array(1:nVertices) = field_interp(1:nVertices,3)
+ write(0,*) '--- end interpolate relative vorticity:'
+ if(allocated(field_interp)) deallocate(field_interp)
+ if(allocated(press_interp)) deallocate(press_interp)
+ if(allocated(pressure) ) deallocate(pressure )
+ if(allocated(pressure2) ) deallocate(pressure2 )
+ if(allocated(pressure_v) ) deallocate(pressure_v )
+ if(allocated(temperature) ) deallocate(temperature )
+ 201 format(i5,4(1x,e15.8))
+ end subroutine interp_diagnostics
+ subroutine interp_tofixed_pressure(ncol,nlev_in,nlev_out,pres_in,field_in,pres_out,field_out)
+!input arguments:
+ integer,intent(in):: ncol,nlev_in,nlev_out
+ real(kind=RKIND),intent(in),dimension(ncol,nlev_in) :: pres_in,field_in
+ real(kind=RKIND),intent(in),dimension(ncol,nlev_out):: pres_out
+!output arguments:
+ real(kind=RKIND),intent(out),dimension(ncol,nlev_out):: field_out
+!local variables:
+ integer:: i1,i2,icol,k,kk
+ integer:: kkstart,kount
+ integer,dimension(ncol):: kupper
+ real(kind=RKIND):: dpl,dpu
+ 201 format(i5,8(1x,e15.8))
+!write(0,*) '--- enter subroutine interp_tofixed_pressure:'
+!write(0,*) '... ncol = ',ncol
+!write(0,*) '... nlev_in = ',nlev_in
+!write(0,*) '... nlev_out = ',nlev_out
+!i1=1 ; i2=ncol
+!do k = 1, nlev_in
+! write(0,201) k,pres_in(i1,k),field_in(i1,k),pres_in(i2,k),field_in(i2,k)
+ do icol = 1, ncol
+ kupper(icol) = 1
+ enddo
+ do k = 1, nlev_out
+ kkstart = nlev_in
+ do icol = 1, ncol
+ kkstart = min0(kkstart,kupper(icol))
+ enddo
+ kount = 0
+ do kk = kkstart, nlev_in-1
+ do icol = 1, ncol
+ if(pres_out(icol,k).gt.pres_in(icol,kk).and.pres_out(icol,k).le.pres_in(icol,kk+1)) then
+ kupper(icol) = kk
+ kount = kount + 1
+! write(0,201) kupper(icol),pres_out(icol,k),pres_in(icol,kk),pres_in(icol,kk+1)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ if(kount.eq.ncol) then
+ do icol = 1, ncol
+ dpu = pres_out(icol,k) - pres_in(icol,kupper(icol))
+ dpl = pres_in(icol,kupper(icol)+1) - pres_out(icol,k)
+ field_out(icol,k) = (field_in(icol,kupper(icol))*dpl &
+ + field_in(icol,kupper(icol)+1)*dpu)/(dpl + dpu)
+ end do
+ goto 35
+ end if
+ enddo
+ do icol = 1, ncol
+ if(pres_out(icol,k) .lt. pres_in(icol,1)) then
+ field_out(icol,k) = field_in(icol,1)*pres_out(icol,k)/pres_in(icol,1)
+ elseif(pres_out(icol,k) .gt. pres_in(icol,nlev_in)) then
+ field_out(icol,k) = field_in(icol,nlev_in)
+ else
+ dpu = pres_out(icol,k) - pres_in(icol,kupper(icol))
+ dpl = pres_in(icol,kupper(icol)+1) - pres_out(icol,k)
+ field_out(icol,k) = (field_in(icol,kupper(icol))*dpl &
+ + field_in(icol,kupper(icol)+1)*dpu)/(dpl + dpu)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 35 continue
+! write(0,201) kupper(i1),pres_out(i1,k),pres_in(i1,kupper(i1)),pres_in(i1,kupper(i1)+1), &
+! field_out(i1,k),field_in(i1,kupper(i1)),field_in(i1,kupper(i1)+1)
+! write(0,201) kupper(i2),pres_out(i2,k),pres_in(i2,kupper(i2)),pres_in(i2,kupper(i2)+1), &
+! field_out(i2,k),field_in(i2,kupper(i2)),field_in(i2,kupper(i2)+1)
+ enddo
+ end subroutine interp_tofixed_pressure
+ end module mpas_atm_interp_diagnostics